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happy心愿2010 发表于 2011-10-20 11:19:48 | 只看该作者
1.我认为会计不仅仅是记录历史数据,分析数据,编制财务报表。更重要的是会计人员需要把相关的可靠的数据与信息及时地有效地呈现给信息的使用者。" W9 l. y# A+ G  W1 d
I think that accountants  not only record historical data、analyse data、make finacial forms, the more important is that they need show the imformation user related、authentic data and message effectively in time 0 J- ]# N8 [  O& {! v; w$ G7 j* e
( T3 O$ k: x6 E& ~: ]1 v2 d
7 l9 M9 z& I$ {5 y3.        当其他同龄的孩子过着饭来张口衣来伸手的日子时,我已经开始靠劳动赚取自己的零用钱了。
# x3 t8 v+ s+ {( u; S5 {- YI have began to earn my pin money all by myself while other contemporary children live a life being waited on hand and foot.% [) C0 J' C3 w% D

3 R6 K) c, ?+ L) x) U3.我善于和人打交道,大多数和我相处的人都认为我能够站在他们角度想问题,为他们考虑
. o' ~* g' \3 X) [) oI am good at dealing with people, most of them who get along with me think that I could consider problems from their standpoint, think over for them.$ v& B6 F# v! i1 m4 K' }5 v/ e# f
6 q/ k+ [% U" W" }" e
4.        作为青年志愿者协会的一员,我参加学校公益演出,积极发动同学为印尼难民捐衣捐物。
% @: [/ }* \0 {As a member of young volunteer association, I join school’s public performance,call on schoolmates to donate for refugee in Indonesia
2 U1 Q' Y# \- c5.        经过这次比赛我对企业的创立和经营有了直观的了解;对“企业模拟经营”有浓厚的兴趣,在该领域也取得了一定的研究成绩。
' ]: m* v: e5 U1 B; fFrom this match, I have a intuitionistic kownledge of company foundation and management,I am very interested in “company simulant management”, and have made some research acheivement in this field.
4 ]* Z: m. Y# g* O# {3 G, h
+ d/ k" y/ B( ~6 Z  x+ x- h' s7 D' m# t. F$ a3 O" M9 @" H3 J
6.        我特别希望能为中国的慈善事业做出贡献,并把将来能够去NPO特别是charity工作划入了未来职业前景规划的一部分。" D  y0 P0 Y2 t2 h# T% K
I really hope I can make some contributions to chinese charity cause,and I made working in NPO especially charity work  as a part of my future career planning.
- Y% n# Y; t1 P0 P9 x+ j


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20 看了第一句就觉得。。。继续努力哈~~


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happy心愿2010 发表于 2011-10-20 11:21:29 | 只看该作者
回复 雅思哥 的帖子
8 }6 X) o3 X4 Z* ^* X  x, b$ ]8 l, O# v0 j5 R/ h* O
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-10-20 12:27:02 | 只看该作者
1.i think the accounting is not just record the historical data ,analyze date and draw up financial statement , what’s more important is that the accountant should present relevant and reliable information to information user timely and effectively5 n* G  Q6 R- p/ f6 L) H/ W( O
2.i had made pocket money rely on my work when other children of the same age live a comfortable life
, s( Q! D  p" l2 W3.i am good at communication , majority of people get along with me think I could stand their angle to think and considered for them
4 O( ?* A2 J* M/ F* q+ |4.as a member of youth volunteer association , I take part in public performance in school and launched my classmates donate their clothes and goods to Indonesia refugees
! ?+ o2 ?, N3 d0 @5.through this match , I get a visual understanding about the found and operation of a enterprise, have a keen interest in  Enterprise management simulation and obtain the certain research result in this field , Y& e' R" a' v1 L/ I) ]
6.i really hope that make a contribution to Chinese philanthropy, and that I can go to the NPO in the future especially go to charity work have become a part of my future career planning
$ N+ W* y2 t7 H' K3 B2 r4 u0 f
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金金草草 发表于 2011-10-20 14:58:48 | 只看该作者
9 O9 a0 X+ a9 A0 f* ?
/ J# v! S% |; }9 @  n$ O4 B1.我认为会计不仅仅是记录历史数据,分析数据,编制财务报表。更重要的是会计人员需要把相关的可靠的数据与信息及时地有效地呈现给信息的使用者。
4 U7 y9 b7 }; e7 o. h, K6 _6 n: N2 D& t
To accountant, deliver truly data & information to the data user efficient & timely are more important than data tracking, data analysis and work out finance report.
! g4 s+ t1 j. D  \8 P3 P; Q  `% z/ {8 \) o* U8 W
2.当其他同龄的孩子过着饭来张口衣来伸手的日子时,我已经开始靠劳动赚取自己的零用钱了。8 V' H, Z0 R8 C
2 K% H/ @, `% A  l' l0 d, X7 e
When I began to work by myself to earn my small money but other same age children still live for their parents.
# z5 x/ m/ A# C6 ]: `9 w7 p' c& y6 G# k# \0 w1 v
3.我善于和人打交道,大多数和我相处的人都认为我能够站在他们角度想问题,为他们考虑! D8 R# o& Z' u
" o& w. I1 i: E5 u  r8 V, d, N) s
I am getting well in people because I think by their way and considerate on them.
; B, x+ y. J7 s% f8 k; S/ p' ~
) r& q9 S7 k  [3 f* O8 ?4.作为青年志愿者协会的一员,我参加学校公益演出,积极发动同学为印尼难民捐衣捐物。$ E0 \+ d1 j$ }2 _- P' d

) ?8 R. n8 S  y0 N% yTo be one of the youth association member, I attend school charity show and encourage classmates to donate clothes & stuff to Indonesian disaster surviving people.   
! y8 }2 x  b( E5 p) i' R; m7 y
* O, q: y; C* w' j4 L
% w* h  b' v" ]After this competition, I have clear understanding on company founding & operation, and take great interest in company operating simulation, meanwhile I took some study achievement on it., _$ Q0 s0 V4 Y0 }7 s- V! p  j( q

$ [5 [& I1 b5 ?- X6.我特别希望能为中国的慈善事业做出贡献,并把将来能够去NPO特别是charity工作划入了未来职业前景规划的一部分。# D9 F6 Y* N( A4 G+ c0 F

) g5 D1 r# X8 O. N0 M- F5 y4 qI am eager to contributing myself to Chinese charity career, work for NPO especially charity jobs will be one part of my future career development plan.
8 E, H" U! U: i9 `' C7 h. H' y8 [


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30 不错!


