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pepsi0914 该用户已被删除
pepsi0914 发表于 2011-8-18 16:31:41 | 只看该作者
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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-8-19 11:21:14 | 只看该作者
1.我自费到一个学院去进修英语。( b7 W# y) K" x/ _
I afford myself in a academic to study my english.
4 h. B! M" C4 c" w1 F2.人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。) b9 G. f2 x# O9 {2 @. K6 q
The people has increased the demands  of cultural consumer goods 2 k9 ?9 g* w3 F, v
/ K1 ?6 ^. s% |+ q# JAccording to the statistics,she has publlished 80 papers in demestic and foreign academic journals.
4 t$ y: I' s# ?6 v4.人口多,耕地少,人均资源相对不足,经济文化比较落后,这是中国的基本国情。 5 H1 [$ C# j0 m4 k7 A
More population,less filed,scarcity of per source,the  backwards of economic and cultural,these which  the basic national conditions.( _4 s5 \% @+ @
8 k4 p. l; V5 m. p. ]$ K5 ]The China government according to the national conditions,which has formulate the target and plane of population increasing,regulate the family planning policy:Advocats late marriaging and childbearing,fewer and healthier;advocates one couple only one child,has consider about the practicals difficulties of  some citizens in country,allow have the second child in every few years.$ C& x/ W1 g9 P! r
0 d/ @, ]5 N: U
6.what is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (英译汉)3 U0 y8 M8 R# h' P, }% ]
活到老学到老4 y0 o4 |  H' ^: D# j8 j# H
0 [, u! l. L" Q7 k- L5 F1 N
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kimyidrrr 发表于 2011-8-23 16:33:29 | 只看该作者
1、I went to a college to learn English at my own expense.2 Z- v$ s0 n1 R  K9 t
% x7 P; h$ P4 ?
2、The requirement of the culture consumption goods for people were increased day by day.
7 B. p5 b# Q# @+ B, R: I) h  N* J
4 b$ k# j1 s7 T$ R% g3、According to statistics, she had been pubilcd eighty paper in the involved academic
( ]1 n9 C- Z0 P7 N) u' B$ A! K1 B1 S4 T8 [% z0 E4 f
journals of domestic and overseas.
) \- `9 r' Q0 T% w9 n5 v. A, c. `5 q: {1 V: h( u6 J7 o
4、Massive population, low ratio of arable land, per capita relatively insufficient of
) p5 D# s6 r2 b- S) V
) T( s8 H4 N% B* A; Jresource, relatively backward of economic and culture, all of these is the fundamental $ {2 y8 C7 L5 G
# R; y: }( L; I# \- Q/ w- f
realities of China.. `9 J# B+ Q9 ~0 M2 t7 _
" A- W- `. p- q7 @
5、The chinese goverment was in the light of the fundamental realities of China, formulated
1 B, F$ G9 ?: P5 X$ r% h2 `1 n$ f7 m0 I" h$ a

4 C9 L! Q) G% `the aim and plan of population growth, ruled the family planning policy that encouraged 6 T/ D; o" M/ H

+ F$ D6 x) H5 H1 N; I8 Vlater marriage and late childbirth, fewer and better birth, encourages a couple bear a . J/ j  s1 l) F% P  L# b

6 Z3 h* \0 I7 m+ Ychild, but permited bear the second child afer several years with considering the pratical difficulties of some families in rural area.2 I7 A# Y" g+ R! y  _" Y7 U+ `

- O, S  ]" D  t' a9 k6、出生意味着死亡。
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滴Moondance 发表于 2011-9-4 21:53:09 | 只看该作者
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谷谷睡醒就奋斗 发表于 2011-9-8 22:45:03 | 只看该作者
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