Scouts who had located food in a maze returned to mobilise their foraging teams.They engaged in contact sessions, at the end of which the scout was removed in order to observe what her team might do.; H' n3 k! g0 |- d
这句话我有点不太理解,前面的scouts指的是一群蚂蚁,而到后面the scout却变成了一只蚂蚁,后面与the scout相对应的her (单数)team也与前文中的一群蚂蚁不匹配
9 b ]. O. i7 H$ d如果理解成拿出一只的话,与本段实验所讲的事实是矛盾的(测试蚂蚁本身的智力,如果只拿走一只,余下的知道迷宫中食物位置的蚂蚁也会带着其他蚂蚁找到食物)2 ]# Z9 H& }+ j* Z0 k2 t3 X
求解这句话到底该如何理解,好纠结6 Y6 Y) j0 }4 B/ U/ X
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