[1] A good grammar book was sold yesterday in the supermarket near my home. I went shopping there,together with my girlfriend, and bought this book,......
这其实是把3楼示例中and bought the book的"the"换成了"this",这是完全容许的。
而且,如果打算把book作话题、且要详述其特征或进行评价,一种常用的简易展开策略是"it连用"。也就是说,it跟随this book之后,容许跨度较大,比如下句中用it。此后,可以连续地it或its,适用跨度很大都不会有歧义。可以设想,这种it/its出现5~8次(经常如此),总比the book/the book出现5~8次更好吧。it/its多次出现不会令人烦,而the book多次出现的话,是不是很唠叨?
从下面的实战例子中可找到This xxx---it---its---it
[2] The approach for paralleling Johnson's algorithm falls into the category of speculative decomposition discussed previously. Essentially, this algorithm assumes that the l-values of the p top vertices in the priority queue will not change as a result of processing some of these vertices. However, if at some later points it detects that its assumptions were wrong, it goes back and essentially recomputes the shortest paths of the affected vortices. |