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企鹅wei 发表于 2013-1-15 16:47:51 | 只看该作者

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1、When you fail you should cheer up and believe you can cross the final line at last.
6 u6 B7 p6 E% g; ?- n6 S% ]2、It seems they don't want to cross the final line cause they are afraid of succeeded.) M' G4 f6 _7 ?, `
3、There always will be something happen before you finish one thing.2 m; ^) W$ C  ?' k% {
4、Don't let "Living"become the reason why you did not reach the goal.: k" L# |2 }) D
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加纳利岛的番茄 发表于 2013-1-15 17:55:50 | 只看该作者

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it seems like they don"t want to cross the ending-line because of fearing to secceed.
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scarlett_526 发表于 2013-1-15 18:34:33 | 只看该作者

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1.when you fail, cheer up. In the end, make sure you will cross the finishing line.2.It seems that they don't want to cross the finishing line. They are afraid of success.3.there are always things happening before you finish.4.Don't let "life" become the excuse of your failure of reaching the goal.5.那些看上去不费吹灰之力取得成功的人往往付出了许多年的准备与努力。
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微博评论 发表于 2013-1-15 20:45:08
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Mazrael 发表于 2013-1-15 20:57:01 | 只看该作者

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1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。
" v' v* m1 o! i1 o. `8 xCheer up and make sure you would go through the finish line while you are surfering failures. ! ^  g- ]% L3 U
2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  : \6 W- m$ S% p. S" S1 R
It looks as if that they do not want to go through the finish line, because they are afraid of success.
# k- M- x: j1 O( q3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。
5 z3 E" |; L" C2 mSomething will always be happened when you complete.  
) z5 g% G. q. G$ H) m) @4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
. j6 V& s/ v9 N& e  F% }0 w  IDon't let your life become a reason of failure.  q$ v/ V9 K+ Y7 M
5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
1 n/ v2 T) {5 R$ V1 j那些经常把时间用于准备和练习的人都能轻易取得成功。
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leilalxz 发表于 2013-1-15 21:29:01 | 只看该作者

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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2013-1-16 06:40:42 | 只看该作者
i need answers
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Check_in 发表于 2013-1-16 11:44:23 | 只看该作者

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1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。9 a( h, f) {* \3 y3 r
You shall cheer up when you fail and ultimately believe in that you would come across the finishing line.
' J! G6 R5 r: m! w5 E2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。  
6 I) S; j* R" A! IIt seems that they are not willing to come across the finishing line and they are afraid of success.
, e8 \; K2 U) H& a0 Q- c  J! `; f3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。
) F2 ~; p% Y1 G( \3 X1 ASomething always happens before you have completed it.' e' _; X& v& s* m1 p
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。3 R/ u6 X# \  V9 u
Don't make life become the excuse of not achieving the goal.
6 I9 _( _) V: x; l$ Y5 F$ ?5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.2 U# H0 O$ l5 c9 S# _" M* i
那些看上去不费力气就成功的人总是花了很多年准备和练习。# H- T, I" {# A
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xiyu 发表于 2013-1-16 12:26:52 | 只看该作者

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1.When you fail ,take up.Finally make sure you cross the finish line.
! n7 f0 y/ [6 P( g& x+ c  S2.It seems likely they don't want to cross the finish line.They are afraid of success.
7 v5 B) k7 L1 C% i) g" P6 R) F4 I3.Somethings always happened before you have finished it.0 j4 `( c8 w( I/ O! O
4.Don't let the "life" be a reason ou have not reached the goal.0 D3 C% e7 Q6 k8 y( E
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yisi2005 发表于 2013-1-16 16:27:27 | 只看该作者
1. Cheer up when you failed. Make sure you will cross the finish line in the end.
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