比较年轻,有活力。一开始问我,有没有带monitor或者mobile phone之类的。我给了他一个微笑,我说没有。他头歪了一下,说,那你跟我进来吧。
进来以后就开始正式的考试,打开录音笔,然后就开始读我的candidate no什么的。我开始有点儿紧张。然后他问: can i have a look at your ID card?
can you tell me what is your full name?
1. Are you a student or have worked?
2. Major.
3. Why do you take this course.
4. Ideal job.
5. What is the weather in your city?
6. Which season do you like most?
7. Are there any changes of climate in your hometown?
1. Do your family always eat together? 我回答的yes 然后
2. Do you think it is important for your family to eat together? 我依然回答的yes、、
3. Which food is most popular in your country? 我这里傻逼了。。。我一开始说错了,我说the main food in Northen part of china is rice....后来,我想说北方的食物是dumpling的时候……我卡了下,我发现惨了,我说错了,只好将计就计。 说南方人喜欢吃dumpling。。。OMG,反正没事。
4. How about the family-cooked food.这里cooked我没有听清,他省了尾音。我让他重复了一遍,很汗。。
A gift you would like to buy for a friend
you should say
who is the friend?
how long you stay together?
why you want to send the gift?
what is the gift.?
1. What is the difficuty when you choose the gifts. 这个我卡了。。。我重复了一遍I think the difficulty when I choose the gift is ... the price...汗死了。他都以为我答不出来准备问下一个了。然后我就扯淡了. the price of some gifts is relatively hig with my limited budget. And the low price cannot show my honesty....囧
2. What should we take into consideration when buy the gifts?我讲的是hobby and taboo。。举了个巴基斯坦人不吃猪肉的例子
3. Do you think parents give too many gifts to their children? ..我答的是的,然后举了我外甥,因为ipad沉迷游戏,成绩不好了
4. In your country, do people send gift in festivals? 我答的yes 举例 lunar spring festival
5. 西方的文化对中国节日有什么影响?我说flowers。。我说我们年轻的一代会在七夕节送玫瑰。
6. 那政府怎么保护传统节日。我说立法,宣传。现在已经很多节日变成法定假日。
感觉要多对考官笑。这次口语成绩是6.5,还好,我感觉我紧张的时候,说错蛮多词的。。。。 |