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天才WADE 发表于 2011-3-16 22:22:25 | 只看该作者
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karen 发表于 2011-3-16 22:28:41 | 只看该作者
8 Y5 ^* r9 x0 G4 zsince the earthquake and asunami last friday, there has beeb 3300 people died and thousands of lose, v: O- S9 h8 G( |$ p9 d
: V  D- B& x% Sthat 's the last time i have seen her.
7 P+ N  J! O- m, F. w" l. ]3.下月公司将推出新产品。
, d1 I1 h  I6 {7 M0 Y# `next month ,the company is going to produce new products% j+ v3 j) N, p

2 Z. C( d6 ^; y3 {, _' s% k7 |* ~5 B  i4.再不停止,我就报警了。: W6 s4 }7 c0 D% e0 q# t4 B+ @8 l
stop ,or i will call the police
: q# j' I" M* g5.自从星期五的地震之后,另外三个核反应堆自动停止了工作。
7 f# ^8 n; V6 H9 Z$ B1 y8 Uanother 3 nuclear stop working automatically,since the earthquake last friday
! p5 x* O# H- h( g6.I am fully convinced that the soul is indestructible, and that its activity will continue through eternity. It is like the sun, which, to our eyes, seems to set at night; but it has in reality only gone to diffuse in lights elsewhere. (汉译英)% k, E* @; o% U9 e! r
我深信人的灵魂是不能磨灭的 ,他会永久活跃。就像太阳,也许我的眼看他是晚上,可事实上他在别的地方发光哪
9 k% d2 i, k: e' n
. N' u( ~: R$ [1 ]
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maomao02005 发表于 2011-3-16 22:37:02 | 只看该作者
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赵怂怂 发表于 2011-3-16 23:07:03 | 只看该作者
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九仪蜘蛛 发表于 2011-3-16 23:22:39 | 只看该作者
+ e) h6 {% F, z3 M2.那是我最后一次看见她。
# W5 V' C( y* V6 w7 h3.下月公司将推出新产品。8 }0 `+ i8 M. J( {
4.再不停止,我就报警了。5 c  q9 t" `0 u+ c
5.自从星期五的地震之后,另外三个核反应堆自动停止了工作。. i8 N  v, C7 N5 k1 ^9 ~( B
6.I am fully convinced that the soul is indestructible, and that its activity will continue through eternity. It is like the sun, which, to our eyes, seems to set at night; but it has in reality only gone to diffuse in lights elsewhere. (汉译英)6 W9 D8 U  z9 }  j1 t: K1 I! a
7 Q5 P/ F/ W  p* @, [: t; c0 o
1.It has been identified that more than 3300 people died , moreover, thousands of people got lost since the earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan last Friday ., Z  X( `) x% a3 [- V9 C
2.That was the last time I met her .
# |6 ]) H- s$ b) P/ H- h3.Next month , the company will promote new products .
0 g& H( C( A: I, L4 |4.I’ll give a alarm unless you stop right now .9 ~! R; R. b! @( D$ ~
5.the other three nuclear reactors have stopped working automatically after the earthquake happened last Friday .- y3 }3 K+ f( g2 Y' _
& e8 l* y( V4 b' t. R* z. ]" y7 J
+ ]/ [! `; o9 Q  U, KKindly give me your advice,please!
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九仪蜘蛛 发表于 2011-3-16 23:23:09 | 只看该作者
" K# v. q1 D' c5 G8 ?2.那是我最后一次看见她。
- p. W/ o2 g1 H4 Q3.下月公司将推出新产品。* j" m9 i/ E" Y, n
4 |1 P( m: b0 E* s$ s. L7 c1 Q5.自从星期五的地震之后,另外三个核反应堆自动停止了工作。
& A$ {2 b$ R* N( u* Z- J8 w, |6.I am fully convinced that the soul is indestructible, and that its activity will continue through eternity. It is like the sun, which, to our eyes, seems to set at night; but it has in reality only gone to diffuse in lights elsewhere. (汉译英)
; D6 ^% e$ W* n# X8 J+ Q# }3 q3 w* J" i( X( U8 S+ o
1.It has been identified that more than 3300 people died , moreover, thousands of people got lost since the earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan last Friday .
0 x* @7 K8 d' B9 p- w+ y0 y2.That was the last time I met her .
" m! ?1 L  M+ A: P: G6 t, A& N3.Next month , the company will promote new products .4 R% J. w8 V. t* t) q
4.I’ll give a alarm unless you stop right now .; u1 H0 ?( W4 M2 y
5.the other three nuclear reactors have stopped working automatically after the earthquake happened last Friday .
+ e1 p7 G5 C1 p7 S6 z1 A" w' p2 W6.我现在相信灵魂是永不可磨灭的,她将永远存在于天地之间,就好比太阳,我们在晚上看不到,但事实上他始终存在。
: c! r- Z1 G% O6 I; d2 E7 i9 y' k; ?9 f9 z& |  b
Kindly give me your advice,please!
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crazycat 发表于 2011-3-17 02:14:27 | 只看该作者
1.自从上个星期五的地震和海啸后,已经有超过3300人确认死亡和上千人失踪3 Y! k# U3 C5 U6 n1 L% |' C
Over 3300 death and thousands of missing have been reported since the earthquake and tsunami last Friday.; G, Y6 Z8 j! c# [
2.那是我最后一次看见她。# n, W0 }. X: b6 f9 b
That was the last time I ever saw her.
5 C8 Y5 g1 [0 F- `+ J" i2 V3.下月公司将推出新产品。
: W# e1 G; ^5 N# B* L$ IThe new product will be launched by the company next month.
8 s6 Q: [+ j! N! v1 n4.再不停止,我就报警了。
# c3 O- l) @' f; N3 ZI will call the police if you don't stop.2 ^! p4 ^4 v! w8 R7 u
1 }8 z% j  p9 ^3 h3 `# UAfter the earthquake on Friday another three nuclear reactors stopped working automatically.
! \3 R" J3 z* i* y+ z. I6.I am fully convinced that the soul is indestructible, and that its activity will continue through eternity. It is like the sun, which, to our eyes, seems to set at night; but it has in reality only gone to diffuse in lights elsewhere. (汉译英)
0 c$ Q3 \  g% k, ~; W4 U2 ~! y$ \我深信精神是不可摧毁的。就像是太阳,我们只看到它在到了晚上就落了下去,可实际上,它只是去其他的地方传播光明去了。
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九仪蜘蛛 发表于 2011-3-20 22:04:02 | 只看该作者
回复 九仪蜘蛛 的帖子2 `2 m1 `, W$ C) `* [# o

* I4 g: k0 D& a- h/ }多些指教!挺有道理的,谢谢!
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九仪蜘蛛 发表于 2011-3-20 22:05:39 | 只看该作者
回复 crazycat 的帖子1 ]+ B  C. K$ c5 O
8 q: i( ]. Y  a8 P+ y6 V0 \% {
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crazycat 发表于 2011-3-20 22:24:04 | 只看该作者
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# U0 g+ J* K9 v" R# z# w6 y; a# F' h# A2 w0 E& ~$ G9 c/ p
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