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zzbb1990 发表于 2011-10-20 15:32:18 | 只看该作者
:) 加油
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Jem_B 发表于 2011-10-20 15:35:31 | 只看该作者
1.        i think the accounting is not simply confine to record the historical data , analyzing data, making financial statement. It’s more import for accountant to collect the reliable relevant data and information then sent the messages to client effectively .
. I% v* \. @% B6 i
$ o4 r2 `+ [. R! D7 _9 ]% y6 f0 Y2.        when other peer groups living the wealthy life ,I have been earning my allowance by myself through the work force. , G: r% S" w/ d1 k* p
1 ]3 Y7 G$ r9 R
3.         I am good at communicating with persons, most of them believe me able to think of problem on their status.3 m& y# ^5 V. D% Z# \
+ {  r- F) j% A8 M7 o$ m* Y0 i
4.        As a member of adolescent voluntary association, I participate in the school ‘s charity show, to motivate students to donate their stuffs to the Indonesia refugees .
- S) L3 W0 b' d) J
& }% p8 v7 C) a" g# m3 ?5.        Experience with the match I have a direct acknowledge about the firm’s origination and operation, I am especially interest in simulation of firm’s operation, and have gained good performance in this field.5 c1 u$ O9 D! {7 `" w
1 a5 J2 D" l5 p& S* w# _6 C
6.        I especially want contribution to the Chinese charity and work for NPO especially in charity ,that is my one part of my career prospective .
- w' x/ O% p9 h# k3 e* t


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23 最后一句有问题


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花月影vio 发表于 2011-10-20 16:10:17 | 只看该作者
慈善事业做出贡献( U, G1 E2 @+ c+ E
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solarwind 发表于 2011-10-20 16:34:17 | 只看该作者
! V0 D- ]- x# A* g/ j( m. _& @In my opinion, accouting is not only record of historical data, analyse of data, or finicial report. What more important is, accounters need to present the relevant relevant data as well as information to the user effeciently and in time." i- @2 |1 l. y" C* s
2.当其他同龄的孩子过着饭来张口衣来伸手的日子时,我已经开始靠劳动赚取自己的零用钱了。8 l& o. [9 d6 k* g$ w
When peers live by raising I have started to earn my own pocket money by working.9 X% f2 g% E- g; P6 z* l
) O1 b- m. x; e& {I'm good at dealing with others. Most of people getting along with me consider me as the kind of man who can think for them from their point of view.
3 x( j& U2 Q  @# }$ W9 \+ N4.作为青年志愿者协会的一员,我参加学校公益演出,积极发动同学为印尼难民捐衣捐物。3 U1 A( n/ n8 D# O6 V0 ^5 I4 C! z
As a member of youth volunteer, I attended the performance in the schoold, so that to mobilize the students to donate clothes and other things.
6 {$ f. p, T" A9 q+ m) `2 u5.经过这次比赛我对企业的创立和经营有了直观的了解;对“企业模拟经营”有浓厚的兴趣,在该领域也取得了一定的研究成绩。
# e! h  _1 v) e/ e2 @7 r. `# hAfter the contest I have understood intuitively the foundation and management of enterprises. I have been interested in the subject of Business Simulation, and got some achievement in the domain.
; t% Y- e3 ]& U5 m; [6.我特别希望能为中国的慈善事业做出贡献,并把将来能够去NPO特别是charity工作划入了未来职业前景规划的一部分。
4 h. ]4 O" \& q( kI hope I can contribute myself to the philanthropy of China, and I have listed that working in NPO especially the charity-related to my future career plan.' D! K# r# f# s0 z- k


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23 继续努力


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solarwind 发表于 2011-10-20 16:38:14 | 只看该作者
这次翻译得头都大了. 我的翻译大概非常Chinglish.
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Kris-fellow 发表于 2011-10-20 18:58:58 | 只看该作者
1.I think accounting is not only about recording historical data, analysizing data, making financial statements. but also the more important thing is that accountants need to provide the users in time with the correlative and reliable data and infromation more effectively .4 J7 c/ W  v  C: e8 u1 O$ i& q4 w
2.I have started to work to earn my own money when other children of the same age open their mouth to be fed and hold out their hands to be dressed.
: ~  S" o: B  P3 |; H3.I am good at people skills, most people getting along with me all deem that i can think at their angles, consider for them., ?1 m& M/ [% T( v
4.As a member of Young Volunteers Association, i participate the public performance of school,and advocate that students should donate clothing.# e# u; {$ E* f( n; O& T9 B: x
5.I have a direct understanding of the found and management of enterprises by this competition;and i have a strong interest in"Simulation of Enterprise Management",and i have made some achievements in this field.5 O, w8 |+ p/ p2 d  _4 ^( }
6.I especially expect to make contributions to the Chinese Charity, and divide the jobs in NPO especially Charity into the futural occupation plans.% W( h$ ^) s& ~3 W% t) T


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23 最后一句


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