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zzzzz西 发表于 2011-10-28 13:59:49 | 只看该作者
these flowers need to be watered every day.
% A- Y- a7 v7 o+ J2 M6 Ii plan to pursue futher english education in a college at my own expense.
- C  V, y- j2 ?; c$ H( q" W, ^as an interpreter, you should comprehend the cultural backgrouds of english-speaking countries.
( k' S9 j$ \2 U( D& y3 s: M; cchinese people have got aware of the importance of ecological environment conservation. In the vast rural areas, the construction projects of water conservancy facilities are in the ascendant.
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叫什么好呢 发表于 2011-10-28 19:35:24 | 只看该作者
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狂派蒹葭 发表于 2011-10-28 21:32:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 狂派蒹葭 于 2011-10-29 06:56 编辑
; G( |6 {( W6 o' B# [
5 V- x7 O: q+ V, |. h5 Z
3 L# T5 L% v/ p' f1.这些花需要每天浇水。5 W1 J6 [5 c% V8 F; z
These flowers need watering everyday.
+ ]- \: ?, P& m# L * H, L/ ^/ l# q! z: l
2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。9 c6 |* o/ n+ \5 c+ M
Pedestrian should look around before crossing road.
% F7 P0 g( x0 p6 u1 F0 G& n$ u% i8 _/ q- N6 `6 Q, @' i, Z; H
( N! ]: h) D' j) B! q3 jI am going to study English in a college at my own expense.# Y* n! g9 n0 @5 U
/ r. y* x% o) o/ [- u
9 u  |" Z4 \$ x  Z3 Q* D' r. z As a interpreter,  you should be know english-speaking countries culture background ) G( U  n  ^  j

$ B5 I: l# E9 t4 r" w. I5 w
' _" u: }# s. |- l4 X3 ^# n( ~: J5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。2 p' m8 @/ N/ a/ d2 V
Chinese people is realizing the importance of protecting natural environment, so they are building water conservancy projects in the vast countryside areas.
$ u4 }2 D. t; M% r# z : ~1 c' n) T  S/ y/ V. I. v; ?
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)7 e. h# V/ I5 k! t
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-10-28 23:09:45 | 只看该作者
1.        these flowers need water every day/ Z7 p. z8 z/ E% D/ W& t1 a8 H
2.        pedestrians should look around before cross the road
* h' x; |4 N, F. @# M& s* _( E. ~3.        I going to a further study of English in a collage at my own expense
) W& U5 n9 y1 a% T0 i! X7 h4.        as a interpreter ,you should know about the culture background of English-speaking countries
& a: O6 ?/ K  B" F5.        the Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting ecological environment ,in many rural areas, the activities of water conservancy are thriving, Y" d1 m( a5 `9 X& Y
6.        不要因为别人相信或者拒绝一样事情,你就跟同他的意见去相信或者拒绝,老天给了你个用来判断对错的脑子,要用起来!
$ Y. p- A5 C& t3 L1 R% u
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-10-28 23:09:55 | 只看该作者
1.        these flowers need water every day) |& S, D4 v9 X  b$ |  c& ]
2.        pedestrians should look around before cross the road7 Y4 L; F; o5 U
3.        I going to a further study of English in a collage at my own expense9 c- M5 W1 `6 W( j* [# e9 [
4.        as a interpreter ,you should know about the culture background of English-speaking countries
; s/ i- h0 m. S; z. X' _5.        the Chinese people have come to realize the importance of protecting ecological environment ,in many rural areas, the activities of water conservancy are thriving! N! ~. I& L& b4 d! Y
6.        不要因为别人相信或者拒绝一样事情,你就跟同他的意见去相信或者拒绝,老天给了你个用来判断对错的脑子,要用起来!1 {$ Q6 G2 V- O% [! J
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弥漫行歌 发表于 2011-10-28 23:27:37 | 只看该作者
1:These flowers need water everyday
- n& E0 ]/ A! m# x$ I2:Walkers should look around before they across the roads.& i  K. ~6 l* Z0 Q) }4 A
3:My plan is to go to a college to have further English education at my own expense." f" ?/ j1 Y- ?, H/ G0 i* F3 S; o2 D
4:As an interpteter,you should master the cultural background of the english-speaking countries.
