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Jem_B 发表于 2011-10-14 15:25:59 | 只看该作者
1.        thank everything you have done for us.
* K. ~1 _6 ?1 j; p+ q8 t
! F2 H2 G! E1 E+ X2 r2.        we should attention to the distinguishing of synonym2 K' q+ }$ {. e0 J7 x/ Y

$ N3 n$ s* ?: c& a9 n8 e3.        I would bought the car earlier ,if I have enough money
: n' V( k" j* b' S
9 U3 O' P8 _) ~) x4.        My husband cannot attend tonight for some reasons, I thank you on behalf of him7 v2 U& Y! ]+ C1 [
0 x3 O9 I2 b' {
5.        How about your abroad branchs ?
* M: {, L& V) q# F. Y) f6 H& iNot very well at beginning , but we have made profit 2 year later.
& P' K. o2 l6 b1 qSince you opened the market, it would be better and better.3 G$ ]3 `9 b$ t# t; L# R4 ~
I hope so
4 S6 B1 B' D. i3 ?' r) z# ~


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2011-10-14 18:17:50 | 只看该作者
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sophia_bakery 发表于 2011-10-14 22:00:34 | 只看该作者
1.感谢您为我们所做的一切。Thanks for everything you've done for us.5 }0 y; }) D7 q2 Z- i
2.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。We should pay enough attention to synonyms distinguishing.- t$ ~  [7 `7 h0 }& m4 _
3.如果我有足够的钱,我早就买下那辆车了。If I have enough money I had bought that car already.
# V5 m0 J+ e) b+ u6 n% d" B4.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。My husband can not be here for some reason, thank you.# I& x, S( v- ~* e) E! ?: E
5.  A: 你海外的分厂进展如何?How is your oversea branch running?$ p/ Y8 R+ D6 Z+ Q6 C; n4 U0 r" v, r
B: 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。It's not very smooth at first, but became profitable after two years.
* q7 q, k! ^4 R8 f. n+ f: KA: 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的。Things will be better since the good begining.
/ C, E# ?2 p) h5 J4 uB: 但愿如此。I hope so.7 S2 ^+ V/ V8 [2 Y+ ?
6. A little body often harbors a great soul. (英译汉) 自古英雄出少年


参与人数 1金币 +21 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 21


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Jun0620 发表于 2011-10-14 22:37:00 | 只看该作者
1.Thank you for all  you did for us.
0 M# e4 t4 [$ A2.We should pay attention to the diffirences of  the words with almost the same meaning.) b, g. b7 g* S" N" s! K
3.If I have enough money,I have had that car years ago.* g3 {- j2 G4 \* P; S: `. |! r
4.My husband is abscent for some reason,and Iwill represent for him to thank all of you.
/ ~+ {0 }- t8 y7 ]0 C4 k5.A:what about the progress of your outsea brench?
" t9 d6 l' ]% \/ ]B.First it's not good till two years later.
" U6 _' p0 ]2 W# L/ p& ^7 B6 cA:It will be better if the market is opened.
) K, h$ {  I- s$ g% c2 a' K6 ?B:I hope so.
2 O/ d  J" g& c2 z8 n! d  D6.人不可貌相。8 h* |$ o/ x& u, k, O" g0 l' F/ b


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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Joreo 发表于 2011-10-14 22:59:44 | 只看该作者
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李飒justlisa 发表于 2011-10-14 23:32:15 | 只看该作者
1.感谢您为我们所做的一切。0 a" v/ p4 d) @. S* D4 d) K
We are appraciate for everthing you did for us
8 x; w' E1 K5 j2.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。0 t% U2 |& g! {1 r6 F1 Q; s( d
We should pay attention to assess the similar words
7 m. c3 b4 a  X9 t- L1 G3.如果我有足够的钱,我早就买下那辆车了。
" g# s' Y; w! R, T! b/ D. M+ ^/ _! WIf I have enough money,I'v already bought that car." X9 h" [& O3 S+ \( M2 h
4.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。
/ M; _+ g5 P  T5 b2 ?& eMy husband could't come tonight as something else happened,I would represent him say thanks to you.
( K! O" P+ A) i( }9 c2 `+ L0 R9 H5.A: 你海外的分厂进展如何?5 t, p& Z1 j" I) J$ Q% J. ^
         How's going about your oversea factory?9 C/ ?- p' I8 w4 t0 G4 j
   B: 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。
5 A* A* P; f  k. b, Y3 q9 M3 x       Well,it's not really good at the beginning,until two years latter it started to have profits.
+ U( X4 s, G/ P   A: 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的.
% A! Y3 n0 D5 O5 T) Y/ ?% c       Once it open the door, it well gonna better and better8 p1 ^( W8 _. \; d, u: u% i/ v$ v
   B: 但愿如此。
6 g& H% i: D! V8 J. |       I hope so.5 r+ N, Y* n- X) t
6. A little body often harbors a great soul. (英译汉)
. D6 S* u; _# ^2 C5 u: y+ o! N9 k  i5 B    浓缩的是精华


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20


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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-10-14 23:39:59 | 只看该作者


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参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20


