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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-4-26 05:42:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-4-25 21:43 编辑
( b& f0 m, i' D4 z7 n. g% i" |4 V! w+ e% y( m

7 i5 t. v% ]: l6 j+ J) s" |, n1. 我们的还价是有道理的.
- q3 A8 V- |! N: M9 x  Z& n( e1 E4 M! Y, ?/ Q
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您.6 y8 Z1 [! s* F/ e: w* D
& P% w/ x- ~6 ^6 \8 b! X7 f% j$ P
3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.
$ E3 x  o6 G1 S5 @  c4 `! \- V/ }6 n- _* |# W/ T8 Q2 b
4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
0 G, }# V' _8 s: O) r9 y6 R
/ t/ v+ D$ X) W# |5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
. L7 S- l1 U7 u6 C- n& R: y2 M6 _% ?) Z- V
3 s  j4 N) |- `& [, |. w
% s/ o3 b' w7 ?3 O0 u  J" Y# B" G: u3 q
Make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
  M' i; X% u9 b6 w% C+ @" N' R# _4 v2 ^7 q7 q7 K' |
8 y  z* u* P) W3 i& S! X' j6 z2 l
3 P, L, x8 ]7 U6 na、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<30个金币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同

+ Q7 j. u& h( z0 ]
5 n; B+ G. t! J  g! N, W6 Yb、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!
' j5 \  u! N$ K- h8 l2 Q# `' B- C1 B/ }7 W+ w

9 v2 ?; N. l% J5 s# |9 I7 ?9 [ 2 b+ F& w# o  \) [4 v( p

8 }" S, }& Y3 p% r9 [- l9 H  ~: n
6 [$ j% {, l5 V4 [# d- r+ ]" H) B) b/ @. ^6 a# U" }# u8 {
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯, ^7 w" ~" Z+ B8 N2 Q: a
) {- T$ T  _) p
4 [( C. t' W6 b4 K. R: U2 Z
  i  A' _3 h( L+ ^6 Q" h2 L7 O* s3 ?参考答案回复可见
, M- {  E7 I6 }+ H* y8 ]7 P
- Z1 W. |# ^# y# [4 `7 F
+ |. @0 \( f- O8 E3 Q$ ^  I

& h$ K8 U3 d9 b: }; X* B! T- T( D- ~5 Y. q" l$ Y0 {/ P
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张_叶_Foliyo 发表于 2011-4-26 07:02:48 | 只看该作者
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錒明 发表于 2011-4-26 07:29:12 | 只看该作者
1. Our counteroffer is reasonable.
% K2 \% J* p* |: ~; S) _
* H0 c# H% @+ {! \" B$ X' K2. Please forgive me for taking the liberty to send the sample to you.
+ L' F# B, z4 }" W5 D
/ H5 `8 C* `1 c! ~4 G2 w! O3. His speech was punctuated with cheers.; |5 V1 e" c5 {; {
+ `9 V. P0 ?/ Q1 N
4. Sprintg festival in China of Christmas day, is the most important festival in a year.7 P3 W4 U  H; v8 K2 O5 ]7 }6 \
, e% }" ?- f, l- K
5. The Chinese people have always cherish the people united and the unity of the motherland. China's 56 nationalities from ancient start is a valued the labor and reproduction. After a long help each other and learn from each other, and formed a united multi-ethnic country.$ I9 ~+ @. s9 y

8 G. {( k6 H0 y, g& ]6.古为今用,外国服务于中国。
3 U, N' D" L1 W" Z8 p


参与人数 1金币 +26 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 26


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錒明 发表于 2011-4-26 07:29:43 | 只看该作者
1. Our counter offer is well found.
" |2 a" v+ q2 [! J
+ m, Y/ n( |5 _; @2. Pardon me for taking the liberty to send the samples to you.
3 Q$ ^: F2 d( e" I
. U& Z" ^2 W# v; ], `3. His speech was punctuated with cheers.# H6 c% l; C4 p% Z+ l

7 ?- \  f- n/ R+ L4. Like the Christmas in the West, The spring festival(the Chinese new year)is one of the most important festival in a year.
) _  Y. k* V: r* i% w0 ]! T: |; s5 Z: }" _" x5 V2 Z; D
5. The Chinese nation has always valued the great unity of all the ethnic groups and the reunification of the country. Since the ancient times, people of the 56 ethnic groups have toiled and multiplied on the vast land of China. They have helped each other and learn from each other over long years and thus formed a unitary multi-ethnic country.: O; o7 ?* x8 T3 \# ^3 w
: h; Y- O/ N' H0 g8 H: n( w! v
6。古为今用,洋为中用.8 K, u" J+ a+ I
: U9 _" P: J" B
  Q  X  w, K4 J6 J

9 ]2 H6 n& c4 e# D
% b+ i" Y! j# Y& I
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宝贝晨晨 发表于 2011-4-26 08:01:29 | 只看该作者
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郑小恺 发表于 2011-4-26 08:07:15 | 只看该作者
1. 我们的还价是有道理的.7 q& N, s( L# L
it's reasonable to bargain. Q# o/ K8 U9 ?3 ]
2. 请原谅我冒昧地寄样品给您., G* I9 @, E# Q8 D7 x
please forgive me for taking a library to send you the mode
. q& D1 x( h; q3 [6 Q9 x3. 他的演讲不停地被欢呼声打断.
! f9 j9 G* s% C, v' _his speech has been interrupted by the cheering time to time
7 d3 a) |1 C7 h3 o& m4. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样,是一年中最重要的节日.
. F" V9 h" u3 L/ uchinese spring festival is the most important festiveal in the year as the chirsmas in eastern coutry9 a8 E1 E* q2 m, i+ e" p1 O8 y
5. 中华民族历来珍惜民族大团结和祖国统一.中国的56个民族从古代开始就是华夏大地上劳动和繁衍.经过长期的互相帮助,相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家.
. N1 b: F) |( b+ W& `3 n  {chinese ethnic people always cherish the people union and the union of nation. China's 56 nationalities from ancient start is a valued the labor and reproduction,After long-term help each other and learn from each other, and formed a united multi-ethnic country<这是口译题吗>7 }& `3 s8 f; ^5 R# M6 w
英译汉5 s6 U2 M/ p0 g: ]$ k

: s) b( p3 Z7 Z4 ^4 b6 OMake the past serve the present and the foreign serve China.
8 y0 Y3 v9 q' I7 S: l+ R3 r# q4 n9 C+ I
9 z0 k2 }' u, z; ~


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27 不错


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cs87arthur 该用户已被删除
cs87arthur 发表于 2011-4-26 08:34:05 | 只看该作者
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sheepgz 发表于 2011-4-26 08:57:17 | 只看该作者
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木布吉的歌 发表于 2011-4-26 09:00:35 | 只看该作者
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orangesgo 发表于 2011-4-26 09:11:43 | 只看该作者
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