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Sunniezz 发表于 2011-7-15 15:49:54 | 只看该作者

5 }5 y% y' x) z2 U# @6 w1.In spit of many question, it can be concluded into two main point.
4 E# c+ ?. l0 _/ I% V- z2.I want to go out tonight and drink it up.
  H1 U$ S. Y# w- X
. d8 {; M5 X( _+ n$ q% j3.JiuZhaiGou view area is located ShiCuan Province, where there is place called Nanping xian.
* W4 l- }  q. j+ I4 m6 v
& k. a: H, @) l& o3 ~) n) z4.After Xinghai revolution, the last emperor decided to step out. It is a sign for end of over thousand year's feudalism dynastic 6 H+ k8 C  H9 y" W8 X  x
5.How to eliminate the inblance in business trade between China and Japan is the common concern big issue of China and Japan." ~  t2 g+ m# L
! \" S) [+ ], l, Z
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zyfire 发表于 2011-7-16 02:22:47 | 只看该作者
+ e' r  Z/ E3 K9 kAll of these questions boil down to two points at large,in spite of their quantity.
9 d% {; s5 B3 W! p% \" f; @; P$ s
: P# T% v2 [4 V3 a2 F2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。3 F3 b) ^, B7 m" d
I long for a drinking orgy outside tonight
7 B7 e6 _! C3 L3 k6 V2 }3 y6 X/ E% Y' E; j7 L
3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.; F1 y8 H* d/ t% D# p! Q! J; t5 r
Navovalley(自己编的。。。) resort is located in north NanPing county in Sichuan province,sieged by a plethora of idyllic hills.- V5 N9 L0 z/ f  A% k
4 s% B$ E& t' E9 e. _) O. j  ]% I) k
/ h" r" r/ u4 N( S) X8 oAfter the Revolution of 1911,the final emperor,Puyi,announced to abdicate from the power, marking the end of thousand years of feudal history in China.7 D  x( N5 A  A' z9 E

5 ]' k& @; C& I2 p5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。4 F- f5 F* x: l1 ^
What greatly concerns people from various fields in both Japan and China is how to eliminate the existing trading inbalance between two countries.
+ d( g% _) r$ E( q( Z0 w9 H
- j. a4 ~3 R; K/ s% y6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
" Z; k% W. J+ n# m! r: s/ z# |% {  良将麾下无穷甲。
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JohNNy_Chau 发表于 2011-7-18 18:28:46 | 只看该作者
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好恰牛排小妞妞 发表于 2011-7-19 09:02:21 | 只看该作者
1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。4 G) V9 T+ f- V5 J1 T8 W# b
In spite of numerous questions,they can be concluded into two points.) g( h4 r# G' K2 B: @0 O4 f
2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。. e; E6 X2 G+ ?7 Z$ D
Tonight I would like to go out and have a drunk to the fullest.
: I( L4 S, n( ~& @9 e9 g( [1 ^3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.- F! f6 M2 r' \" k: g
Jiuzhaigou scenery site is located in the mountains of Nanping which is in the north of Sichuan Province.& V$ F. |+ B% x. t* h7 l6 @1 W
4 |, K$ V. i2 m- |6 h) vSince Xinhai Revolution broke out and the last emperor,Puyi announced to abdicate,the feudalism dynasty which has dominated China for thousands of years has gone to the end.3 d0 v$ R; I+ K+ ]9 N
! V8 ?. w  h$ _& S. LIt is a big matter bringing the concern of both Japan and China to eradicate the existing imbalance on trade of both side as quickly as possible.
  W' I" I7 b7 @: [0 V: ?+ m) ~3 P6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)- v- k4 }& r% k6 N: Y9 p5 d7 z6 g
; Y- H4 p1 n, D* h+ S. T% s* m
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mibao_xun 发表于 2011-7-21 14:30:16 | 只看该作者
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candy_ilovelove 发表于 2011-7-26 15:09:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 candy_ilovelove 于 2011-7-26 15:19 编辑 7 k: P) F/ L5 U3 P

8 U6 u, Q1 [) l0 u* t; ]5 ^今日翻译:
8 u- a( O: q: z, u2 X1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。
$ M1 a' P4 y5 X$ W$ eThere are so much problem,but there are mainly two point by conclution.
0 g0 M3 m! w: m5 t, i! R- \/ f# |2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。! v4 q+ z* O' Q1 a
I wanna go to somewhere to get drunk
! w  x& G. O8 `9 U3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.( g4 ^1 E# {9 g; S; e, x* V9 B( r
JIUZHAIGOU located west of SICHUAN of NANPING downtown of WANCONG moutain.
) q0 |4 D- a$ }, N4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。
& m6 L0 U/ P- L, o4 Z. Y" ^Afer xinhai reverulation,the emperor decided to give up his position, which meaned the ending of ****
; b& ?6 c0 R) I3 y% o2 v4 o5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。3 y) @" {8 |  L. E# ?
It is a big deal which China and Japan care that how to clear up the unbalance trading state between China and Japan.  S+ O. s9 C9 W, [
6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
# q6 c( V7 u( z2 T5 N1 r; y1 `1 ^一个好将军的管理下没有贫穷的士兵
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wh929j 发表于 2011-7-29 11:14:51 | 只看该作者
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dingdahe 发表于 2011-8-2 10:44:15 | 只看该作者
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Echoyan 发表于 2011-8-4 16:01:29 | 只看该作者
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pepsi0914 该用户已被删除
pepsi0914 发表于 2011-8-18 16:33:28 | 只看该作者
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