: W" m& T: x! M/ r  ]' B5:People in china have been realized the importance of protecting environment, in the vast rural areas, building water conservancy projects is in the ascendant.
/ Y2 B2 I8 K& G9 r) V# d) c/ A  L6:不要相信和拒绝任何事,因为别人已经拒绝相信它了。上天给你思想去判断对错,那就使用吧。
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宅男費電 发表于 2011-10-29 09:06:38 | 只看该作者
1.这些花需要每天浇水。4 t" c' S9 K7 m+ g9 R2 N& R
These flowers need to be watered every day.
$ }2 r% m5 Z1 c3 d  g2.行人过马路前应先左右环顾。& h. P% i1 @1 r% e3 I% I& i% S
The pedestrians should look around before go across streets.
/ f' U+ }- j) P3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。( M. Y- R0 Q" q& [* U0 a
I planed to take advanced courses of English at my own expense.
  Q9 }% Z: G; J) o7 g# w  V4.作为一名口译人员,你应该了解说英语国家的文化背景。
( [4 X* q' H: z; r- j! YAs a interpreter , you should know the cultural background about English countries.
9 H# X* l/ u/ h% y' w! d! G5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。+ G0 G& ]" ~) s  u8 D
The Chinese people increasingly get aware of the significance of protecting environment, the construction of irrigation works is in progress in most rural area.6 M1 q) a  W6 s& S
6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)0 k5 J1 p* |  a* p* x
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Crystalyip 发表于 2011-10-29 12:09:23 | 只看该作者
1.        These flowers need to be watered everyday.( o& o: i; G( Q; Y& E8 s/ s
2.        Passers-by who cross the road should look around first.
& j" N4 I& H6 F' N# B. b6 @9 v/ K3.        I have planned that I will go to an institute to improve my English which pay by myself.
0 z' a1 {; |/ u. I4.        As an interpreter, you should get to know the cultural background of   English-speaking countries.
2 F% n8 l4 W6 b5.        Chinese people have realized the importance of the protection of ecological environment, in most village areas, the activities to build the water system has become more and more popular.
9 p# |9 E' j4 U! g' ], W$ p! _2 d6.        不要相信或拒绝任何东西,因为其他人已经拒绝去相信了。上天已经给予了你判断正确和错误的头脑,使用他吧。
1 ~' V2 g- ^1 g
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Evan 发表于 2011-10-29 12:17:41 | 只看该作者
these flower need to be wated everyday
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Samantha 发表于 2011-10-29 17:44:49 | 只看该作者
6 H' \* _: `* P. C1.Thess flowers need watering everyday./ C/ J6 d3 a8 E' p5 g
3 U& k5 S9 [$ F" M6 `: a2.People should look around ahead crossing roads.& I5 f& i. z- g, {; K+ t2 P0 M
3.我计划自费到一所学院进修英语。, P0 m, x2 a6 Q; p8 F
3.I plan to improve english skill into a institute with paying by myself.2 E+ u' f" u( k! Z; o/ N6 g4 Y8 r
4 L: v# r5 K  P  ^4. You should learn the culture background in english speaking nations, as you are a oral translation.
& s. [9 F2 h2 N6 j( {5.中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。. k. q; K5 ~+ n( K+ Q' O$ z  R# Z
5.The chinese has gradually  acknowledged the importance in ecology protecting, and the activities  constructing the water engineering is booming in the vast rural regions.
4 e3 J9 _& d( i/ a3 R6.Neither believe nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (英译汉)
% S9 b9 \( k3 p' a2 o6 x不要轻易相信或否定任何事情,因为那是别人做过的,上帝已经给予你自己判别真假的思维,善待它。
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