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Jem_B 发表于 2011-11-2 15:03:25 | 只看该作者
1. I like to make something by myself in early age , to fix the electric appliance, to keep curiosity about everything.
3 j6 Z/ K. B' q
7 w5 z$ P4 X) P. i+ l& H% O2.        i feel like I found my attribution in my profession that is able to discover the problem and solve it and  fine the pleasure in it.! f# W7 J/ m! Q# d% E2 |+ y$ @
3.        Each works likes baby of my, as a production designer, I try my best to help people with enjoy life.: y: `; V2 t5 s2 Z5 [9 {, ]! o2 D
4.        I choose the way that using the new environment friendly materials to doing the communal facilities devise.
! W% y5 S/ h& H: j$ W5.        As a production designer ,not only does designer utilize material technology in making gorgeous luxury ,but also consider most people rather the needy .
* L( _5 P' ~2 q# V# D+ {7 `$ Q2 ^
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天聪皇家四少爷 发表于 2011-11-2 15:32:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 天聪皇家四少爷 于 2011-11-2 15:35 编辑   k2 K; B0 g: p# d0 I& o
: T+ r+ Y; [/ i0 y; w
1.从小就喜欢动手做些东西,修理东西电器,对任何东西都有好奇心* c6 }5 t, O6 H- q/ X6 h; R
, l: j% H4 s- R- R
I have been fond of doing something hands-on,repairing electrical appliance,and curious about everything since I was young.& d  j. r/ B, P4 v
# }* ~1 i1 ~8 P( ]& s4 u
2.发现自己在这个专业上好像找到了自己的归属,可以发现问题并解决它,乐在其中+ q7 e/ c( ]$ b* O% P8 j& y
7 u8 v- h' j* g- p9 C
I discover myself in this profession seeme to find my own identity,I can find the problems,solve them and enjoy the process., H+ \& J1 k' X
0 p6 g1 M6 x; J/ m% q. q
/ ?+ Z6 w' S  t/ W
# W5 L  \4 R; i. j  L8 `0 mAs a product designer,every opus seems like my treasure,I will help people to enjoy the life as possible as I can.
2 [7 s8 h' C9 ?( _: q  S. n# x/ C' I1 f0 a8 J, O7 I+ f
4.我选择的方向是里用环保型的新型材料是进行公共设施产品设计0 ?# N: u% G8 |# F( V
8 k6 ]1 e/ N# f) q
My chosen field is to design social facilities using new environment friendly materials.
5 \- Q4 P& ]) T  J1 s; Z9 P" z4 y  ~
: }! F( K4 T) I. x5.作为一个产品设计师所需要的不仅仅是利用材料技术做出漂亮的奢侈品更多的要考虑到大多数人更甚至是贫困的人弱势群体
7 j1 A7 a0 O% |7 E. N. O# w2 c$ K% }4 D/ t" O# A$ [
As a product designer,his needs is not only to make the attractive luxury goods using the material technology,but also to consider the majority people,even those poor vulnerable groups.
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金金草草 发表于 2011-11-2 16:05:40 | 只看该作者
今天我几乎想放弃了,但是还是坚持完成了,做的不好请包涵% c; a! Z7 b8 t
+ e9 T# y4 d- t  b, N) t' s& ^. r
1.        从小就喜欢动手做些东西,修理东西电器,对任何东西都有好奇心1$ j: h) W# l: l7 W; U1 Y2 K& N' c

& w/ G& u/ \2 ^" SI was curious to everything when I was young, such as making some stuff by myself, repairing electrical machines.  , x, D! Z1 m0 O% e0 s  W7 X0 r
( ]6 t# H/ o4 Z4 H8 p
2.        发现自己在这个专业上好像找到了自己的归属,可以发现问题并解决它,乐在其中! c  m: @, R! |0 D( e
I found I belonged to this major since I enjoyed finding issued & resolving.
( i# X: L* L) H" }/ z- e' K8 f$ ~- J, ~
3.        每一个作品都像是我的宝贝,作为一个产品设计师,尽自己最大的可能去帮助人们享受生活. x* L6 H2 O, w4 L
Each product is like my baby, try ourselves to help people to enjoy their lives are designer’ responsibility.% Y- U! u# m& d# f; O9 {' L  |3 A

) s3 w8 Y: g& t4.        我选择的方向是里用环保型的新型材料是进行公共设施产品设计/ p$ b+ c+ c( R9 q
The green & new material will compose the inner of the public product according to my design. 4 L1 o2 X: N* h, _/ v( z) h. @
. f: K+ n; `; m6 |
5.        作为一个产品设计师所需要的不仅仅是利用材料技术做出漂亮的奢侈品更多的要考虑到大多数人更甚至是贫困的人弱势群体7
& s) M# m. w8 _, t. n0 Y  W* \% |  Q3 M; O; U6 d
Being a product designer, production is not only beautiful & luxurious but considering the necessary of majority people, needy people & poverty.
& ?7 N" H9 v$ q2 ]0 M: w
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KOP月吉木杉V5 发表于 2011-11-2 16:09:49 | 只看该作者
1.i used to doing something myself ,repairing appliances and being curious for everything .' ^' [2 H" g/ z( R; N$ D
2.after finding out your own position on this major ,you can find problems and solve it ,and then you will enjoy it .* f/ c8 D; @  Q: q, c5 Q0 \, M6 _; S
3.as a work designer ,each work is a baby of mine ,and i want to make my best effort to help people enjoy their life .$ \7 q7 K& D2 o: J. l5 _8 a
4.the aspect i choose is to use new environmental materials to design public service work .6 i+ k! k- o! _. `4 P
5.as a work designer ,what you want to do is not only use new materials and technology making beautiful luxury ,but also take into account the majority of people ,even the poverty and disadvantaged groups .
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sara1028 发表于 2011-11-2 16:17:45 | 只看该作者
: s( I2 |2 Y6 FSince I was small, I love making stuff, repairing electronic appliances and has been curious to everything. 2 A/ [# P. O: \; Y9 M
2发现自己在这个专业上好像找到了自己的归属,可以发现问题并解决它,乐在其中2 ?$ _9 L. s2 x
I find my own sense of belongingness in this profession. Through discovering questions and solving them, I can find pleasure in it.
3 x- N5 _  F. `" S% D- i! ~8 `# ]0 @9 w& L
3.每一个作品都像是我的宝贝,作为一个产品设计师,尽自己最大的可能去帮助人们/ x9 v+ q0 g) Y! {! A' J
享受生活6 v* O. |7 s' B
Every piece of work is my baby, as a product designer, I try my very best to help people to enjoy life., v2 P9 S1 X$ L* I+ W! G7 ^6 T# Z