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宅男費電 发表于 2011-10-15 00:02:36 | 只看该作者
% h. ?. e& r' z, U* {# c9 XThanks for everything you've done for us.1 ]& U: t# g* N9 V6 y1 v# K/ G. i
2.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。4 @, I( |, r! w2 k* @' Y
We should pay attention to discriminate the synonyms) G  Y& J/ _  j6 E% ~# B
7 E8 @) l0 f. n# p9 Q' E. gIf I had enough fund, I had bought that car already.
# @7 L" n8 _6 q1 \. ]; G4.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。( g' V' L6 v# J6 P
My husband didn't come tonight, so I instead him to say thanks to you.
( N1 Y7 M* ~+ D0 f% h' d' }5.A: 你海外的分厂进展如何?0 N; r7 C9 J+ l4 f
   B: 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。
* w' s" E3 j: _  o   A: 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的。% I/ ^& a! O2 N# d
   B: 但愿如此。
0 u4 H! B2 O+ q5 l( WWhat's going on your overseas bunch factory?
" E  B/ T: u# DIt didn't make profit at first until two years after that.% E& Y6 D1 A! P1 M6 Q$ x1 l9 h' E
Once it had a good open, it will be better.2 R8 q& G5 o' U
hope so
: ^; I$ b. @6 y6 p; A" h' J6. A little body often harbors a great soul. (英译汉)
' J! x8 t# ~' ~# g' q1 P+ X; k9 _* F浓缩的都是精品


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20


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biua 发表于 2011-10-16 09:59:49 | 只看该作者
        - k* x; ~! k3 A  V# Q1 l
3 [3 u: N5 y* y: L3 A) w
# M' S$ y; A% o$ ?- b/ W# Z# l- }1 h
( {9 E8 \/ D) }/ Q5 i
/ B6 h0 m  `; o. z2 J3 G9 Ethank you for everything we do
% W) F& a6 W7 ^2 \* V( Y1 ^! k' a' @$ x* i' n5 o
2.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。2 ?: j( l$ `/ l( w
9 e+ A5 N9 |+ Y
we should be pay attention to synonyms analysis4 Y  `' ?2 S1 ^1 |% |* R. m

3 L9 ?2 t# V( x+ r( L3.如果我有足够的钱,我早就买下那辆车了。9 C8 P+ c4 M; O2 k* j( l
7 ?" r# A9 B, k0 a# S
if i have enough money,the car is belong me
) C; r8 }, ]% L# z- V, Z1 c
1 P, l& {# h1 ]; i9 X' @4.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。0 u  t. ?" f6 r. r2 v% n% ~

- j8 f: L+ G  |my husband need something to do so he can not go tonight and i thank you on his behalf+ F3 i: u% k* A; I
. E5 h) ^6 K: S( w' D
5.A: 你海外的分厂进展如何?0 `' X6 @$ f7 G/ j+ f
   B: 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。
: h% c) e: e  D8 K$ K* H4 W$ W( o: @   A: 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的。
  s: X- ?" R! @) N3 R   B: 但愿如此。
9 t8 e, E- w( x! k* j
" _; |+ d5 P9 Owhat progress on your overseas factory?) M* o3 S9 k* C) M9 i
two years later began to profit,but it is start not good
& q( V7 l* I7 v& j1 C  Zonce opened, the situation will be better and better$ U2 p1 W6 @' a% B
i hope so, I/ z8 a3 ^& s9 d1 f$ p1 R
; i; i5 ~; a$ y6 o
6. A little body often harbors a great soul. (英译汉)
% E, g8 H, K3 ^" X, E3 N+ s6 D3 R8 |, J, j1 P9 X
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佳择 发表于 2011-10-16 18:22:10 | 只看该作者
$ S- Q) P) z, K4 Wthank you for what you have than for me6 o* d' b: q' O) B& F3 B
l2.我们应注意对同义词的辨析。9 B  M2 S8 P1 @' n
we should pay attention to the differenciate of the a synonym
( g, u& h3 e9 h) Y- G( ?# ?: Y3.如果我有足够的钱,我早就买下那辆车了
# g" W4 a# R& kif i have enough money i woud buy that car* N  g6 S9 @* P( r( ?+ {3 F
4.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢
! }$ _& r! @3 z' ]! A( D" c! Zmy husband can't be here for some reason,i represent him to show our grateful0 h$ o( W$ z3 w; R0 g
5.A: 你海外的分厂进展如何?# p9 A+ a: G1 B
B: 开始不太理想,直到两年以后才开始赢利。
7 Z4 u  i) T7 } A: 一旦打开局面,肯定会越来越好的。) B( A) u$ t  Y0 ]1 @* [, ~: `
  B: 但愿如此。4 _5 k# t4 |- X, t
how is your oveseas company& L3 M. W) _! u& X% x
not good in the beginning ,it didn't make profit until two years later: [1 V- l1 n) W
if the things begin,it must be better and better
8 ?* U& y8 R& s% ^, _! j' b  {% Vhope so
$ o- \1 a/ t9 J: {6. A little body often harbors a great soul. (英译汉)
+ N9 y9 r: \9 N* ^5 I小小体格却存有强大的内心3 X$ M8 p+ C, e& x" A% E$ c/ i/ N
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