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张博大爱潘玮柏 发表于 2011-11-14 21:28:08 | 只看该作者
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Crystalyip 发表于 2011-11-14 23:08:13 | 只看该作者
1.        The experience we will never forget.
, F1 M  Z; d/ m+ ?& V: f2 Z+ z) [2.        The new project leads us spend least money.
# ?; {8 l7 i" p3.        The bridge is a marvelous in the engineering.
- \, ~: |! e) Y3 d% c1 D& Z4.        The naughty boy mocked that blind man.( \  G$ u  H. ~
5.        Intoxicated driving will menace people’s live
  i% c7 i. P2 F/ B" P
* O7 h; f& j, h% r8 L& Z
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happy心愿2010 发表于 2011-11-15 09:38:56 | 只看该作者
7 `; R+ A2 s7 h3 N  {This experience is unforgetable for us.
, {2 ^4 I/ S; K& j
# J5 X! ]* u) K% v2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱
+ Z% w9 C( I( }- C! `; @6 M$ mThe new solution will cost us the least expense.
- [! f) o+ _3 n) U: q* ~9 O3 `7 Z9 j* i3 h5 r" }/ o/ A
8 M8 o1 T* C. v: E. {4 @. ~+ YThis briage is a miracle in engineering.
% H  v3 R" i1 r1 E
+ z+ A9 `; ^; N1 L/ w4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人
6 ~, X: W7 g: K; T3 qNaughty child mocked that blind person.
4 h. C+ b3 U0 k6 f9 F* y6 v1 b# t* w- U9 E5 z. T5 L; C, `; H2 [
5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)
/ J# `% R- Y/ j  U( H6 L  Z) MDriving intoxicated is a menace to people’s life.
1 S9 t; ], {/ W5 f( C; S2 E* j* H& y) S) e6 E" d0 ^& a
6.        Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise: A( v' |6 ~! y) e
祸兮福所伏* h. F2 z2 {3 w; B
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momomybaby 发表于 2011-11-15 15:23:45 | 只看该作者
1.The experience is unforgetable to us.
' J  ]5 ?% H: ~1 ]" q, C. ^2.The new plan will cost us the least money./ K! q9 d* G5 C2 M; t' H
3.this bridge is a miracle.' y: V9 S' u; Q
4.The naughty boys mock the blind man.
+ U% c  v2 F- @, z6.塞翁失马焉知非福
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吉美好 发表于 2011-11-15 16:06:25 | 只看该作者
+ n& k# x: x: f; T' U' w( UThis experience is memorable to us.% J9 R$ N/ t2 Y
2.新方案将使我们只需花费最少的钱/ W- ]3 v; r/ Z
The new proposal only costs the least money.; j" @" h  s, X  b! d2 v. x
3.这座桥是工程学上的一个奇迹9 L  t. p& z! p4 Z( K' N0 w& s
This bridge is a miracle in engineering.
( v3 T+ H1 C  ]) D7 {4.顽皮的孩子嘲笑(mock)那个盲人
2 Y  l: l6 x$ H' y4 SThe naugth boy mocked at the blind man.
1 R& _. d6 {" J& \5.酒后驾车对人的生命构成威胁(menace)  (intoxicated 醉酒的)
& M% z+ p% F  w" QIntoxicated driver may menace your life.
! Z2 t5 {1 a  y0 F3 J* H! s6.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise
. i0 H1 g, I  n) }# _塞翁失马焉知非福
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思-sunshine 发表于 2011-11-15 18:12:11 | 只看该作者
1, it is an unforetable experience for us
3 `7 S4 x, B6 O7 L2  in the new case we spend much less money
0 R( Q9 }/ ]2 f, k9 c; D$ u+ R3 this bridge is the miracle in the ngineeing& r, K1 Q' ]. O# n
4 the naughty chld mocked the blind
" c4 U$ }2 p- q' ~1 |7 u5 driving afterdring menace people's life7 @8 P" b  E4 a. o
6 不幸可能是乔装的祝福
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微博评论 发表于 2011-11-15 18:22:49 | 只看该作者
1000fansi=$8 [oo]:2467200295
5 B" `- j% K, ~8 K1 m$ O1 K# T; X2 W# q* f
来自 张惠妹诈 的新浪微博
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弥漫行歌 发表于 2011-11-15 21:33:47 | 只看该作者
1.        This experience will be remembered forever.) f7 x7 `5 P% w0 L. J8 d
2.        The new program will cost our least money." G+ F9 w% k7 ]) o% O- K7 N& N
3.        The bridge is a marvel in the project course.! X  Z( Z4 }/ g4 N1 t0 t( j* J
4.        Naughty children mock that blind.! V+ w1 {" ~7 H& y
5.        Driving when one is intoxicated will make a menace to his life.
: y" M2 g( L5 B) j6 ~5 X- a6.        塞翁失马焉知非福
. P( @# N0 U9 w" K8 g# t
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周洁 发表于 2011-11-15 22:29:42 | 只看该作者
wright  them on the paper
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张_叶_Foliyo 发表于 2011-11-16 08:23:52 | 只看该作者
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