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乔书亚 发表于 2011-8-27 14:35:59 | 只看该作者
$ M3 p: I7 L; M; C' ^3 [" ?Many people believe electric media will replace the traditional ones.
! t* r) r! j* p9 g# q2.工程师能创造出之前不存在的东西6 g" c& {& X+ n+ F2 C: K
Engineers can create what never exists before.5 v, g) X9 W; |$ p
3.工厂十年前的产量是现在得十分之一2 X5 e3 F2 T6 z0 G
The current production of this factory is ten times much as that ten years ago.
, Q$ `5 r; M/ F% V4. 海洋比中的生物多样性比热带雨林丰富
9 c' J. n3 X+ }1 _. tThere are more diversified species in ocean than in rainforest.
, }% [3 H( i' z
% a3 |0 q7 b/ Q/ A, T5.实验结果与计算数据相匹配
; N& n# R  T- I% v9 d- V0 FThe experimental outcome is conherent to the data.
" \; I/ z1 ^7 _' N4 b) I' h6.Actions speak louder than words.
. ~9 R8 N3 k2 Q8 k% H: V行动胜于空谈。; G) E" e& R  K& b" G
# S2 m/ _7 i; N* l' W! e$ C" S. _


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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博仔王博 发表于 2011-8-27 15:19:24 | 只看该作者
1.        many people think that the electronic media will take place of traditional media
6 }& v/ W  M& N# \. l2.        engineer can create the nonexistent stuff before it appeared
! R: M/ ?; x& e2 H' @" Q3.        factory’s production in ten years ago is only 10 percent of today’s production8 h2 W5 ]6 b7 F5 i/ L" d) D
4.        the biodiversity in ocean is more abundant than that in rainforest
0 b6 m. e( L8 f+ a; ~: P+ B' J( z5.        experiment result is matched with calculating date
1 q- ^6 Y) b4 Q) X+ h6.        事实胜于雄辩; u7 G: E  K* a) K: w


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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多哈225 发表于 2011-8-27 15:46:38 | 只看该作者
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zhengdetaileile 发表于 2011-8-27 16:34:14 | 只看该作者
1.Many people consider the eletronic media will replace the traditional one.2 N, B1 u3 M" v3 W5 j* J2 O
2.Engineers can create things which do not exist before.0 h" j# w0 h; @- F4 p
3.The output of this factory now is ten times as much as it did ten years ago.  ^0 z; Q' m/ E. e+ X
4.The biodiversity under the sea is much more abundant than it is in the rainforest.
* U9 w! M8 C# b: _( @5.The result of this experiment is match with the computational data.
# E- Q" v5 Y' I" G6.事实胜于雄辩


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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elvacookies 发表于 2011-8-27 16:46:55 | 只看该作者
# T* H$ P) u; o6 P! K! v1 g! ma vast number of folks argue that e-media will substitute tradtional(conventional) media.
; g8 p# d3 I+ {; E2.工程师能创造出之前不存在的东西
9 j( C: _4 i" |: h8 Kengineers are able to product something non-existence before.( c' N5 D" D& I; b& t+ k
1 g) t3 ^; ~1 j7 s0 U& `' W+ n% ^a decade ago the yeild(output/productivity) is 1/10 as much as that of now. ( X% i9 r, [1 `& n* `. ?( R
4. 海洋比中的生物多样性比热带雨林丰富8 h8 r% P2 v# W; b  e8 u
biodiversity of ocean is more affluent(abundant) than that of (tropic) rainforest.
/ H9 d, Y& A0 s! Y% \# u" @5.实验结果与计算数据相匹配
9 d9 q9 s" }+ |the conclusion of experiment is coincide(march to/assestence) with data(figure,number,) of accelerating.
8 p$ x% S1 ~5 W) M" \8 R6.Actions speak louder than words
( b4 P' W/ k* _1 V. X行动更有说服力。


