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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-11-2 09:48:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今日学习内容:2 Q4 {: `8 g2 a, \% S! n9 v
4 i, Q% `8 E+ Y& @; D
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划。' r1 J( `3 g$ q8 ?. B. x

8 u: i! {0 `6 B& s
2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。
6 v- w; S. I! Z1 O$ R" w0 i
1 a) i: y% K/ O/ i! j3 ]' h3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。
% ~- w" t0 F) X1 l" g' \' z( A
5 _$ s; l: Z: }' q  g
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。0 F# ?# D  t- l' C( m! T
( b" e5 r# ~3 r/ ]& i
5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves.
, j. t7 Q" G6 ~) }& T
4 W' s9 }' p5 A; G, a
7 o9 c: W* L5 E8 J# g) w* Fa、有意义的回帖,不能是灌水的表情,数字等,可以奖励<=10个人品币,激励大家第一时间关注版主的发帖,让版主的辛勤工作得到认同" Q  e& I5 I5 f, t# w1 l) z# O
6 m/ l! n9 i0 x$ }4 L4 h" Ac、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

+ W- G9 _1 Y( p4 r" k" q0 od、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on..$ P( s  k8 ]& P0 {
1 W9 y; H! I' o' s6 I  A, b& V) y) d& F' U8 H- I
4 G9 O& o0 _/ K$ ]2 z6 A2 L! ?
2 H( t- y- w2 [( {2 z

; d2 s; E' }8 u6 I3 v8 ]
& s& y: n+ Z" T! k! y
( A  W4 D+ K3 \
& G7 J. x1 J- Q4 u% W3 N3 S% l! Z1 m5 I
别偷懒,先翻译,再看答案,改掉从小养成的坏习惯" Q* R& H2 W- \( S
3 n% ]( a* W$ \- s2 T& j' J
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~7 [' @4 ^/ y, D) C# ^& ~2 n
8 E' E3 B1 o6 j# U  O$ v/ \: r
; Y5 A* x1 x8 w  t9 @- K
, R0 }/ a9 ?  u2 z5 z
3 h# J: C' A% o7 G- b: v

8 l$ w5 \9 h( V( z8 S
5 u2 `& W( k& n- y' g. h
5 a7 {8 r$ o+ z# }" C$ x. ` 该贴已经同步到 雅思哥的微博


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梦莹caroline 发表于 2012-11-2 10:06:08 | 只看该作者
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划。9 h. [/ y7 F6 \' T, b8 @7 N  e8 n( F( K! S  ~$ @8 p$ r
Currently,their aim is to realize this plan in 2017$ P( @8 e5 a+ X! K. j5 a( }) d% I
2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。) S: z, o, _6 Q) [3 o
9 M# W, k. m! f1 rthis has reached far more than the history recording
6 ]) l/ d( }9 Q. K3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。 , _. h0 r: J" D# B2 U6 ]
You will feel rediculous if you see march weather in this year1 b% [4 m; u: X+ I& _* [
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。2 ?7 M8 e; {9 w8 r3 s: b
the amount of world class university in london means that it is still worth the investment by learners
7 w0 q+ K$ l) j1 l- n5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves. 7 \9 N. I9 l' }- E2 a
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轨迹 发表于 2012-11-2 10:13:04 | 只看该作者
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划。# `4 {  O/ |6 v# G
Now their target is to fulfill the plan by 2017.
  O" I& V: o4 w1 u# M) I& c  l2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。
+ W7 x0 H( n- ?6 OThis is far more than the standard of the historical records.
' ^6 s/ L! c; K1 j2 R6 j- s3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。 1 ~) |; e; [) A& {
You'll feel incredible when you pay attention to the weather condition of this March.8 l2 K' {+ K5 b- }! `
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的
. x" q5 `$ M+ Q* @0 a2 l" IThe number of the world's top university London owns shows it's worthwhile for students to invest.
* M% i, L4 `5 ^' w5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves.
( }+ i; k5 a' d" m$ \. m) o对待自私自利主义,你应该如秋风扫落叶般
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Olivia_88 发表于 2012-11-2 10:31:23 | 只看该作者
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ToμсИ" 发表于 2012-11-2 10:41:51 | 只看该作者
1.At present, their goal is realize this plan in 2017.
- O* s: b9 ~# d2.This is far beyond the historical record level.
% @2 t2 N' O/ s6 S+ [3.You will feel too unbelievable if you have a good look at the weather in March this year.5 [! e3 ?6 n. ?; C- t+ P
4.London have the world-class university quantity means it is worth that numerous students to invest.: M9 A% i7 U5 n! T
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微博评论 发表于 2012-11-2 10:53:45 | 只看该作者
好久没转发了\n\n 来自 梦莹Caroline 的新浪微博
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微博评论 发表于 2012-11-2 12:24:16 | 只看该作者
不想对着电脑无所事事浪费光阴吗?做做网络兼 职吧,在不影响你正职情况下,赚点外快,不规定工作时间,多劳多得.一般普通会 员时 薪5-20块.日结工资.终生会员制哦.想每天赚几十,可以加我,想每天赚几百上千,就不要加我了,非诚勿扰,联系QQ:24565747\n\n 来自 招兼职做3 的新浪微博
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francohuang 发表于 2012-11-2 12:43:34 | 只看该作者
1.目前,他们的目标是在2017年实现这一计划。, f5 v3 h+ J; `3 W
   For now,Their target is accomplishing the plan before 2017.$ F6 m  [' ?$ @& ]* ^$ R; d, F0 t
2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平。: w/ l1 H" J+ \1 V
    It is far beyond the history record level
" S) f  U" O6 R6 H* Z3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。
, U7 R: ~- `; G# {4 n0 j+ \   The weather condiction of this March is incredible, if you consider it." t; I" U) t* Y
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。3 E, x% u1 j4 c9 q8 k
    The quantity of world first-class universities in London seems worthing the investment by learners.0 @  _/ K- v4 D
5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves. 4 W( h, ~$ ~0 v
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appledolly 发表于 2012-11-2 12:53:13 | 只看该作者
1. At present, their goal is to realize this plan in 2017.
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irmary 发表于 2012-11-2 16:16:01 | 只看该作者
, R' |: C3 S2 l, B. dNow their aim is to come ture this project in 2017.
! U/ u& M8 J" T3 @2. 这远远超出了历史记录水平
7 Y+ Z- W* E& Q7 pIt is far from the history recorded level.
# W  Y7 }' k5 {0 u8 R3. 如果你好好看看今年三月的天气情况,你会觉得太难以置信了。 2 c/ s( f( S4 C+ P/ N. E: P3 d' G, R9 D
If you took care the weather report on March, you'll find it unbelievable.' k" J# w) b  l! u  @+ b
4.  伦敦所拥有的世界一流大学的数量意味着它还是值得莘莘学子投资的。) Q+ N- W/ e7 q6 O  i$ \
The quantity of world's first-class universities in London means it still deserve the students to pay  the money.
, t# a+ d4 x! k5. The way you treat individualism should be as the autumn wind sweeping away the withered leaves. ( g7 q6 V+ P* ]; W- a! z
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