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biua 发表于 2011-10-18 15:51:46 | 只看该作者
. n4 A+ K9 j0 H) p3 \2 Z+ ?
9 E1 V( F& M2 Z9 \& e* z
, v' _  ?9 Y  dcampus life is not only eat and drink.! Y, V( m# }3 c, E& T  k+ B

8 B0 _# `+ M/ l, d1 ^2.我不明白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。5 t. S% P; P# C" @, d
i don't understand how design of computer game. j8 j$ y  h  `) `; p0 T* g
% k7 w) M+ }" `) L8 D( a) y
3.有几家公司投标,争取新音乐厅的建造合同。4 O& }: O+ {! h, i* c) P3 d% d
several companies competing for the new concert hall's construction contract.
, m* G$ L" c# X
! K) D( @  r6 E4 g- C4.让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌。/ X' `3 F* b8 i  t
let us applaud for her.
8 _9 r/ w1 K$ K& x5 _% n, }$ K
+ S, W5 F& A! k/ z9 K9 k5.别再玩弄那姑娘的感情。; G9 F8 g$ B. ~; d3 j
don't play with the emotion of the girl
0 o2 Z3 G0 B' `: [9 Q+ L9 t' u# C: e' p1 K# O& v: P
6.Whate'er is begun in anger, ends in shame.+ n7 m8 S2 X% n! W0 J  p
& {, y5 Y5 S% t7 v$ A* v7 m! C


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20


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SILVER1414 发表于 2011-10-18 16:05:52 | 只看该作者
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angelica33 发表于 2011-10-18 16:20:48 | 只看该作者
& a" T) i" I! R" jThe campus life is not all cakes and ale.
0 n( s6 m7 v) w. i) j1 q2.我不明白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。
- o: W# R5 k$ I1 e3 H9 LI can not understand how computer games are designed
/ v1 }  S0 ^  ^8 @3 {3.有几家公司投标,争取新音乐厅的建造合同。
0 I: I% ^1 z& ~4 f! V0 CMany companies submitted tenders for the construction contract of the new concert hall.  ( q! {! l, P. Y$ E! e6 Z
4.让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌。3 A4 o+ [1 A* M2 M
Let us applause for her.
6 d# k: {4 p/ ~5.别再玩弄那姑娘的感情。. U2 m. b! g9 p6 F+ U
Do not play with the girl.7 A8 b; }! T# P$ P% c" g
6.Whate'er is begun in anger, ends in shame.(汉译英)
( Q1 X& [5 r; S! k: y( F" R愤怒而始,羞愧而终


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20 Do not play with the girl.


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Jem_B 发表于 2011-10-18 16:26:22 | 只看该作者
1.        the campus life is not all about beer and skittles., [' G  V, X8 ]/ j. [1 h

- P' f1 r. i( `; X9 f
6 |1 b# T) ^: [3 G2.        i do not know how to devise the computer game.
; K7 u0 d0 v$ h# T8 f  Y( l1 R$ K6 ?, h3 G
$ @, T9 J# ~2 C& O* h: x9 r
3.        there are several companies submit a tender to compete for the construction contract of new musical hell.; a& N$ J0 I# ~6 D
4 b, n* k5 k! J. l5 P
4.        Let us give an applause to her .1 U- p3 ]  n# k0 E$ `

- x2 N$ d; X; q* h/ e3 j9 W+ m& O5.        Do not dally with the girl’s heart
" y- N7 H; s1 Q$ n  l


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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chumengtian 发表于 2011-10-18 17:26:37 | 只看该作者
) f) k3 r0 a; O0 i5 d3 JThe campus life is not just eating and playing.
  b' v" H) c2 p, Q2.我不明白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。
6 B: E0 l  r1 S* n" e0 Y# HI have no idea how to design a computer game.
; @6 N. g8 s& o0 t. W3.有几家公司投标,争取新音乐厅的建造合同。
( T# k; ]( i( @# h# @) CThere are several companies competing the contract of building the new theater.
1 G) F  e5 P) y4 a4 N" @! O0 Z3 }' I5 }4.让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌。5 e3 H. o) K* ~8 J% T6 X
Let's applause for her.
3 T* b4 p2 r/ f6 \5 c7 w5.别再玩弄那姑娘的感情。
' c$ J* v! [8 z* Y! o' a6 uDon't mass with that girl's heart.* `& I$ M0 x! b
6.Whate'er is begun in anger, ends in shame.(汉译英)
9 i! d# z3 ^, ?; Z# S0 C愤怒的结局无非是无地自容。


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2011-10-18 19:57:47 | 只看该作者
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Catherine璐哈哈 发表于 2011-10-18 20:44:04 | 只看该作者
1.        Campus life is not all beers and skittles.
. z1 l8 e( C8 I2 `2 G5 R2.        I don’t understand how computer games are designed.: Q- e! a- w) }% F9 V  k1 o
3.        There are several companies tendering for this construction contact of the new odeum.+ |- k1 ?+ M( _) p3 N
4.        Let’s applause greatly for her.
& q) {( z1 j  g0 K5.        Don’t dally with the girl’s love.- n5 p- k* G) ~9 s
6.        无论何事,只要以愤怒开始,便会以羞耻终结。
; G' R! b% w4 k


参与人数 1金币 +27 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 27


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宅男費電 发表于 2011-10-18 22:05:49 | 只看该作者
1.校园生活并不尽是吃喝玩乐。! e+ K# Z+ L' m! c
The campus life is not all beer and skittles.
$ i! A7 \& M5 E0 T/ a& Z2.我不明白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。) A* J1 s! Z8 t. P( e
I can't figure out how to design computer games, U0 o. \9 v6 ^0 O5 S0 e( i' t
: w& A5 H3 s  b# T: I; F  m  CThere are several companies biding for the new contract of music hall.
3 K( V, F; M: l( `4.让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌。) [3 f; L8 a  t
let's clap our hands for her.- I* f# S# c4 ]  P7 X/ j6 U; V) W
5.别再玩弄那姑娘的感情。5 x6 d, \5 }5 `8 t& f
Don't dally with that girl's feeling.7 n9 ]2 G. l9 z9 \
6.Whate'er is begun in anger, ends in shame.
2 [* ?  F1 ~$ `, {4 Q不管什么是以愤怒引起的,总会是羞愧终止


参与人数 1金币 +25 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 25


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zytf0131 该用户已被删除
zytf0131 发表于 2011-10-18 22:34:30 | 只看该作者
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二姑娘00 发表于 2011-10-18 23:00:59 | 只看该作者
1.校园生活并不尽是吃喝玩乐。8 a! x) ?  L: G# P3 H
The life of compus not only eating,drinking,playing and joyless.* y( P5 h" p$ \7 x. H4 S: a
, a8 s' m8 ?" x: d( p: Q$ YI don't fingure out the computer games how to design.% i* u. H) N" [8 W
0 q$ ]7 [  X3 TSome companies are bidding for the building  contract  of  the new muscial hall.
0 s; {9 z0 A$ T4 r8 }. N& p" c4.让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌。/ }. L) n7 h9 ?- d
Let us applause to her.
; ~. L9 T9 o1 M! y, ]5.别再玩弄那姑娘的感情。
0 L/ ?3 |& O9 ~1 KDon't play with the girl's feeling.4 |4 h* \; |. {" N
- I  b$ k* }) j" v7 `

8 y" R$ ~& c" D6.Whate'er is begun in anger, ends in shame.1 y. f- x5 _( m8 x, S4 W. e


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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