1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动.$ }$ U( e2 B- Y+ u
Many people act by impulse rather than reason.0 h! I8 q6 z, |+ t' Y
2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机.+ u) X1 A$ t4 P6 F
He has not much incentive to work hard.; G( S3 _; s V
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事./ V, N) c% r2 U1 B
There was a strange incident happened in the supermarket today.
" R# W& {7 S# Q+ |- ?$ K4 c, R 4.你言行不一致.% n& q7 ]: X' Y; }4 c$ W' o. |
What you said is inconsistant with what you did.
' v J3 M9 u0 N0 ?/ Z5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的.0 n i- {0 C) T; Z
A good leader is imperative to a successful company. |