呼和浩特内蒙古师范大学RM7,笑眯眯的一个中年男子,还不错的人。part1 student , furture job, appointment, reason to be late;part2 family news:what family news make you happy,who you get this news from, why it made you happy;part3 communite\n\n 来自 造钱想改叫云一 的新浪微博
贵州大学 RM10 P1:self-introduction,major,public transport P2: discribe the happinest person you know. P3: what thing can make people happy\n\n 来自 文子最近努力閉關中 的新浪微博
贵州大学 RM10 P1:self-introduction,major,public transport P2: discribe the happinest person you know. P3: what thing can make people happy\n\n 来自 文子最近努力閉關中 的新浪微博