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Wendy-迪 发表于 2011-8-23 13:36:40 | 只看该作者
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angelica33 发表于 2011-8-23 13:37:02 | 只看该作者
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Carl-K 发表于 2011-8-23 13:42:21 | 只看该作者
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海上心史 发表于 2011-8-23 14:52:16 | 只看该作者
$ Z) S, x; f$ {; N/ t0 R The car stopped suddenly in a distance of less than 1 meter away from him.2.她把我介绍给她丈夫,我以前没见过他。
* c% R& n* _  s# u9 kShe introduced her husband to me, I never met him before.3.我拣起那些苹果,其中有一些碰伤得很厉害。
% q2 S) J: x( o2 u' f3 N, N6 L: xI picked up those apples, some of them damaged seriously.4.Ann的孩子们整天都在学校,所以她在想办法找份工作。
3 _% ^4 l; V0 k0 t6 l/ gThe children of Ann spent all day in school, so her was casting about for a job.5.她的两个儿子,都在国外工作,他们每周都给她打电话。
( ~0 |# g, W7 ?/ v6 MHer two sons are both working in abroad, who gave her calls weekly.6.The Chinese people are willing, together with the people of the other countries in the world, to make unremitting efforts for the lofty cause of promoting world peace and development, and for initiating a glorious future for mankind.
% |/ q$ ^3 F- U  C1 |% C8 D: |中国人民乐意和世界各国人民一起,为推动世界和平发展作出不懈努力,以为人类创造一个光辉的未来。
8 A% @8 {( I. P* @0 {0 K


参与人数 1金币 +22 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 22


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兔seven 发表于 2011-8-23 14:55:33 | 只看该作者
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mikimayan 发表于 2011-8-23 15:01:38 | 只看该作者
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kimyidrrr 发表于 2011-8-23 15:34:03 | 只看该作者
1、The car was stopped suddently where less than one meter away from his place.: G, F/ F: G6 O

: f% {$ J+ q, |! l$ r' r6 P2、She introduced me to his husband who I had never seen him before.
* j% |9 M. ?/ i6 h! b6 @9 i7 a" ?! p
3、I picked up the apples, some of those have been damaged severly.
" Q3 Y# L. ]% N3 @' Y' S
9 V" u% u0 M4 L4、Ann desires to find a job because her children study at school all day.
3 {( o: C1 ^3 E1 Q1 ?- M2 j
" t( r6 K3 [# |% J0 N+ A6 G% y6 |5 s5、Both of her sons are work abroad, and they give her a call weekly.
2 J$ K, V( o( V
1 e+ m8 O3 G+ ~; v" d( z. F: M3 u, t6、中国人民很乐意与世界其他国家的人民一起为促进世界和平与发展,为开创人类辉煌的未来而做出不懈的努力。
! S+ V2 O# X( r5 e: ?( z7 s" I  L1 ^


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 20


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JOJOMO与我 发表于 2011-8-23 15:43:55 | 只看该作者
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cotton2cotton 发表于 2011-8-23 16:30:10 | 只看该作者
) T  f2 O  e& A$ CThe car suddenly stopped one metre away from him .
& m; Y" R+ o* r6 N. v* w6 o  Q2.她把我介绍给她丈夫,我以前没见过他。
6 u) \( q2 d2 c- lshe introduced me to her husband who i had never met before.: ?8 a9 i3 m& B" \8 g+ y. a" X( W: B
" b) a; n7 S/ r8 U0 t& ^: C' ZI picked up those apples, some were seriously crushed .
7 y# G' W( V1 P+ E* H9 |4.Ann的孩子们整天都在学校,所以她在想办法找份工作。
1 N$ V: ?( B; T4 Q* ?) O9 `Ann's children stay at shool all day, so she  is managing to get a job.
: K6 X* j4 i9 G5.她的两个儿子,都在国外工作,他们每周都给她打电话。
% A1 X5 y+ ]/ x# x9 r$ QBoth of her two sons work abroad and they call her every week.# g& m, ^4 g& `3 R
6.The Chinese people are willing, together with the people of the other countries in the world, to make unremitting efforts for the lofty cause of promoting world peace and development, and for initiating a glorious future for mankind. (英译汉)
6 }7 u* q  ^, A9 t: F6 m! }中国人民十分愿意解放全世界


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23


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微博评论 发表于 2011-8-23 17:10:36 | 只看该作者
The car stopped suddenly within one metre away from him,雅思哥,这句是有问题吗?[思考], [% ]5 l( e+ ^- w) C

; A8 A1 g4 p. C. z+ { 来自 figooo 的新浪微博
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