A类小作文:表格,预测命中,男女比例,the number of males in every 100 females (ratios) in six continents in 1950 and 2005 A类大作文:教育类 Some people believe that only students with best academic should be reward, some other people think it is more important to reward students with improvement. Discuss& Give your opinion 一些人认为只有成绩高的同学应该获得奖励,而另一些人认为进步大的同学才应该获得奖励,你的看法是? G类小作文:求职信,你家附近开了一个新国际酒店,申请一份工作。 G类大作文:more people are getting less fit and less active as than people in the past, and this may danger people’s health in long term. What are the reason? What can can done about it?
听力阅读部分: S1
1-10) Note Filling 1. There are large number of birds 2. special accommodation tent 3. final destination: mountains 4. also have a view on the way to cave 5. have lunch by waterfall 6. activity in the evening: have a swim
7. you can ride a horse, but you should not have back problems 8. there is a path, you should wear walking boots 9. you can have a discount if book online 10. have a good relationship with insurance company S2 主题提示:介绍了健身中心的地图以及一些membership的类型优惠和礼品11-16) Matching (顺序不确定)
11. 去了一个shop 12. 然后是一个playground 13. spa 14. gym 15. weights room 16. massage room 17-20) Multiple choices 17-18. introductory price的项目(membership类型) A off-peak B gym room C family(12个月只要9个月的价钱) 19-20. 报名的free gift有那些? D towel(虚拟与其,we could have sent you a towel, 但是我们很有诚意,这样便宜的我们就不送了) E free massage F heart monitor G water bottle 到会的人都会送 S3 主题提示:一男一女对话,讨论关于Hi-keti,怪石雕刻的研究。 21-25) Multiple choices 21. both students agreed with that为什么那个雕塑奇形怪状的 Greenstone is too hard to be carved (regularly) 22. why few greenstone was found in archaeological sites A. it has few introduction B. it was stolen by tomb raider C. the owner take care of them people own it like a precious stone 23. New Zealanders used this stone to A. a most important art style B. communicating with their ancestors C. Maori think it an object cannot be owned by any person 24. what are the distinctions between two types of moain hei-m (那个雕塑) A. head size ratio to other parts B. *** head type C. the right leg 女的说有各种各样的,男的说是的,但是可以分成两大类,不是根据头,而是根据脚,在每种样式里面头的样子可能不同 25. New Maori stone can be recognized because A. greenstones’ style B. regular hole and the chord C. stylish ***** 26-30) Matching A. B. polish stone eyes C. end D. smooth E. form the shape F. clean the greenstone G. bond it together 26. sand----E.form(打磨) the shape of cord clean 27. stitch and string---A used for cave details 28. bark---- C 29. wasX----B make eyes shining; use was to let it bright 30. stone----G use this tool to connect its head and body
S4 主题提示:介绍食品安全准则 31-40)填空题: 31. 食物中某些ingredients 容易变质 32. Temperature储存食物的一个重要条件 33. Organic 食物更要注意,保质期会更短 34. Image 留意食物包装上的图片 35. Information 以及食物package 上的保质信息 prime motivation 企业的首选目的: 36. For sale 37. 待回忆 38. Entertainment 设施里有餐饮店 39. Cooking 烹饪时注意食品安全 40. Parents 家长要为孩子留意食物是否新鲜。 A类阅读: Passage1俄罗斯芭蕾舞 Passage 2事件记忆 Passage 3如何推销环保型产品 G类阅读: Section1,以前都是几个小短篇,这次第一篇就是一个大长篇有点懵。 读下去才发现长篇里包含几个短篇部分,全是同义词替换。题型,T/F/NG, 简答题,填空题 Section 2,公司保险 出差报销 基本都是填空题 Section3 像平时一样的长篇。超市研究消费者购买习惯。 题型:summary填空题。单句填空题,属于细节题。搭配题,人名和理论搭配。 2015年4月18日雅思口语回忆:
回忆一:P1 work journey P2 a long journey I would like travel again P3 differences between people travel before and now ; Do my family live in the town the whole time?why? will I recommend friends travle to my hometown. Why? Culture differences 回忆二:p1 work or study major color relax p2 a singer 居然又是人 背了那么多跟去年十二月考一样! p3 你喜欢唱歌吗唱歌唱的好有啥好处 唱歌可以通过练习就唱的很好吗 音乐公司想赚大钱还是更想制造好的音乐 音乐公司近几年的变化是什么 回忆三:part1学习及课程。part2对讨厌的人友善。part3non-verbal交流 回忆四:part1.home,,holiday.part2,book,part3孩子喜欢什么书,家长如何督促孩子读书,有什么困难,成人读书有什么用 回忆五:art1:最喜欢什么鞋子,多久买一次之类的;擅长什么东西,为什么擅长;part2:问我最喜欢的歌手是什么。part3:对音乐的理解 回忆六:趴万apartment or house make friends teacher 趴兔历史遗迹 回忆七:爬一,accomodation room ,描述自己住的房子,最喜欢哪个房间系列 爬二,a traffic jam 爬三,高架桥,高速公路有什么好处?政府应该怎么解决交通堵塞?地下交通的好处?有了地下交通为什么交通还是不顺畅?有关私家车等 回忆八:p1,program,collection,work,,,,p2 a famous person 回忆九:p1 hometown 喜欢大商场还是小商场,p2 waste of time p3 觉得很多人管理时间比不管时间的有效率吗?觉得什么都不做好吗?觉得老用手机好吗 |