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尘封踏雪 发表于 2011-11-5 00:22:50 | 只看该作者
1、some many people depend on impulse rather than based on reasoned  to do.$ s  W% y1 e8 i/ o1 {; k
2、He hasn't a few of power with hard-working.
; f$ H- h* T6 f/ w1 t3、Today, the supermarket what happened a weirdly event.( y( L+ b% G- n) B. m# r
4、You do not actions will correspond with you words.
9 ~2 V5 G) I; I1 X: \2 h5、With regard to successful corporation that a excellent leader is very important.
- g2 ~# I3 P0 j, @1 W8 F6 R亦敌亦友
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丁丁饱饱 发表于 2011-11-5 08:56:57 | 只看该作者
0 p9 D, a5 {; r' P- E8 bA lot of people rely on impulse instead of reason to act.
+ |, @  d7 m/ ]8 z2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机
3 ^) F" Y1 e0 O/ AHe does not have some reason of working hard.
' ]& G- E( s9 C: B/ U+ t' k9 C7 f  t3.今天超市发生了一件怪事8 x- i- c, l1 H: n  R+ y0 V
There is a weird thing happening in the market.
- o& }. k- d0 K8 K0 N$ H4.你言行不一致
4 @  l. ]" A7 G  c. q: p# Z' }You are a dictator.- q8 z! S0 B$ B: x7 {" ]- t6 E2 Z+ J
" m2 m4 Z* k! v7 S, P( ~2 zA good leader is important to a successfully good company.
! J9 l& p  S2 g/ U% H6.make your enemy you friends
; u6 O' Y9 `( r5 s9 _4 o8 e化敌为友
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everlonely007 发表于 2011-11-5 14:13:00 | 只看该作者
; J1 t9 s& h: c2 \2 d) \Many people make action by impulse instead of by rationality.
2 M' |* G6 u2 x+ E+ R* g2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机3 Y6 c' {9 {* M& p( A. K" a( K
He doesn't have much motivation to work hard.
+ F9 C; E3 Z/ i8 X3 Q: y, v3.今天超市发生了一件怪事
: M! F, K* y/ o5 x" h" WThere was an odd incident taking place at the marketplace.  G/ ]/ k' R; |5 O3 ?3 T2 t
% d7 l2 L/ W9 vYour doing is inconsistent with your saying.
! J  P) g9 j, d- E5 u5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的
& x. M; S! T" DA good leader is very critical to a good and successful company.
( e1 h3 h. Z9 R/ E! d! P0 O! C6.make your enemy you friends4 V' ~8 L, ?8 C& e
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MAY_爱抽奖 发表于 2011-11-5 15:23:43 | 只看该作者
Many people act in impulse rather than sense
7 v# G+ l$ _3 L4 \8 F  j1 c$ l& u& f* w
He didn't have too much motivation to work hard
( k" p: ~! b4 l3 ?* E
( a" |/ H) C2 c; ]# o$ F- U4 U% SA weird thing happened in the supermarket today
* r6 L4 D* U# [* Z
: [0 g$ y4 Z' H+ Y5 r* r) B/ vYour words do not match your deeds2 V; k3 _* _8 r$ `
& i' [9 c$ P- W1 m- d
A good leader play a key role in a successful company
, g7 |$ J3 \0 l' A5 R7 X( P0 y( N
, j! W& {* L" U; L( }& r8 W化敌为友
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SILVER1414 发表于 2011-11-5 23:34:01 | 只看该作者
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J_TWO_江 发表于 2011-11-6 00:04:21 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动. X$ _4 n$ q8 u' M! i2 R& l
. o, n% _0 I2 h0 E4 b& r) e. Y- |/ t3 |
& L2 S1 s2 E9 _  ?, {There are so many people rely on impulse but not the sane actions.
4 z* a  Z9 i* [+ b0 t$ g/ ^' }2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机
3 @1 N2 p+ U3 z4 V: C/ O. T4 b$ ]* d) V. H3 Y1 M  m# }& m9 E" h4 m3 L% Y9 G5 L! H3 Z. ]# A
He has few motive to work hard.
# Z; d# r2 s, J, s( ~3.今天超市发生了一件怪事% P3 J2 t, `" I" E, s/ A, H) H2 T. F! ~. ?. ~( w
7 ~  U4 {$ P; I2 W2 g, }% J# ]  n+ D
An strange event was happened in the supermarket.
$ K2 U. i0 Q0 g( w, {- ]5 ~4.你言行不一致
; i: p$ q4 O( d3 k3 B6 Q! {- m5 J) h# ~
9 G/ K1 K: |# s" L, C+ I3 F) SYour words and actions are not the same.! d9 ?! _8 D& j
; u; k$ \" n9 ~9 ]7 S. p: q8 h8 Q1 T! j' b
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的% Q+ x2 ]& U, ?' n( E! j3 S- h* U% G
/ L, Q' L. e5 Q4 h* P$ A
- ?' N3 _# f$ X5 V; W. ~& `# f: ~0 `& \( _9 |6.make your enemy you friends" H9 P3 }$ i+ E$ `
9 f- S) z8 D" @" ]# Q4 M- LA great leader  is very important to a successful company." U% Q/ [3 k( s4 `: `
6.make your enemy you friends"
: }. ?: U% J% T; o; @. P# r$ q( @ 将你的敌人变成你的敌人。
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jellyjessie 发表于 2011-11-6 00:22:23 | 只看该作者
1.很多人依靠冲动(impulse)而非依据理智行动$ c: y( s+ y& |! \: J. W0 v& M
9 y( Q  v) X4 P2 J# Y* _Many people behave in account of  impulse rather than reason
& F9 D) R/ b9 U2.他并没有多少努力工作的动机6 @2 C- @8 Z: q7 _+ I4 `7 Z3 m) T0 E! C" b
He don't have much inspration to work hard- h" Z  x# P1 u! Z' B! g
3.今天超市发生了一件怪事2 F' T+ v- o  I# w/ W# @* W2 @) ?% D0 g$ l' H3 W
Something wired happened in the supermarket today.( a( a( Q1 F, H% ?. p9 B
( j. O4 f- z! X2 s% ^What you behaved doesn't agree with what you said$ k9 g/ y) ^9 a- z6 h/ E" b- i4 w
: k2 e/ r2 b" c2 s) S; ~2 Q6 a( K9 V( g8 S6 V+ [, W
5.一位好的领导对于一家好的成功的公司来说是很重要的) I2 O; M! S. F# r) r
( f% l+ B1 v' G7 Z9 t+ WA good leader is very important to  a great successful company$ g! G! g& L- l2 ~# I  U/ E
6.make your enemy you friends- 化敵為友
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张博大爱潘玮柏 发表于 2011-11-6 15:13:49 | 只看该作者
mang people cat to depend on impulse not reason. \( @6 X) Y1 O+ Y% V0 s, V( m7 n
he doesnt hava much motivation to work hard
5 h- f4 h8 _& X$ w7 ftoday it occurs to a strange thing at market& M2 i  `" p: x( n; z3 \: {3 F7 |7 N
its mportant to a successfully good company that has a good leader; d0 T. V9 i$ S% T2 V. d
what you say is not fit what you acted$ `2 ^8 u8 c- G; Z9 c
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微博评论 发表于 2011-11-6 17:20:41 | 只看该作者
/ Z( G; ?; R% C% _5 U! j! ~* E7 i; y, H; w4 x+ k
来自 灭绝导妈喜好胖男 的新浪微博
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JohNNy_Chau 发表于 2011-11-6 21:56:06 | 只看该作者
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