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刘启业TommyL 发表于 2013-2-6 22:03:52 | 只看该作者

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Ele11ven 发表于 2013-2-6 22:37:20 | 只看该作者

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1.    很多电脑狂们在电脑前的坐姿都不正确。$ Z3 q- e$ K7 f' T$ r9 r
. Y- S. z2 t5 a
Many computer fans have the wrong sitting position in front of the computer.
2 Y& Y) ^: e1 Z; {8 P- y, i4 ?% x% f$ e
2.    保持好的坐姿能使你避免受伤。! k/ H  k/ ?% T6 N) z. H) I
" H3 s  y' h: W4 i- s4 G+ D7 j8 k
Keeping a good sitting position could avoid the hurt.( ]- D! m% c5 m  H; o" t8 r

& y* @; y9 @9 W3 g3.    做你喜欢的事情来缓解压力。- c$ i5 j( {6 x: ?
2 o. g* ^7 f6 }0 X8 o6 d9 I
Do what your favor can release yourself.+ r: ?& f4 G5 b& M* q- X
3 r+ I, I$ R* i  f8 g5 O
4.    下次购物别忘了买点水果回来哦。4 M. d: c! L/ n
! w$ H- h( g- e. Q3 g
Don't forget to buy some fruit next shopping.
, m; e& |3 G; X  ^' p. w. t3 _* z
$ _  r9 J7 A4 M& z% T' V5.   Water is vital to our well-being and is another thing we typically don’t get enough of.
5 l- }4 w- {+ w* w" E
3 n) b9 g! j' ~6 }4 A; i/ |水是我们的生命之源,也是我们源源不断想得到的。
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Faith-Hope-Love 发表于 2013-2-6 22:40:52 | 只看该作者
1. There are many geeks whose sitting position is not correct.
( e9 `; y" y8 W* Y9 w
- l, {: r2 T  N2 l2. Keep good sitting position can you being hurt.& `( B) l6 O+ L
! Z( S: \4 |2 G+ R% ~6 |( U# s
3. Do something you like to relieve stress.& _7 X) P8 Y  v9 ?3 Y
2 p1 l  ?3 X1 m) F  V
4. Next time you shopping, don't forget to buy some fruits!- o0 ~/ U" k) c6 q0 w& a

  v$ [  I4 ^$ e$ N5. 水对于人的健康至关重要,然而我们却经常忽视它。
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xiyu 发表于 2013-2-7 12:48:09 | 只看该作者
1.Many computer fans have wrong position in front of computers.
# T4 n/ n* j! n, V2.Keep the correct position can help you to avoid being hurt.9 K! O8 o% y' h7 ]! Q# R2 T
3.Do you want to do to relieve stress.
0 {  c# v& A, _. |( y4.Don't forget to buy some fruits next shopping.0 I- Z: m1 f# n; ?; S% c0 N7 Z" k
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hONEyhuang 发表于 2013-2-7 19:40:31 | 只看该作者

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1.    很多电脑狂们在电脑前的坐姿都不正确。
; Z5 `$ w3 N6 F$ imany computer paranoids don't sit right before computer.& q! N% C% E7 I% D7 O; J
2.    保持好的坐姿能使你避免受伤。) D  D: Y1 ]  V- ?& V& {( R
keep sitting right can help you avoid being hurt.& Y/ p# M+ [+ W( n
3.    做你喜欢的事情来缓解压力。6 |$ a4 g1 H  @& E% f* K/ R0 t
do things you like to lessen pressure.
, C* [% r' D0 v4.    下次购物别忘了买点水果回来哦.2 t! J" N: q1 [
the next time you go shopping don't forget to bring some fruits back.9 W, z% s3 F$ H# z  V/ g
5.   Water is vital to our well-being and is another thing we typically don’t get enough of. ; m4 H: P% Y3 l. g; K8 q
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咔咔了个维 发表于 2013-2-8 00:53:36 | 只看该作者
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莫莫莫言言言 发表于 2013-2-8 02:54:48 | 只看该作者
哎 还是没有进步 继续努力吧!
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shenye 发表于 2013-2-8 18:46:48 | 只看该作者
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dama 发表于 2013-2-11 13:53:58 | 只看该作者
第一次用 写在本上了% R* a: o2 Z" j% J


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书书书sue 发表于 2013-2-14 12:08:31 | 只看该作者

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Most of computer addicts have a unconnected gesture
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