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crystalDou 发表于 2011-11-30 17:33:18 | 只看该作者
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宅男費電 发表于 2011-11-30 19:45:45 | 只看该作者
1.节日活动的成功有赖于(depended on)全社区的积极参与7 R- f6 a) {: |' k& `1 ^
The success of festival activities depended on  active participation of community.
! v4 ^& ~4 T& w& \  L, W2.这家公司获得了很多新发明的专利
, X# x" r' w' d' N$ g% `5 cThis corporation have got many new patent.
$ }2 I  ?. }  y& O' ^3.这部电影在拍摄和制作阶段都力求完美
: G. p& }! y8 j. ?. Y4 C- c0 ?This film strive to be perfect in the stage of shooting and producing.
% c4 ^$ [, D# k7 X2 T7 t4.她被着严重的交通堵塞激怒(irritate)了
4 t& r4 g' x( y# h; GShe was irritated by the heavy traffic congestion.
8 ~/ L; M. N0 |$ o2 U6 z5.调查显示中小企业在解决就业问题是作用更大" [! j. ?% C! q  ?
In the survey medium-sized and small corporations have a greater effect in solving the problem of employment.
  L6 z( d% ~9 N' T6.if we divide the life into two episodes, the first is "hesitance-free",while the second is "regret-free"
# ]% p7 M: M8 I! |' i如果我们把生活分成两部分,第一部分是不犹豫,第二部分是不后悔$ I0 Z2 `* g1 e3 w* l8 _1 s3 h
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Seattle520 发表于 2011-11-30 21:32:50 | 只看该作者
1.节日活动的成功有赖于(depended on)全社区的积极参与
3 v9 z* Z' w4 c2 O2 X  Whether a holiday celebration will succeed depends on the active participation of the whole community.: I! W/ a) Y: L0 U8 r1 y
# J! d0 s; R" l# |% Q3 Y6 a
2.这家公司获得了很多新发明的专利+ z* w. x' _, c7 p
The company has won many patents of new inventions.& q; d: A, n# Y  V: `: s5 V

; @+ J* m- v1 {9 F; e. J3.这部电影在拍摄和制作阶段都力求完美* z, P( A6 B# z7 L3 n
This movie pursued perfect results in both filming and producing sections.
) ?* e/ F! n0 _4 z' B
8 C! q  s- `: J2 q4 N/ q4.她被着严重的交通堵塞激怒(irritate)了
( [2 I; R- \  w  V2 |" CShe was irritated by the heavy traffic jam.* U: b1 u0 Y& L5 B+ {( Q# o

. x1 y- F) `# Y( i/ _5.调查显示中小企业在解决就业问题是作用更大, {7 C% u' E" g# ^
Minor enterprises have a greater influence on solving the problem of employment according to the survey.- ]+ T6 i1 a7 u+ N. |6 t

4 F9 I) |2 {; e6 x3 i: B# |' h( w6.if we divide the life into two episodes, the first is "hesitance-free",while the second is "regret-free" & h0 f! X+ Q4 @% M1 U+ _% N
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张博大爱潘玮柏 发表于 2011-11-30 22:05:40 | 只看该作者
如果我们把生命分为两部分 那一部分是由于第二部分是遗憾
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微博评论 发表于 2011-12-1 11:44:50 | 只看该作者
1、the success of the festival activity depended on the whole community's active participation .2、This company obtained lots of invention patents . 3、this movie looks after flawless shoot and making process.
+ H$ n: E5 r$ U
1 ~  u! v7 @6 f/ ?5 q( h$ ^ 来自 酷酷侠1990 的新浪微博
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biua 发表于 2011-12-1 13:27:46 | 只看该作者
1.节日活动的成功有赖于(depended on)全社区的积极参与." C( E( Q- n$ |

1 }- r1 g- T+ v+ E6 v. \
: Q1 G: {% g1 N$ h5 othe festival's success depended on the active participation of all communities.7 e3 x2 u& y- b  L! K

, o, h# v# |6 C8 N: l' Y2.这家公司获得了很多新发明的专利
- x: M% ]% L5 p5 t$ }; y- M! jthe company get patent of many new inventions.( ~/ O0 V& ^  e7 m: b

, ]$ [) @! C5 f3.这部电影在拍摄和制作阶段都力求完美4 ^6 Y. {2 `' i0 q: y. y  r
this film has been pursued of perfection in filming and production phases.
; ~" J$ N) v/ d7 r2 }4 R9 o
  Z: f$ ~; J* Q* T5 {4.她被着严重的交通堵塞激怒(irritate)了
3 F5 A" X+ R# jshe was irritated because serious traffic jam.2 V- Q; K; w$ \. U# E; @/ \

/ l: I& J* p3 o( u' U5.调查显示中小企业在解决就业问题是作用更大  b% `  W! g' D, r- e# ]5 M
the survey show that small and medium enterprises are greater role in solve the employment problem* p) f4 I% {2 r& _0 j5 U

1 C) M1 q, y( t; R6.if we divide the life into two episodes, the first is "hesitance-free",while the second is "regret-free"6 U3 O0 ~6 T* Y9 N2 C
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SeeEvelyn 发表于 2011-12-1 22:52:48 | 只看该作者
7 Z! _4 j$ u: @. |
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cry____stal 发表于 2011-12-2 08:58:02 | 只看该作者
1. The success of the festival activity depends on the participation of the whole community.
: M7 @  S8 p5 h4 e
0 y+ i- O2 o& s" K2 Q2. The company has achieved a lot of patents of new inventions.
; B9 t- Z# N! u5 O! N- [. c2 n( q; \6 L8 B
3. The movie pursued perfection during the period of shooting and making.
! N  h5 {0 C: R9 Z9 M5 {* f  ?' u9 n) L
4. She was irritated by the heavy traffic jam.- a" g) f$ _( a- D+ h% f- n, q

8 ^" G6 _( g/ A# B5. The survey showed that enterprises with small and middle size paly a more important role in tackling the problem of employment." }- @5 j" d$ p2 P6 j. F

. }. P) T1 Q* ?) q1 m7 c! X* K$ T6.如果把人生分为两个阶段,第一阶段叫做“不犹豫”,第二阶段叫做“不后悔”。
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cry____stal 发表于 2011-12-2 09:01:32 | 只看该作者
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微博评论 发表于 2011-12-2 10:39:36 | 只看该作者
请问正确答案或者说参考答案在哪可以看到?; f% K' S! n7 a" r3 y
' f8 {! X  W' }, u: @( z
来自 温暖小暴龙 的新浪微博
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