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Aliceshieh 发表于 2011-11-14 13:28:29 | 只看该作者
1.It is hard to forget that our experience./ I- N3 v' w' c  t. a' G
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Mr_Hollow 发表于 2011-11-14 15:23:28 | 只看该作者
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CatholiVee 发表于 2011-11-14 16:45:03 | 只看该作者
; O' |) {) k% g' Z, Q5 P$ [This experience make us unforgetable.
. [7 U6 r  K1 y9 d1 m/ J! Z- N4 Q2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱
/ c, y2 k" ^# u1 T6 v! e% HNew project cost us the lest money.
  z! T% v6 e* R/ D  ~2 X3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹
- q+ o$ L7 E6 WThis bridge is a miracle in engineering.
' E+ A9 E5 e4 J. e4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人1 J# y. O2 d7 F
The naughty child mock that blind man.
, d! X( ~% y0 `! Y' @/ m4 o% }7 _5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)  R/ G" Z# t  R3 o1 [
It is a menace that driving with intoxicated.
  }# m3 M4 h# B; a: K6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.( d4 o0 w2 q1 l* Q: ~4 V; g+ h0 y+ s
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biua 发表于 2011-11-14 16:46:21 | 只看该作者
: g. a2 C7 T* o/ ?. U# Nthe Experience is precious memories to us- s* F' U5 J5 Y& E* l
/ Q3 C7 C9 s9 [& p6 r. G
# ?4 X' I' Z5 T1 A% E- k6 R1 kwe are use the new program will spend the least money3 m5 h$ |$ ^4 f9 _

7 ?6 c, a  K4 p, [3 O# Z3 b3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹
3 y' y0 n4 v) Lthe bridge is a marvel in engineering history3 J' x2 y- O- Z2 u' ?! a) A
7 r( k% k2 @2 s. nThe naughty kid mock the blind2 o* v: y6 w" h% q
5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)
: x8 ~! T1 v) u+ I1 ~after drinking to drive will menace our life
6 @: Q$ k( K5 h: P8 l  U2 J6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise9 {* F  O! F% g& U  k1 p
塞翁失马,焉知非福! ~* W" b- v6 @2 t
$ {" {% W+ a: c' [% o. }% i( _7 v
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Aquariusplacid 发表于 2011-11-14 17:07:47 | 只看该作者
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Jessicadingmm 发表于 2011-11-14 17:17:27 | 只看该作者
9 v: ~0 U& E) VIt's a unforgettable experience which we had.
0 l& d; L8 {2 v) y+ |# t1 r* P' Z8 ^! q$ x: I4 w, d% i7 h. k# e
2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱) Z1 j0 [+ ^! `( g) D
New proposal make us more saving cost.
: I: ?6 Z+ Y4 C  ]
- V) F0 q, f6 }0 `0 |3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹
% b2 i7 ^& e: p) ]# J# G7 i/ EIt's a magical bridge on engineering course.
( E& L, U: Q, G' Z6 p( R% k% Z
. h& c) u) G6 z, C4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人
$ ?+ S9 ^4 i9 G! Q+ dThe naughty boys are mocking that blind man. , l- ?. P1 c. m
; g0 G2 q. [+ h' U, ?
5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)- i# {& A. q1 Q- c4 y9 k+ G3 S
Intoxicated driver make menace person's life.
/ o& ~& \/ \+ ~1 f$ J4 F+ l6 ^2 e6 V' v
6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise
' n, q! f8 W7 O/ w( F$ @灾难源于虚伪。' c' Y0 G- j1 S9 _9 H6 C: ^
/ ?& m2 @8 g. z$ ]
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everlonely007 发表于 2011-11-14 17:40:25 | 只看该作者
! ~( q# v3 }5 DThis experience is memorable to us.
  L+ Z1 q1 h' q# [7 U2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱" _2 `; N- \% m0 ^
The new solution could make us to spend the least money.
3 ?/ C8 H; H) N6 X) |; m$ k3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹
8 A- i& h" g+ m! y6 A' O- G! B+ uThis bridge is a miracle in engineering.
# f% S4 z' X  n8 x4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人
/ J# b9 j0 l* O. e0 P. w/ Z  \The spoiled child mocked that blind.9 f, L6 G* W4 @1 ^
5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)
# o8 D9 Q+ i% j: k& u- z  WThe intoxicated driving could menace people's lives.+ U* W1 n* \( j( _5 {
6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise
% ~; {3 I% ]- n( A( _不幸也许是祝福的伪装
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wanjun 发表于 2011-11-14 17:43:11 | 只看该作者
1.this experience is what we unforgetable
; B6 y, M5 g  L1 b/ W% ^2.the new case cost us least* ]/ ]2 e3 i- P" G
3.this bridge is a miracle in engeneering
  l* X* A, U- c& C4 ~4.naughty kids mock that blind man
: f# ?, ~) q  F9 ]5.intoxicated driving is a menace to life
; c- l& X* B5 z  }4 t6.不幸中也暗含着希望
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俏然无声0412 发表于 2011-11-14 17:55:41 | 只看该作者
, h; W1 U4 o; p& b- J5 [This experience was unforgettable for us.
6 x  C4 ~" v2 Z$ @" e; o2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱" u# N7 @$ o; g, a% t
The new plan will cost us a little money.
5 F6 g+ i& ?8 s1 _6 Z  h) {- X/ y0 K0 @3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹& r4 ~- u0 J1 R8 G
This bridge is a miracle in the field of engineering.
7 K- [- {- f" J, S4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人
; D4 r1 g! o6 @3 m2 S0 }' FThose naughty children mocked that blind person.
, c% D+ z/ x4 x4 u2 U5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)
/ d4 A9 O  I" d: n  z+ }/ m9 KIntoxicated driving poses a menace to people`s life.
2 M% \1 z4 L5 d! f. y% m* u6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise
2 o  ~. t4 k4 `因祸得福。
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akiko_yasu 发表于 2011-11-14 20:48:49 | 只看该作者
1.this exprience is unforgettable for us9 j8 Z$ k5 J" ~7 j
2. new plan can cost us the lest money& ]& Y# e$ `% d: N* i  G
3. the bridge is one of the miracle of engineering technology' f: D; [4 `! e. `% T& s8 p+ n' d
4. naughty chirdren mocked the blind people7 D/ @  a! M+ a/ y+ D
5. intoxicated driving can be a menace for people's life
0 h* y) Q; G+ t( C6. 赐福也许可假装成不幸
4 Y: b1 [2 s" r% U7 Q, Y: e* R7 ^
) W) r% H3 B7 g* V
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