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錒明 发表于 2011-4-10 13:26:58 | 只看该作者
1 I will see myself out please!
: I. M6 _1 y. s4 }6 A- f& u9 c/ L' j! z. e; N" X. Z
2 by the way, what's the weather like in Beijing?& `6 K$ n1 ^' D4 X; {
* d  H0 _+ Y' z% D- h
3 please convey my sympathy and  cordial greeting to you family
* O/ G: e& `. x  p  g" v" F+ w0 J5 F$ K/ F" c
4. my grandpa always tell stories about his hard life in childhood to stimulate us
- n! K/ _( f  @. U+ w! p) b2 @7 O: g: L% @- I9 N$ Q/ @8 T5 `
5 A:he dress ordinary and drive a pool car, who will think of he is the richest in the town. S3 i, b; h* I" m: x( W) H, W
B:you can judge people with their appearence
6 S( W" u. S: C. g9 ~9 ?; ^. {, f) l. G  z3 K7 f, Y
6 童年预示一生,犹如早晨预兆全天
) R2 n* d( ?0 {6 W& Z" m" }
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maomao02005 发表于 2011-4-10 13:29:25 | 只看该作者
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elviass 发表于 2011-4-10 13:50:27 | 只看该作者
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xiao狸 发表于 2011-4-10 14:03:38 | 只看该作者
1.请留步,不用送了!" \" }( X. _& W& H$ M2 `: ~( \# U  H* S
Please don’t see me out.% v; N" L( h6 s& H$ x- t4 }
; b7 U/ W6 b) i0 E0 U+ X$ }
  `0 G% s! H( jBy the way, what’s the weather like in Beijing?
, A' _5 J) t9 e1 u( S+ S8 j8 k
; G2 V7 y/ W  ^, t7 {3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。
2 k- H; d% Z0 T# {6 f  FPlease convey my warm greetings to your family.
0 M# f8 f" j* z# C& i9 e# A3 k6 V' |# B
5 Y6 d. A6 w* m) TMy grandfather often tells the hard life in his childhood to encourage us." k+ F: n" ^9 |

# i& ~! |, S: y1 v+ Z- z, [5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?
; d) E: Y" _$ h7 p. [   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。* X. h8 m+ c, q4 p& i
A. He dresses ordinary and drives a poor car. But who knows his the richest man in the town?
2 P( _" N) s0 @/ S' rB. You shouldn’t judge people by appearance.
; n  ~) @  j5 k8 j3 G* ^1 [. y: G1 O% ~8 Z: O- H$ z' e2 ^% ~: H
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
# _2 ]' u# ^2 l$ \9 F看人看年少,看天看破晓。
: K( R' Q; e" ^5 C
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Qi菓菓 发表于 2011-4-10 15:35:15 | 只看该作者
1.请留步,不用送了!) q" N5 C' o# v$ @& J; `& U% {
I'll see myself out please! b5 i$ N& ^5 M5 s: Z% Y9 r: T; Y
2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?) [% \6 n6 t5 z% o& u- q
By the way,how is the weather like in Beijing now
' Q' }5 P$ c1 c" a2 x% H4 U$ h3 W3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。
* g' `+ {- q* cPlease convey my condolence and gracious greeting to your family6 C1 q* k' `( v! f% \
3 ^7 @/ G! q6 L% y- k, |. ?My grandfather often inspires us through his hard childhood experience
3 m6 G& B0 S5 F% s5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?1 N, l9 v7 ~1 d1 q+ A
( j6 ]2 f2 I- ^$ s9 \/ [% EHe is in general colthes, driving a shabby car, who believes that he is the richeast one in the town ---You can't make judgement by people's appearance( q% s, ]+ ]7 c# J
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
+ T5 P$ }" D4 W5 m. [) v人小看大,就像早晨预示着整天
' b, d! w8 X, B9 j) M9 D3 v/ j, p: O) `) O) ~2 R) v; O
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Cyan 发表于 2011-4-10 15:54:00 | 只看该作者
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Dorange 发表于 2011-4-10 18:37:01 | 只看该作者
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zhaoyu0603 发表于 2011-4-10 20:41:29 | 只看该作者
1.Please stop you step, don't see me away.
9 d. l( g+ m  x7 ]4 b4 ^8 E2.By the way, what's the weather like in beijing right now?  U' [( K  K# S
3.Please take my wishes ang sincere greeding to your family.
$ o! |, C$ V2 W; X  _& S! h  o6 p  [1 ~4.My grandpa often tell us his hard life in childhood in order to inspire us.8 l1 k/ x& G0 y1 Z, ^
5.A:He wears commom clothes, drives pool car,who would guess that he is the riches in town?   0 Z  z3 W0 E  P
   B:Don't judge people with their appearance.
; O. b8 G6 h/ N$ z! q  {; f$ g6.从小看大,从早晨看全天。
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Cindy-穎 发表于 2011-4-10 22:28:27 | 只看该作者
please , stop step, see you.: F7 [* t# C/ @

  V  R  X* R/ i7 N2 g4 O& ]By the way, how's the weather in Beijing now?
5 c  I" ^& L; u- A) \
% u$ p3 Z' G8 {( M+ r6 c* S" o. R1 nPlease give your family convey my sympathy and kind regards." e- e- ~7 r, D6 t1 ~
( u+ K; [+ R1 z1 {" _# @( S
My grandfather often tells us of his difficult childhood life inspire us.
0 k8 C( C, t1 _, c* M: f8 }: u9 J( Y' {
A, he dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest man in town?
# k, j/ t4 D( s" Z5 I1 \9 |B well, you can't judge a book by its cover.1 }" A* q2 L' @7 S' F. D: C, n

# V# o$ u  U, n: f" B* ]童年预示一生,犹如早晨预兆全天。
- M2 M  n' m+ Z. Z' P# d: c* y! v
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JohNNy_Chau 发表于 2011-4-10 22:37:45 | 只看该作者
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