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丁丁饱饱 发表于 2011-10-23 11:21:41 | 只看该作者
2 o' X7 n! X5 C6 m7 D. oHe embodies his principle by action.* Z; g: N; y) S8 y8 L* M
2.他上年纪了(elderly)走不快+ K: r$ Q6 H! R% N2 W
He gets too elderly to go fast.6 e+ V" V& p2 b  W6 B
3.政府将采取严厉的措施, E5 e! p8 {! q! B8 p3 y8 k1 b- J
The government is going to take serious measures.  x, |. J1 e. f" V- ?
4.这种观点在学术界占支配(dominant)地位4 K* M4 O0 z! |5 l
This kind of opinion has dominant place in academy.
$ s/ U6 M9 Y* R5.恐怕我们的意见有分歧5 h) f7 k$ o2 L4 k+ X$ w
I am afraid of that there is a disagreement between our views.7 O6 D. C1 [5 T9 `- R
6.Do't cry because it is over, simle because it happened2 O5 w3 h# t0 J2 S: c; p$ b3 B


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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柒落安 发表于 2011-10-23 12:23:04 | 只看该作者
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jellyjessie 发表于 2011-10-23 12:27:25 | 只看该作者
* o/ o, ^! C1 m1 [; I+ lHe embody the principle by actions.# G- m( r. c& `& Y  H
) K6 N5 S( R3 c% |+ p( tHe has been so elderly that he can not walk fast
( L2 H) M- t; o) d+ T3.政府将采取严厉的措施/ v1 V" z0 |% Q1 O6 T  Y
The government will take some serious treasures.! J7 p+ B/ h6 Y+ Q: |
, ~3 d3 v9 U( c/ YThis kind of view ia taking the dominant place in the academy; p9 S& [# g7 g) m
5.恐怕我们的意见有分歧  [' g; v: A. G& P# V: L
I'm afraid that we have different opinions .
6 x0 f  I: j; v2 F6.Do't cry because it is over, simle because it happened
  H; E& Q9 V& o不要為已經過去的事哭泣 ,你該慶倖它已經發生了。


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-10-23 12:33:41 | 只看该作者
1.他用行动来体现(embody)原则) + |! \6 A3 e% |6 Y4 c
His actions embodies pricipline.; w. ]: X2 w! q, \& ]! [; P
7 k# A" W5 l6 ?* i3 ^ He is too elderly cannot wanlking faster.
" Z: ?* m+ K. X. N. A: ~3.政府将采取严厉的措施.
: m- P* Q2 l5 i) X3 a7 V  O) HThe government will takes stringent measures.
! ?3 v7 E& k0 i' o) @
; Q, W+ b" G+ g% y0 g4.这种观点在学术界占支配(dominant)地位-
, m5 c/ c0 D- L* Q/ U( ^: YThis view in academacy play dominant statu., C$ j' Q+ y7 H3 W
5.恐怕我们的意见有分歧* e5 }5 W( H8 v3 s$ `
I afraid we have different views.


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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Kris-fellow 发表于 2011-10-23 12:58:34 | 只看该作者
1.He used action to embody his principle.9 V& G. e9 v$ B
2.He is too elderly to walk fast., I/ s+ B6 z! t; P4 S; k4 A
3.The government will take the measure.  E9 F5 a6 j. s! z# Q( a" e
4.this opinion is dominant in the academe.. E$ {% U0 f% j4 e- ~7 v
5.I am afraid that we might have different opinion.
( p4 n% ?+ m/ G7 q4 z6.不因结束了而哭,因发生了而微笑。


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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东方文 发表于 2011-10-23 12:58:51 | 只看该作者
Behavior is used to embody his principle.( R5 k3 p3 K* r1 l/ d% Z
He is too old to walk fast.
) g. |* N' g- r5 M0 p1 M
. s2 x2 y! ?! I8 o" qThis piont in the academic area occupy dominant position.
% B: W7 s$ J% v; M7 I- fI am afraid our points is differernt.
5 p6 l5 i8 `* A8 ]7 V


参与人数 1金币 +12 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 12


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mikimayan 发表于 2011-10-23 13:06:19 | 只看该作者
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mikimayan 发表于 2011-10-23 13:06:25 | 只看该作者
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-10-23 14:53:34 | 只看该作者
1.        he embodied his principle with his actions
! u2 h) j5 h9 R$ ]/ Y6 ]" i: j9 f2.        his is elderly to walk faster % C: v2 N% N; ]( l2 w) |
3.        the government will take rigorous measures
8 {  b# j  Z( w9 x4.        this view is the dominant status in academia
8 [5 x% j1 a8 z/ W* ~! I5.        I am afraid that we are divided in out opinion
) C, x5 X* Q; u# l) Q7 ?# s6.        别为了他的结束而哭泣,也别因为开始而洋洋得意% t* A( U2 `4 o) z# X


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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俏然无声0412 发表于 2011-10-23 16:14:33 | 只看该作者
7 Y3 X+ `& ?  B, iHe embodies principals by actions.
+ N) @* A. L0 I" J+ V1 v- A% R+ M% }: `4 p' z7 b7 N- {" R8 f" K
2.他上年纪了(elderly)走不快% C) M% s! F* v, e
He is too elderly to walk fast.0 B/ o% O( I" i4 o! r0 R* o3 Q

5 l4 F1 P) Y, ~# t' Z4 a) y5 S3.政府将采取严厉的措施) s6 E  r1 O# O$ l
The government takes rigorous measures.
2 f4 q$ t5 x6 B2 j# ~. u4 l% P$ j7 H; X7 L
4.这种观点在学术界占支配(dominant)地位7 F5 U6 u  x$ U" E( a- P' G
This view of point plays a dominant role in the field of academy.# O: q/ [7 y" m! ^( p1 d
$ y6 P) g4 G  D- F2 f$ ?9 [0 c
5.恐怕我们的意见有分歧0 R7 ?5 X% C, b9 y: P
I am afraid that there is difference between our ideas.
. I, y$ D  g; O2 s7 G: N* c2 J; [0 R1 o- g4 [
6.Do't cry because it is over, simle because it happened+ q4 |3 V! I, o, B+ ~+ {+ N
, k' v3 X. ?0 A8 ?/ T3 O


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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