0 d, x5 {) _% r, D( a7 X3 X3 O8 `- ~& u0 b. b
0 `. |4 _( Y: K# L! P7 MMy chosen direction is to design public facilities by making use of recyclable materials.
6 R7 M) A9 ?) }
. Z; b8 Z9 Q( g! b  B8 x4 Z8 V+ r% P0 ~9 n
5 n- `4 R# |1 RA product designer is not only responsible for making gorgeous luxury goods by the use of material and technology, but also considering the majority or even the impoverished.
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-11-2 17:46:50 | 只看该作者
I have great curiosity about everything,so from childhood I like to DIY and mend electrical equipment.
6 g$ `2 W! i# H  Y9 G- m5 \8 DI felt a sense of belonging in this major,because I can find pleasure in it by identifying problems and handle it.8 N/ Y% Z1 h' ^( |: A! u
As a product designer,I cherish my every  design and spare no effort to make people enjoying their own life.
- N8 Z2 [/ f; o4 g5 u. |8 eTo be a excellent product designer,what they need is not only the ability to make use of various materials to design some luxuries ,what’s more,they should take most needy people into account.& W2 Y7 p9 `. [
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博仔王博 发表于 2011-11-2 21:55:47 | 只看该作者
1.        I am curious about everything from childhood, like doing something and repairing electrical equipment
* ~& \& r# l( B/ ?" b3 m. L  M6 d2.        it seems like find my ownership in this major, I can find the problem and solve them ,happiness within it % t( [' x6 ^* ]5 f! s
3.        every works like my precious, as a product designer , try my best to help people enjoy their life) S0 O2 J+ j6 h( i/ A! j
4.        the direction I chose is using environment friendly materials to public facilities product design
0 O3 X( G* ^" A& n5.        as a product designer, what I should do is not only using material science to made beautiful luxury, the more we should considered is majority , more even poor people and disadvantaged groups" B0 W- b; h8 e3 @- @/ Y7 [; t0 {
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弥漫行歌 发表于 2011-11-2 22:02:37 | 只看该作者
1.        I used to make something or mend electrical equipments since I was young, and always been curious about everything.0 U5 {1 Z$ T& X8 y& C& g! m
2.        I have a sense of belonging with the major, it pleasures me which I can find out problems and solve them.( x' H( n- v# o4 X
3.        Every work likes my baby, as a product designer, I do my best to help people enjoy their lifetime.& C* v5 w# y5 U% g  s
4.        Which direction I chose is to design the publish plant by the latest environmentally friendly materials.
1 f) E( i% J* C5.        As a product designer, what you need is not only make the prefect luxury goods but also consider the majority and even more the disadvantaged minority.! |1 @, n! j* r/ D1 H" [
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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-11-3 00:00:21 | 只看该作者
1、From childhood i still like to make small things or repaired things and electrical equipment with still have curiosity of anything.9 f: x) `1 Z  j6 I) B
2、Find themselves in this profession area seem that find my home where i am able to found problem while solve it ,i flet enjoy it.  z* o& W5 @/ N- l, {
3、Every works seem like my baby,as a product designer that try greatest possible to help all people enjoy living.
1 @( P! d! n' Q% L5 ~4、I will option way that use style of green  new material will design of infrastucture facilities.
; w; d( ~& [( n( D  r5、As a product designer that you need  not only use material make better luxury goods but also you will need consider that majority people as well as poor people is demand.
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俏然无声0412 发表于 2011-11-3 08:50:42 | 只看该作者
1.从小就喜欢动手做些东西,修理东西电器,对任何东西都有好奇心* ^; M5 B+ N2 ]9 y
I am fond of making things and repairing electric appliances since I was a child and be curious to everything.. L5 \: [6 U8 F/ {
2发现自己在这个专业上好像找到了自己的归属,可以发现问题并解决它,乐在其中# o8 Z- w. F! @" h
I found a sense of belonging at this field and be happy to find problems then solve them.
- S- B5 u7 u/ e2 k( V2 D3.每一个作品都像是我的宝贝,作为一个产品设计师,尽自己最大的可能去帮助人们
, v* A# s" c7 r, G. G6 b9 wEach works is my precious. To be a product designer, I try my best to help others. ; x/ U9 _: y+ U) n
0 \  z; f' L( }4 c: d6 g: cI choose a direction which is to design public products by environmentally friendly material.3 |4 E1 m. [$ h% g
5.作为一个产品设计师所需要的不仅仅是利用材料技术做出漂亮的奢侈品更多的要考虑到大多数人更甚至是贫困的人弱势群体; @  |9 Q4 S+ u) o: }
To be a product designer, it requires not only producing elegant luxury but considering most people and the poor.
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