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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-4-8 07:39:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

( r( r# c6 `# ~5 ?1.我们彼此不太了解。$ Y6 m% x0 r: p9 `8 u+ ?4 l

1 r) w1 x: P8 Y2.我们强烈反对种族歧视。
2 K$ B% ]0 l4 ]; p/ s' ~! \& `# }# |( ?( R; F+ L9 o' V
. U1 e  s. b2 g0 X( ~
( O" f# ~: O. U* C8 H4.用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。5 [! @- @0 A; @$ M6 Y  W
! ]' A, `) x) [) ^- L# v
3 j' n  Q% S4 a# }% v
% J$ E& {& G5 T6. A dad is someone you look up to no matter how tall you are. (英译汉)
9 q9 Z; V7 s1 O# z$ c& Y5 l/ c3 X

" \4 [% y! {7 D( \: q4 C每日翻译,敬请关注,重在参与!一天积累几个句子,长期下来可是一笔巨大的财富!不知不觉中,你的英语水平也会跟着提升哦~~
# w! a9 a/ p" {' Q4 O/ h" T, P4 m# i0 [
4 U7 k- O8 Z2 M4 K1 ~1 S: p+ A( {+ d6 F6 t* Y/ ]) F
3 A' ~- T* x' ~% g2 J, @+ l5 W7 u, `' _  j) r% H
) @3 {" N9 `8 ~/ w/ R, f7 |
+ _0 D8 L- c8 z( P; ic、10页以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励!

4 u+ W0 {+ G; R  @* M0 i/ r. p! B* `
9 j$ m' n! A! Z) B; l1 k% E' Y% E2 o. i; k! t

6 X2 Z. B' N1 U3 @! Y2 B! M $ S5 i) c; C5 E
. x/ y  L3 P+ y" v" c' J. m0 y. W; P: k6 a) n4 q0 \- A
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~) Y3 [$ m8 _5 K7 p

7 F  C5 N  k5 q参考答案回复可见

4 C' z% A+ z6 j( f5 @9 h5 X# ~' P# U, T9 T1 f, N8 U

+ u1 Q; T) q, Q& Z2 _9 y
3 @9 r) _: g( p& C' g

/ E+ U& a, f" q4 p9 _) h( {7 N* d1 E. Y" j$ \3 Q% j8 n# _

: d% s& _+ ~" H2 q, [! Y 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博


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錒明 发表于 2011-4-8 07:41:50 | 只看该作者
1. We don't know each other too much.
) ]- Q  g( [8 n+ v% o* x& C) J" n% L! X  S) m
2. We strongly against racial discrimination.0 O6 J* Q( _/ F/ z; s2 R

' b; N2 a, e$ d0 U# R  t3. I am not sure to tell you when I will come.
6 Y3 y* M2 S9 |3 y+ ]
6 E! k0 l, z9 T% i8 M+ G4. With soap is a effective way to prevent the spread of disease.& W, }- Y8 w" D
- \1 Q+ [# m" U, u- [6 e3 b  |
5. Should we write something to the media to draw the public attention?
2 t9 }! g+ V1 w- O+ D# l0 F" O( s9 e+ \% Y


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
admin + 27


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walkeasily 发表于 2011-4-8 08:56:37 | 只看该作者
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宝贝儿乖218 发表于 2011-4-8 09:08:32 | 只看该作者
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bluesnowman 发表于 2011-4-8 09:27:42 | 只看该作者
2 C; P. x. @. T- V( p8 E/ l5 S2 QWe don't know each other well.
$ f' T9 i" Z- Y( v/ A% M' m
% E' H; y6 O" i2.我们强烈反对种族歧视。! Y  m: }9 p' C
We strongly disagree with the race discrimination.: r0 C. P: P! ^9 e# K2 L

- L7 g6 \( G  _& r# S3 W3.我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。
2 T! ]- L, B9 N. J+ D0 O" e5 TI am not sure when I will be back.
+ i" V/ Z9 \* f3 m( Z/ [/ X4 I$ n  L/ B6 [
: x% d7 j' A6 O. ^  V/ T0 j) HIt is a good way to prevent diease transimition within the soup washing hands., S0 i2 f+ _. w' d! E
2 `: N3 \, m. {9 ^2 x9 l# L
5 t$ i$ k; ?; }8 hShall we write to the midia to set off the public attention?6 W7 I0 M2 G7 o, J* \; Y+ ?
" v, G$ q  _- h% z% d- w; {6 _
6. A dad is someone you look up to no matter how tall you are. (英译汉); a  \6 Z. s0 x, ?$ U


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
admin + 27


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蹦豆 发表于 2011-4-8 09:33:00 | 只看该作者
1.我们彼此不太了解。& a  k1 z* H* t  J
We don't konw each other very well.! I( I- c6 J/ i/ T9 j1 M/ ?
7 }& }! q3 Y5 H! T4 V2 A2 t2 lWe are against to national discrimination stongly.! Q) ]7 g. G& Q( `  v5 d2 _' k
  b0 y9 ^7 i- n, F: L0 f+ d+ O! `& UI cannot assure when i can come.
, b; O9 D0 ^4 M& L4.用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式。
4 d, F0 M# o' P' f/ jWashing yours hands with soap is an effective way to avoid disease spreading.& J# ^4 T7 U3 e# }0 T/ m( c7 G0 P
; q" S- [6 k% [% u& TShall we write something to the media to attract public attention?! u% U% V" P) ]3 m$ b
6. A dad is someone you look up to no matter how tall you are. (英译汉)) r$ e& r3 C) |9 f+ f$ g2 ]  m


参与人数 1金币 +28 收起 理由
admin + 28


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烤鸭蛋 发表于 2011-4-8 09:36:26 | 只看该作者
We didn’t know each other too much.
4 G- v; M% p; B; @4 E! B2 KWe are strongly against racial discrimination.3 o4 F5 L" L+ S: P& X
I’m not sure to tell u when I come here.
; ]" X) O6 }! L( ~3 ~$ @Washing hands with soap is an effective way to prevent disease spread.
0 c1 Z( V8 v+ k% UShould we write something to the media to arouse public attention?* N: n8 H2 c  W+ x% x- U
子不嫌父矮。= =
0 M, f$ Q' Q. M: l8 d! a


参与人数 1金币 +28 收起 理由
admin + 28


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打烊yami 发表于 2011-4-8 09:39:31 | 只看该作者
啊啊~~ :loveliness:
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zhaoyu0603 发表于 2011-4-8 09:40:24 | 只看该作者
1.We don't know each other very well.8 S2 w) C: v2 r* i
2.We strongly against racial discrimination." H7 f: V+ N' V
3.I couldn't tell you the time I would come./ c" m: B2 H: [" P2 L( \
4.The way washing hand in soap can prevent the disease spreading effective.
. N" a8 F) H, l5.Should we write something to media in order to draw public attention?2 R5 G6 b" Y2 j9 ~' i


参与人数 1金币 +29 收起 理由
admin + 29


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cherry 发表于 2011-4-8 09:58:22 | 只看该作者
1.we don't each other too much.
9 F3 I) [- p8 I7 p, n( v" K2.we oppose racial discrimination.0 [8 Q, m2 T# \0 z
3.i can not surely tell you when i will come.
+ v5 D/ ^  |( X* O( B+ C* S* q8 v4,using soap to wash hands is a good way to protect yourself from diease.# @! f" H5 q( S; s( K
5.should we write something to the media to attract the public's attention?
/ j5 P- Q& l8 F+ y1 G6.父亲是一个无论你自己有多高都会去仰望的人。


参与人数 1金币 +28 收起 理由
admin + 28


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