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yisi2005 发表于 2013-1-16 16:31:16 | 只看该作者
2. Looks like they don't want to cross the finish line. They are fraid of success.' ^  E8 o% y1 H0 z
3.Things are always happened before you have done.
' a, b+ s0 z4 @/ v( b7 a  e1 D' F4. Don't make "life"to responsible for the failed goals which you haven't achived.$ \3 W1 w5 z& X- |
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nine段 发表于 2013-1-18 17:57:09 | 只看该作者
1.    当你失败时,振作起来。最后确信你要穿越终点线。% T7 i# N: V9 D  H% g& j. z
when you failed ,just cheer up and make sure that you will cross the final line eventually
3 b) R" F  L+ w* s2 ^2.    看起来似乎是他们不想穿越终点线。他们害怕成功。
6 [3 n& d  E) U* h, o9 b3 ?3 Eit seems like they didn't want to cross the final line . and they are fear of failure
; A" E; \, u( X7 v' }" R3 w) T3.    在你完成前总会有事发生。  $ L7 M) r- p0 c8 a% d9 j) [2 z
Nothing will happen before you finish it1 B9 H: u/ a( \6 T& O. w, V( O
4.    不要让“生活”成为你没达成目标的理由。
' m$ W, S+ a7 s5 n$ C- S& c2 `1 ~+ sNever let the life become your excuse for not achieving your goals
4 l! S! e3 C( u+ G5.    Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice.
& }, ~# ]4 t3 x/ P( U那些轻而易举获得成功的人通常花了数年准备和历练
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fan91 发表于 2013-1-23 10:43:34 | 只看该作者
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blummy雅思要过7 发表于 2013-1-23 10:53:13 | 只看该作者
{:4_87:}4 s, l" `# c! m; S; N
1  when you fail , you should stand up ,making sure that you  can come cross the final line." \7 Z! K% S8 M+ v  w' E) ?. l" s7 ^, `
2  it seems that they don't want to across the final line .they are afraid of success.
. k1 _$ w- t+ i8 w9 l3  things occur before you finish$ d# G$ `' g' j* {: |
4  life is not the reason why you don't get the goal9 g  P& A  x( S! Y* `2 i
5  那些有所成就的人,总是把大量的时间花在准备和练习上。
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qqhahabus1 发表于 2018-9-5 11:15:57 | 只看该作者
very 够哦的
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车险服务 发表于 2018-9-29 00:38:11 | 只看该作者
翻译没有标准答案,我们所给的都是参考答案,比如说很多动词都可以用一些同义词或者是词组来代替.这些都是要靠我们平时自己不断的积累.8 ?' A8 B4 {: B+ c
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