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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-8-24 11:00:16 | 只看该作者
1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。8 q0 B: @" y, p( N% }" d$ @' J- A
Thought much problems, but to induced that mainly two aspect.
. l+ g9 ^% x0 a; X( A2 I% Z2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。5 O1 ^7 H/ U# p% G* _' [
Tonight i wanna get out to have a drink out.
5 F9 `: [. w7 v( c( z8 O0 F3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.
' ~. U: Q6 X, @9 MThe jiuzhaigou Scenic area is located at mountains in North country of Sichuan province.
4 ~+ }% G0 @4 z+ P/ f1 M& i7 e4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。
7 P4 E5 L$ y/ i; z. A5 aAfter the Revolution of 1911,The last emperor Pu Yi decided to abdicate that marks the end of thousands of years of chinese feudal dynasty.
. D9 w3 U+ d6 m* A5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
; Z7 S" [% L- U1 N2 d1 zHow to eliminated the trade imbalance between Japan and China as possible as quickly ,was a common concern of both countries.
5 L# b4 v2 k; e* l' A8 N2 h5 s* p" I( J& T
6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)8 v  s' ]9 x% ^7 f+ Z


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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兔seven 发表于 2011-8-24 11:05:35 | 只看该作者
1. There are many problems, but we can summarize two main points.1 Q7 S5 ~( Y+ Y0 q
    We can summarize two main points from these problems.! g1 d* s% x$ i8 \, V
2. I'd like to go out and drink till all's blue tonight.9 }& X3 z9 J; {4 C
3. Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot locates in the moutains area of Nanping, north of Sichuan Province.
9 ~* }. ^, H" H: S9 i8 \4. After the Xin Hai Revolution, the last emperor, Henry Pu Yi, decided to abdicate. This move is a sign of the end of thousands-year feudal dynasty in China.8 F; z8 W2 G' F# R) [
   After the Xin Hai Revolution, the last emperor of Qing Dynasty, Henry PuYi, made a decision to abdicate, which means the thousands-year feudal dynasty finally end in China.
5 |; `) m2 x& I4 T& l5. Personages of all circles in Japan and China are all concerned about how to remove the unbalanced situation that exists in trade between two countries as soon as possible.
9 N% l# ?" K6 \" q# {6.强将手下无弱兵。! I+ P- x2 H3 c* e


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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芋艿小姐Yuna 发表于 2011-8-24 11:18:22 | 只看该作者
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维他命西西 发表于 2011-8-24 11:18:55 | 只看该作者
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wolftxf 发表于 2011-8-24 11:21:37 | 只看该作者
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angelica33 发表于 2011-8-24 11:54:52 | 只看该作者
too difficult for me
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_reneelaw 发表于 2011-8-24 11:56:35 | 只看该作者
: P. o9 @: E% h5 v9 ~/ LThere are many problems but can be summed up in main two., P: B7 ?) M; c- W7 g, L1 @& ]
6 \1 Q) {1 j( w0 ]$ `  Z4 ]I want to go out for a drunk tonight.' O; w! d' d+ Y1 \
3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.0 r4 N1 `- K, ?# [3 X: \
The spot Jiuzhai Gou located at the mountains of the Nanping country, the north of Sichuan Province
( v% K% k  G3 [2 j- p/ N4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。2 V5 q% A. \8 g/ P2 |  b$ i* t
The abdication of the last empire Puyi of Qing dynasty after the Xinhai revolution means the feudal dynasty which lasts for thousands of years in China goes to an end.
% U$ [- f& l2 h6 W! q5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
( Q- F  S. {: LHow to eliminate the unbalance of trading relationship between Japan and China is an important issue of people from all circles in two countries.
6 H/ p1 S6 O9 \9 |7 A& R: \" y6. There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉) 强将手下无弱兵7 u, N, Y* t! a4 g. E


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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Gerry 发表于 2011-8-24 12:05:58 | 只看该作者
回复 雅思哥 的帖子9 c5 E3 a) U2 B: j7 j! m

) t- n  _9 u% s5 C4 g1.Though there are a lot of problems, they can be devided into two main respects.
1 F  s, T/ V  I: J4 M( e6 G& q" g  V# p+ }4 u% j# _
2.I want to hang out tonight and drink till all's blue.! P% F$ M6 M$ X. g% s; K% J2 S

" V+ l+ _1 O2 f) S3. Jiuzhaigou senic spot is located in the mountainous Nanping County in northern part of Sichuan Province.6 B4 ]0 |% Y5 }! |2 c' r

, _, Z$ \1 K1 z9 H4. Fuyi,the King of the last feudal dynasty, gave up the throne after the Xinhai Revolution, marking the end of Feudalism in China that had lasted for thousands of years .
! g& q8 z1 ?- J1 L. x& w& q! n( J- W& e
5. It is a mutual concern for both parties to find out how to stop the sino-Japan trade imbalance as soon as possible.$ x! {: \% Z, R' h* \2 T
- L. A: j$ W& O8 }8 U" C
6. 猛将手下出勇士!6 ^( L1 w/ z5 z( R


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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vinilaa2011 发表于 2011-8-24 14:02:48 | 只看该作者
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bluefleet 发表于 2011-8-24 14:09:34 | 只看该作者
1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。) P1 n! |. `+ Z7 @- ]
Since it hava many questions, but conclude mainly two points.6 j" P' f+ E! f0 P3 p
. @9 J) O# K' K! R+ lI want to go out tonight, and drunk.
# @5 Y' U6 _1 |, V! L8 T7 L3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.  F% B# G0 ?$ d7 H3 f; q
Jiuzhaigou locate on north nanping county,sichuan province.
: M6 J5 u$ |1 a" e* N+ }, Z9 v4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。
! y" O" X3 c: p' sThe last emperor fuyi decided to quit after xinhai  revolution, it means that the several thousand year's dynasty of china is over.
% o; z1 m5 O+ X: t$ N; x5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
, Q$ e' o2 b7 z. m+ W8 QHow to eliminate the unbalance states of trade between japan and china is a big thing they all concerned.0 h% E" @2 D" G. d8 X) S  ?
6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
% S: s- d: N# Q6 _% _, [+ D! r6 E' U2 w# Z, p


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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