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SILVER1414 发表于 2011-11-2 11:31:49 | 只看该作者
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zzzzz西 发表于 2011-11-2 12:30:07 | 只看该作者
Since childhood, with my keen curiosity for everything, i've been interested in making things by myself and repair some appliances.
. }% N8 k$ m: Y# i" N7 g& J0 ri hace found this major is somewhere i belong, and i can find problems in its area and resolve them, from which i gain a lot of joys.
$ c% B+ O2 S! u& ^each product i've made is just like my baby. as a product designer, i always spare no effort to help people enjoy life
) W" w+ C( u1 h' B  zmy direction is using environmentally friendly materials to design for public facilities
4 K2 l, f- e1 n( [, P$ b! l! {7 ^what are required for being a product designer are not only to make use of material techniques to produce beautiful luxuries but also to cosider about the majority of the masses even the disadvantaged groups who are impoverished.
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豌豆小希JS 发表于 2011-11-2 13:15:20 | 只看该作者
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宅男費電 发表于 2011-11-2 13:16:37 | 只看该作者
1.从小就喜欢动手做些东西,修理东西电器,对任何东西都有好奇心7 y: X; K6 i$ C3 ]/ E8 w
I love making stuff by my hand since I was a child,such as repairing electrical appliances, and I am curious to everything./ K# _/ o/ i9 u3 ^; f9 Y
2发现自己在这个专业上好像找到了自己的归属,可以发现问题并解决它,乐在其中# C. K- }4 D  u, q- }
I found myself belong to this major,because I can discover the peoblems and solve them with pleasure.
4 n/ m+ w, E: a3 [, I( `) n3.每一个作品都像是我的宝贝,作为一个产品设计师,尽自己最大的可能去帮助人们享受生活
" x0 R; ?5 @. b/ a; k1 B9 T3 {As a product designer,every work looks like my baby, and I will try my best to help people to enjoy life.; @4 q" P! v6 W% @! ]7 n
4.我选择的方向是里用环保型的新型材料是进行公共设施产品设计6 c8 {/ Q7 T- Q5 b! d
I choose the direction of using environmental-friendly and new materials to design communal facilities products, K4 _+ X3 x* h* V$ g; e5 W
# F. S. Y! ?2 z( E. n% @As a product designer, not only is it prerequisite to use to material science to make luxury products,but consider poor and vulnerable people.
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微博评论 发表于 2011-11-2 13:37:57 | 只看该作者
雅思哥我邮箱475405042@qq.com,速度m我啊,我付款了说。。。。。! H% y% Z. F. \
1 V0 q% Z! M& t) S
来自 seekadward 的新浪微博
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-11-2 13:38:31 | 只看该作者
1.I like to make stuff with my own hands, fix things or electric appliance, and am curious to everything.2 x5 U- L6 L" @$ h) S8 i/ }
2.I felt that I might have found belongings at this specialty. I can find problems and solve them. And I am happy with that.
: J0 ~& x8 L% q4 ?3.Every product is my treasure. As a product designer, I'll try my best to help people enjoy their life.
1 X, L1 q+ ]+ @8 ?+ _' {  G4.My chosen direction is to take use of new environmental materials to process the design of public infrastructure.
  Q- ~2 m7 ?8 W. p# W* |5.Being a product designer, one should not only use material technique to produce beautiful luxuries, but also take into consideration of most people and even the pool and the vulnerable.
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东方文 发表于 2011-11-2 14:06:53 | 只看该作者
1 I am curious about everything and even interest in making things and mending electrical equipments.4 x6 M+ o2 x  N- ]& W
2 * z: r& U! h; u& P" ]4 o& q( B
3 As a product designer ,every produce seems my treasure and I regard my try my best to help people enjoy life.
- c* m" v+ U# @9 A$ M- Z: V4 My major is public facility product design of using new environment friendly material.  
# V* E7 _# G( O7 |
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everlonely007 发表于 2011-11-2 14:31:38 | 只看该作者
1 N; k! z) R% X0 T! B1 {  k- ^0 nWhen i was a little kid, i loved to do something by my hands, such as repairing electric equipments,. m% N! b5 x" q6 R+ i
and i always kept curious to anything.& b* ?! J/ Z% h# {/ W  K
; o+ L: N6 _" o2 k* xI realized that i had got my position in this specialized field, i could find problems and fix them, and i was glad to do that.  y8 v" }& x" n7 a
3.每一个作品都像是我的宝贝,作为一个产品设计师,尽自己最大的可能去帮助人们享受生活.. c5 g4 J; V$ {8 N: |9 g3 f% c
Every product is my favor, as a product designer, i try my best to help people to enjoy their lives.
0 x$ H+ x4 d9 P' j. |* Q! s7 _7 i4.我选择的方向是里用环保型的新型材料是进行公共设施产品设计$ j" ?3 B8 C0 O
What i chose is to design products of public facilities with new environment friendly materials.' e. j' M7 M9 d; |# e) B
5.作为一个产品设计师所需要的不仅仅是利用材料技术做出漂亮的奢侈品更多的要考虑到大多数人更甚至是贫困的人弱势群体" f8 h" M6 k5 p
What a product designer need to do is not only to make beautiful luxuries with material technology, but to consider demand of the majority even the poor weak people.
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鬼鬼的玫瑰 发表于 2011-11-2 14:41:18 | 只看该作者
翻译中啊 有些没头绪啊
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Jem_B 发表于 2011-11-2 15:03:00 | 只看该作者
1. I like to make something by myself in early age , to fix the electric appliance, to keep curiosity about everything.7 S! i. o9 I& U1 K: K5 I7 z$ l- N
) |, g- W1 ?% o& x
2.        i feel like I found my attribution in my profession that is able to discover the problem and solve it and  fine the pleasure in it.
& u& x/ A1 |/ v7 A! n# u3.        Each works likes baby of my, as a production designer, I try my best to help people with enjoy life.$ z$ J% d  u2 X1 @" o
4.        I choose the way that using the new environment friendly materials to doing the communal facilities devise.
' A  W; ?7 U: e1 M1 Y6 J/ `5.        As a production designer ,not only does designer utilize material technology in making gorgeous luxury ,but also consider most people rather the needy .
9 a& X! p) }6 \6 h8 h) B
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