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宁sunshine 发表于 2011-3-14 20:37:39 | 只看该作者
Apple (which regard as nature toothbrush)* ^1 u9 P/ R  l  c1 e9 k
Some runner is not realized that the running shoes that they were are too small.3 F3 ~, P1 q( \! I$ _
Running is a good way to keep fit, do not take money and can do every day.4 Q8 b2 {! T9 I4 l) b3 ]
If clear the objective of go to university, then begin to image the beautiful ending.
5 D4 A6 w8 R' _0 ]8 }* W, ?Stay up early has many good for you, not only the morning but also full day.
) ]8 d# k' A) e. F, I/ t6 e( D' T/ s% Y# n' m* o9 s! Q2 ^
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ilovebeagle 发表于 2011-3-14 22:12:13 | 只看该作者
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maomao02005 发表于 2011-3-14 23:05:58 | 只看该作者
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Biibee 发表于 2011-3-14 23:39:25 | 只看该作者
apple is regarded as a nature toothbrush
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crazycat 发表于 2011-3-15 03:03:12 | 只看该作者
, v- E$ P2 R1 f* x4 k6 i7 dApples have the fame of natural toothbrush.
! n8 D% C7 U3 j; k# C一些跑步者没有意识到他们所穿的跑鞋其实太小。" i8 G' i& `$ p
Some joggers don't realize their sneakers are too tight.8 {2 C$ H, @" v5 l/ s- w2 E
! s- Z+ ^2 F& B# x* X! vWalking is a fantastic way of body building - it can be done every day while costs nothing.$ j  J7 P2 l0 W
一旦明确了上大学的目的,就想象一下最完美的结局。1 L4 ]% B+ W6 k0 t+ @
Just think about the perfect ending once you have determined to go to college.
7 G3 F$ f  W5 o) c每天早起对你益处很多,不仅仅是早晨而是一整天。* R. x& [, s3 k" V6 a0 ~' L
Getting up early will benefit you a lot, not only for the morning but the whole day.
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云路扬 发表于 2011-3-15 03:14:47 | 只看该作者
回复 云路扬 的帖子( t9 p6 \6 {9 \. t+ Q$ B
9 Q. ]* ~- A1 ]' q
"雅思哥  第三句话,they are wearing too small shoes.换成the shoes they *wearing are too small好不好?  发表于 昨天 08:40 "
; ]( M1 s! p+ a6 D5 E
! w% z6 k5 H: w7 j; U3 C+ l' X' }: l. q好啊:)  ---  Some runners don't realize that the shoes they wear are too small.
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小v 发表于 2011-3-15 15:45:51 | 只看该作者
自测 答案~
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Sumite 发表于 2011-3-15 15:53:37 | 只看该作者
9 Y5 {( Q5 p# n3 k: u/ h8 P. `Apples are called natural toothbrushes.
8 L0 r" _1 T3 f5 K5 d+ v% y0 c
! e2 R3 a; W; k  ~/ B; o9 n, q一些跑步者没有意识到他们所穿的跑鞋其实太小。
1 x# F# Z9 \9 J! q& t7 `! R+ DSome runner don't realize that their track shoes are too small.( _& M  o% l/ a0 ]. }6 H+ T0 }% j
0 U# F( n4 |3 ^# _
步行是塑身的超棒方式,不花钱,而且可以每天进行% o, J, H5 ~# r! d
Walking is an excellent way to keep fit----it doesn't cost you anything and can be practised daily.
! _9 l4 I6 y1 u, _" D9 m# V
  }9 F' y8 K! K/ d4 f: \6 l一旦明确了上大学的目的,就想象一下最完美的结局。5 G; b  Q% u" d8 C8 R
Once having made clear your goal of university, you should imagine the best outcome you dare to dream.
" x6 Z& A1 x* X2 ^' P3 Y+ j6 m! ?. ]) Q9 F  H/ E
每天早起对你益处很多,不仅仅是早晨而是一整天。: Q+ `0 A# Y7 x# H( e3 b* q
It is really beneficial to get up early in the morning, not only for the morning but the whole day.
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郑小恺 发表于 2011-3-15 17:31:03 | 只看该作者
苹果(被称作是天然的牙刷)& \- q' D  v7 S& _$ Y  K/ r
Apple is defined a natural tooth brush.4 e5 E! W$ C! Z: O1 f5 k
一些跑步者没有意识到他们所穿的跑鞋其实太小。' ?' H" @5 W& ?. c2 ^7 O
Some of runner that they do not feel uncomfortable as a little shoes on their feet.
) @; ]3 J; E3 T% U- d8 ?* q3 d; c" g/ Y# ~步行是塑身的超棒方式,不花钱,而且可以每天进行7 |& J: e! n) `  D. F
Walking is the best way to slim the body, we can do everyday without payment.
* N5 k. S( Q  V+ I  [! c6 L一旦明确了上大学的目的,就想象一下最完美的结局。
8 P* H; @$ [% j) C2 l7 D& x( n, v( IYou can imagine the perfect end if you confirm the target in the university.
1 @: L8 k9 o! M6 G1 \7 C, S4 n每天早起对你益处很多,不仅仅是早晨而是一整天。
0 L) t; U; S, Q9 w1 l+ xIt is benefit for you when you wake up early everyday, not only for a morning, but also for a day.
3 k( J1 f  U" S: o
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Seyachris 发表于 2011-3-15 17:34:31 | 只看该作者
1、Apple is called natual toothbrush.; M/ ~. {) z/ U+ z; t  `0 p9 i. t1 p
5 T- M# \7 U( L2 i# g& ^: H) a
2、Some runners do not realize that their running shoes are too small for their feet.
; B; m2 C2 {8 s
& G+ j- _% h: q8 X, G/ j2 H3、Walking is a great way for body-building, which does not cost a penny and could be done every day.
! D9 C' V! ^  k5 R6 x) d
# T3 u" s7 A2 T, z8 {( ^* a0 r4、Once the purpose of going for university is assured, one could imagine the most perfect result.
4 x; {7 q& G, o$ H7 h3 c$ i" X% g& A7 n7 P9 w7 z5 x2 m
5、You will benifit a lot from getting up early, not for the morning but for the whole day.
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