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[雅思写作] 雅思作文核心句型100句

聞芸 发表于 2012-8-7 19:49:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. benefit from: 受益于…;   有益于:be beneficial to
People who look for information can benefit from the amazing development of the internet.

2. promote the development of…: 促进发展…
The widespread use of English has promoted the development of English training schools in China.

3. It is obvious that…: 很明显…= obviously
It is obvious that a DVD can hold more information than a book. More importantly, it is more entertaining.

4. Play a key role in…// something plays a pivotal role in…起到关键作用
It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success.
One’s job and age play a key role in deciding what one wears.
5. Enrich one’s experiences…:丰富经历
Working for a period of time before going to the university can greatly enrich students’ experiences and make them more capable in universities.

6. keep society safe and stable
Harmony can keep society safe and stable while clashes make a country unlivable.

7. relax their bodies and ease their minds
On holidays, students spend less time studying, holidays could relax students’ bodies and ease their minds.

8. have a duty to do…, obligation
National sports teams represent their countries; therefore, the government has a duty to invest in these teams.

9. afford people entertainment and pleasure
Overall, computer games afford people entertainment and pleasure than trouble.

10. create employment opportunities
International business can create employment opportunities. On the other hand, it may damage cultural heritage of a nation.

11. …is less time-consuming and more economical  
Advertising makes our shopping experiences less time-consuming and more economical.

12. broaden one’s horizons
Not only can traveling broaden one’s horizons, but it can relax their bodies and ease their minds.

13. fulfill one’s potential  发挥潜能
Working under pressure can help employees fulfill their potential.

14. curb the proliferation of…: 限制…增长
The government should take immediate measures to curb the proliferation of pollution. Stringent
15. raise the public/people’s awareness of…
The media should raise the public awareness of the significance of preserving the ecosystem.

16. live a stressful life
It seems that the people in developing countries live a more stressful life than the people in industrial countries.

17. lead to crimes
The widespread violence and pornography on TV often lead to youngsters’ crimes.

18. the competition is stiff   竞争激烈
The competition in modern society is increasingly stiff, which makes many individuals cold and cruel.  Alienate  疏远的 alienate one another

19. suffer from, sufferings =pains
Nowadays, many citizens of Beijing suffer from mental illnesses because the competition is very stiff.  Psychological problems   torture

20. stem from  源于…
Generally speaking, children’s bad behavior stems from imitating their parents’.  

21. have detrimental influence upon/on  positive, negative, beneficial, profound  
Obviously, long-distance flights have detrimental influence upon the environment.

22. be monotonous and unmotivating
Many students find the schooling in traditional schools is monotonous and unmotivating. //tedious

23. cope with= deal with  处理,对付
The governments must take measures to cope with the serious terrorism worldwide.

24. There is a definite link between A and B
There is a definite link between the adult crime rate and the crime rate of youngsters.

25. create tension and conflicts between…
Cultural differences between the tourists and local residents(居民) may create tensions and conflicts between them.
Inhabitants, dwellers,

26.stifile creativity: 扼杀创造力
The traditional education in some Asian countries seriously stifles creativity.

27. enable somebody to do something
Cultural assimilation enables newly-arrived immigrants to get ahead in the new society successfully.

28. get accustomed to something
New immigrants need to get accustomed to the local culture to succeed.        

29. Someone can utilize something
In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones.

30. something is in the best interests of someone
Preserving the endangered animals/plants is in the best interests of humanity.

31. contribute to… 有益于
Students should not only acquire academic knowledge but also do volunteer work in communities/blocks, thereby making contribution to their cities.

32..  …is attended by …  伴随着/夹带着…
The staggering advancement of technology is attended by severe pollution of the ecosystem.

33. A can be attributed to B, 归咎于…
The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough.        

34. be afflicted with 被…折磨着
In present-day society, a host of countries are afflicted with chronic poverty.        

35. deprive someone of something
Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.
Inhabitant, resident,
The fast-pace of life

36. something impels somebody to do …
Peer pressure often impels youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accessories.

37. A has rendered B +形容词或者名词…
We must ensure that technological innovations will not render us slaves to high technology.
The fast-paced way of life has rendered many individuals alienated from one another.

38. A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that …
(如果是教育问题用UNESCO,如果犯罪问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Justice,交通问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Transportation,建筑问题可以用the Chinese Ministry of Construction,环境问题可以用HSUS and Greenpeace )
A recent study conducted by HSUS and Greenpeace revealed that there are over one million mammals(哺乳动物) in lab cages(笼子) today.

39. be addicted to something
In present-day society, many individuals are addicted to / preoccupied with various /diverse forms of gambling.                                                         

40. something is the root cause of…
The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity.        