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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维他命西西 发表于 2011-8-27 18:13:18 | 只看该作者
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bnnb87 发表于 2011-8-27 18:17:09 | 只看该作者
& W) S) W4 |3 [Many people think that electric media will replace traditional media.
7 g4 n- e5 \. U6 p! z4 B8 \) }4 T2.工程师能创造出之前不存在的东西6 Q9 d. |. {- ?# K1 k* l
Engineer can creat unexist things./ m8 \2 l5 o1 ^0 a" I! H
( M  ?6 f) w5 U% rThe production of factory is 10 percent now of ten years ago.
& l# F5 {9 w$ |. \  \: L( r+ l4. 海洋比中的生物多样性比热带雨林丰富' f$ C1 Y; H' n+ c6 {: Z' Q
Biodiversity in sea is more abundon than forest.
; I' k% A/ x( x3 Z5.实验结果与计算数据相匹配
3 M, U' a, S0 Z% n1 N, w: z7 d$ aExperimental results is accomplished with calculated data. ; k$ H! v/ I4 R$ `! T
6.Actions speak louder than words.
  y% Z! |3 x! ]! ~5 L少说多做, b) x3 R7 r" _; G2 y9 V


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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joey_2010 发表于 2011-8-27 18:35:35 | 只看该作者
1 Q# A* w; V4 T( ~/ \+ k! o' gMost of the people argue that electrical media will take the place of the traditional media
: h! z# J7 c. ?1 N1 \# ?* L2.工程师能创造出之前不存在的东西) P! V; n) y/ r" [' G
Engineer  can create things which is not exist before/ V* t% x3 X+ G. K; H0 D6 B
3.工厂十年前的产量是现在得十分之一* `3 ~7 h: ~' h; z) Z+ I
The output of the company a decade ago was just one tenth of that the company do now& {* |  U7 o% l) e0 Z, r
4. 海洋中的生物多样性比热带雨林丰富
5 T" I+ x* r8 L* b3 @% qThe biodiversity in ocean is more flavor than in tropic forest  P7 |, _9 b/ n7 U5 C
5.实验结果与计算数据相匹配3 @6 H# @6 l5 [& `0 ?  x) }
The result of the experiment  matches with the  computer data
# z+ x! F0 h, Q) N6.Actions speak louder than words.
: D# c$ \: l' O+ X行动胜于语言- E% b2 ~4 J) K9 M4 o2 u/ {/ o


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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bnnb87 发表于 2011-8-27 18:45:17 | 只看该作者
请楼主解释下第二句为什么使用An engineering?,是不是不应对原文中一个工程师,理解为一个人,而应该理解为一个工程。
: P# p7 a) f: Q3 O' d另外本人总结:replace与displace的 区别
8 U4 s/ D$ h$ v- Kreplace是指两个事物之间的替代。
0 p" h3 \" L( }" R0 f例:I replaced you with him as the contestant in the competition.
! d# }, {: |4 `8 S3 l) {+ n: v# Q8 Odisplace是指一个事物的转移。
! U1 f( k- d. `& |例:I displaced you as the contestant from this competition to that one.$ T( |& I+ z8 I  X/ g1 }
另外Replace还有放回原处的意思。9 ~* z7 Z& j3 {' D8 }


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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陈小_mouse 发表于 2011-8-27 20:43:09 | 只看该作者
1.很多人认为电子媒体将取代传统媒体+ g5 K- r; c1 E$ E
many people think that the electronic media will take the place of traditional media.$ w$ \- ^4 ~  Q" i" g, x4 R! {
0 Q% U+ v; D2 a3 V6 r/ I& Lengineer can invent things that do not exist before.% q$ t! q' @3 v
5 J, f9 B9 M( Z& \: l5 m2 jthe factories produce one-tenth of they uesd to produce a decade ago .! z( G; d) H. U+ N9 C& C# ?
4. 海洋比中的生物多样性比热带雨林丰富- Z/ e  i- _9 V; T1 c4 `  n: q% _
marine biodiversity is richer than tropical rain forests...   (不会呐。。~)
( N  P9 L- d# r4 ^3 e5.实验结果与计算数据相匹配
" C- F9 r6 i0 Xthe outcome of experiment matches the circulative statistic
6 x9 [) j8 u. M" |0 [7 A6.Actions speak louder than words.1 k1 h$ y4 E; k, q) s( D


参与人数 1金币 +24 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 24


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