41. be confronted with something 面临着
In contemporary society, we are confronted with a plethora of violent and pornographic TV shows.                                    
42. pose a threat to …
In the contemporary society, the proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a severe threat to humanity.        

43. With the incidence of…hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.
With the incidence of driving offenses hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed.    Crimes = criminal acts, offenses, -----commit a crime//commit crimes
Break the law= violate the law

44. something is unwarranted
Experimenting upon lab animals without trying to alleviate their pain is unwarranted.        
解决: Address, resolve, tackle, combat

45. at the expense of…
We should not develop economy at the expense of the environment.        

46. support (支持)/ oppose(反对) …on the grounds that…
Some oppose animal experimentation on the grounds that it is inhumane.

47. exert beneficial / detrimental / profound influence/impact on/upon sth.
In this day and age, globalization is exerting profound impact on the way we work, live, play and learn.        

48. A create / bring about / generate / breed B.
Technological innovations have brought about profound transforms/changes to the political, economic and cultural arenas.

49. A is a key determinant of B.
In an individual’s career, tenacity is a key determinant of success.

50. It is manifest that…或者
It is universally acknowledged that… ,Undeniably,..
It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous benefits to the lives of people in the Third-World countries.        

51. It is standard practice for someone to do something
In contemporary China, it is standard practice for Chinese youths to choose Hollywood blockbusters over domestic films.        

52. A is best characterized by … A的最大特点是…
A fine journalist is best characterized by discipline, determination and penetrating observations.

53. someone would be well-advised to do something 人们应该做(代替: people should…)…
Parents would be well-advised to spend more time with their offspring.        

54. give priority to something/n
The government should give priority to the optimization of its financial resources.

55. be likely to fall prey to / be vulnerable to 受到…影响、干扰、伤害
Without proper parental guidance, children are very vulnerable to the violent or pornographic contents on TV shows.

56. it is imperative / crucial / key / essential that…或者something is of paramount / overriding importance.
To the newly-arrived immigrants, it is imperative that they adapt to the local culture promptly(及时的).

9. 托福独立写作常用插入语:
•        indeed, surely, however,nevertheless,nonetheless,admittedly, notwithstanding,  obviously,besides, furthermore, briefly, similarly, honestly\frankly\generally (speaking), naturally, luckily\fortunately,astonishingly, conversely, undeniably, undoubtedly
•        strange to say, needless to say, most important of all, worse of all,in sum\short\ summary , in other words, in a sense, in general, in my view\opinion\judgment,in consequence, in conclusion
•        in the first place,in addition ,On the contrary, in contrast, to my joy\delight\satisfaction\ surprise\astonishment\amazement\ regret \disappointment,of course,  
•        for instance\example, in fact, as a matter of fact
•        to be sure, to sum up, to tell the truth,   to start with,
•        I am sure, I believe\wonder\suppose, it seems, as I see it, what is important (serious), I’m afraid, it is said

10. 过渡词汇
1. Introductory 介绍型:
generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, comparatively speaking, comparatively, in general, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, to a certain degree, in my opinion, in my view, to my mind, as for me, as far as I am concerned, on a personal level, at an individual level, from a (personal and psychological) perspective, in some cases, in some respects, on a larger scale, at a local level, to take the idea further, to take the above point to an extreme, putting the discussion in a wider context, following the same line of..., traditionally, unfortunately, obviously, undoubtedly, practically speaking, simplistically speaking, economically speaking, financially speaking, in terms of, at the risk of sounding too cold, in a slightly cold calculation, at the risk of sounding too direct
2. Comparison 比较型:
similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally important, like, both...and..., the same as, (have...) in common, in a not dissimilar way
3. Contrast 对比型:
on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, unlike, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, by contrast
4. Exemplification 例证型:
for example, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say
5. Enumeration 列举型:
for example; namely; for instance; a case in point; as an example; that is; just as; after all; in particular; such as; to illustrate; as an illustration; to demonstrate  
first, second, in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, to start with, first and foremost, in the second place, next, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally, supremely, eventually
6. Cause 原因:
because..., because of, as, since, for, owing to, due to, on account of, as a result of
7. Concession 让步:
although, nevertheless, however, but, yet, admittedly, it is true...but, in spite of, even though..., granted that..., at the very worse
8. Emphasis 强调:
chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, certainly, particularly, to be sure, actually, above all, surely, most important of all, even worse, no doubt, needless to say, more often than not
9. Result 结果:
thus, so, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as a result, for this reason, as a consequence, on that account, it follows that... all in all in consequence
in brief as a result, the point is, in conclusion, therefore, hence, in sum, in summary, lastly, to sum up, in short, in a word, of course, indeed, above all most important , emphasis, certainly, in fact

10. Summary 总结:
in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, finally, to sum up, to conclude, in a word

11.frequency 时间频率:
in general; soon after; on the whole; most often最经常; most; at other times 在其他时候,平时; in most cases; frequently; main; finally; as a rule at times; rarely
before; meanwhile; as soon as; since as; until; just as; whenever; at the moment

12. To indicate an addition表示附加的词:
Additionally; as well as; just as additionally; again along with; also; likewise; further; furthermore; in the same manner; in the same way; in addition to similarly
Besides; moreover; not only . . . but also; and then

13. To indicate a contrast or difference: 表示转折
Although; instead; rather than; but; nevertheless; though; however; on the other hand; otherwise; despite; in spite of otherwise; yet; instead of; rather; whereas
in contrast; alternatively; compared with

14. concession 表示让步

9. 表示比较
in comparison similarly however
9. 表示比较
In comparison  
in the same way
10. 表示解释
as a matter of fact, frankly speaking, in this case, to be frank, as far as I am concerned, in this case in other words

…, thereby + Ving    “以此达到…的目的”
…; therefore,…   因此
…instead of…   而不是
…rather than…   而不是…
Apparently,…      …很明显…=obviously,
as a matter of fact,      …事实上
even though…, …   尽管….
I would be hard-pressed to imagine that….  我很难想象…
In term of …      …在…方面,…
indeed         …..确实
It seems that….    看起来…  
More specifically….      ….更具体地说…
Otherwise, …       …否则…
Overall         …整体上看…
Regardless of…   不管…
since/as…    …因为…

11. 重点的词汇很短语
1.important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)

2.common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)

3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)

4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)

5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

6.near=adjacent(two things next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)

7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)

9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)

10.top=peak, summit

11.competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)

12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation

15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

17.complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)

18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel

21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)

22.complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)

24.small=minuscule(very small), minute

25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)

26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)

27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)

28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)

29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)

30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)

31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)

32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)

33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)

34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)

35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!

36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)

39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)

40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)

41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)

42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)

43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)

44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)

45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)

46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)

47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)

48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)

49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)

50.hot=boiling(very hot)

51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)


53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;

54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)

56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)

57.obvious=apparent, manifest

58.basedon=derived from can see or notice them very easily)


61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)

62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)

63.appear=emerge(come into existence)

64.whole=entire(the whole of something)

65.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet),humid(very damp and hot)

66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)


68.change=convert(change into another form)

69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)

70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)

71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)

72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)

73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

74.use= utilize (the same as use)

75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)

76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)

77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)


79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)

80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)

81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)

82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)

83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)

84.disorder=disarray, chaos

85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)

86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)

87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)


89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)

90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)

91.unbelievable=inconceivable(if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen )

92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)

93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)

94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)

95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)

96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)

97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)

98.so=consequently, accordingly

99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often)

100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)


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loryeer 发表于 2012-8-11 08:53:09 | 只看该作者
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qbh0816 发表于 2012-10-28 13:40:30 | 只看该作者
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qbh0816 发表于 2012-10-28 13:44:46 | 只看该作者
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拉拉薇妮娅 发表于 2012-12-5 21:10:54 | 只看该作者
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苏雅琪蓝夜总裁 发表于 2012-12-5 21:59:48 | 只看该作者
这篇文章在5.5分左右。 从结构上讲,你选择的是折中式,而文章讲的是to what extent do you agree or disagree, 从头至尾你都没有表明你自己的观点,到底是同意还是不同意。而且开头不建议你这样写,明显是使用模版。这篇文章一定要树立你的观点,并且写的同时有偏向性。 抛开结构问题,在主题段,你的观点不明确,缺少论证,并且有过多的重复。以前我和你一样,其实我们注重的东西方向错了。应该这么说,雅思作文的评分项有四个,每个人擅长的不一样,写作能拿8分以上的,一定四项都强,但7或者7.5的作文,则各有长处。雅思考官范文强在词汇使用的地道,句式的灵活,有的人则强在词汇的丰富和高级,有的强在论证的严密和文章的衔接流畅,有的人强在句子结构的严谨,我基本上属于最后一种,所以也许你看不习惯我的文章~我觉得好文章主要是四点,词汇的地道,句型的多样,论证的严密,行文的流畅,能做好两点,七分就能拿到手了 .
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理不直还气壮 发表于 2012-12-6 03:57:35 | 只看该作者
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八月彼岸 发表于 2012-12-6 04:45:53 | 只看该作者
4. 简单总结 G. 综合图 1不求甚解,不拘泥于细节 2分门别类,分段落A类雅思图表作文高分没看过,不清楚。慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思作文》也还可以
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南昌铁路 发表于 2012-12-6 17:05:39 | 只看该作者
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理不直还气壮 发表于 2012-12-6 22:30:22 | 只看该作者
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