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金金草草 发表于 2011-10-21 14:09:38 | 只看该作者
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vivianlu1116 发表于 2011-10-21 15:24:46 | 只看该作者
I think accounting is not only about recording statistics,analyzing figures and drawning up finacial statement.On the top of that,accountants need to show the message to the users crediblely and effectively.: B; O3 k% P; K: \; L
I have begun to earn my own living while other peers open their mouth to be fed and hold out their hands to be dressed.
% F1 c) e* O  dI’m adept in dealing with people,most people think that I can considering things from their perspective.
$ m, P! A" B+ \9 @As a member of Young volunteers Association,I participate in school charity performance and advocate schoolmates positively to donate goods and materals to Indonesian refugees.
# K' I; Z' K$ h% u) II have intuitive understanding about the foundation and operation of the enterprise through this match,and I have great interests in management simulation ,and I also have some fundings in this field.
& |0 ~; C- [8 _1 Q0 L3 \: KI want to make some contribution to China’s charity,and put the accessing to NPO into my career prospects planning
. f' P; v& P. T; g


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23 继续努力!


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aiai_Mollie 发表于 2011-10-21 16:06:07 | 只看该作者
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biua 发表于 2011-10-21 16:50:18 | 只看该作者
3 V! M5 Q. D- l0 U

1 D7 j+ h! i: ]1.我认为会计不仅仅是记录历史数据,分析数据,编制财务报表。更重要的是会计人员需要把相关的可靠的数据与信息及时地有效地呈现给信息的使用者。
2 \" G2 U% e& z  f( c0 p7 M0 s! |& x: v9 Z* J1 |- l. T
i think that accounting staff  is not only recorded historical data, analyze data and financial statements more importantly they are need relevant and reliable data and information in a timely manner to effectively present info to users.
" V5 O% U1 x: q' v6 D, T+ G: P  w- A1 D3 M
, A6 N$ C: i  w
% D" F, z/ q( W  nwhen other children are still nursing, i have been independent.
  p! |/ n( u5 j' w) \6 R7 b# s
7 h( I# U3 M# e  f5 v% e' Y3.我善于和人打交道,大多数和我相处的人都认为我能够站在他们角度想问题,为他们考虑  X& C% D+ M5 G$ f
1 t( L3 [( n1 O7 B$ u1 [
i am good at dealing with people and i get along with most people think i can stand on their perspective to the problem and think they are thinking3 k& H7 A# Y( H' g7 k
5 L" K  ^# `! u  U5 I4 L  T
4.作为青年志愿者协会的一员,我参加学校公益演出,积极发动同学为印尼难民捐衣捐物。. T- R  g$ F& y% S+ Q0 w$ J# I

6 O# ?2 U; H, U" ]i am an young volunteers ,i attended public school performance and actively mobilize students to donate clothes for the refugees in indonesia
# Y/ q/ N$ M. _' O
' W# }. V4 }) M- Z, X5.经过这次比赛我对企业的创立和经营有了直观的了解;对“企业模拟经营”有浓厚的兴趣,在该领域也取得了一定的研究成绩。
* G% O, d! H- x  p3 J8 l( X  |/ i6 T! N( T3 F' q" `2 b( Z6 f' g
after this game i am understanding that the creation and operation of businesses and interest in enterprise simulation management. i also made in the field study results4 s( B9 [. D$ {3 Q$ j7 ?$ Z

7 S! |9 K$ _5 @/ i( m6.我特别希望能为中国的慈善事业做出贡献,并把将来能够去NPO特别是慈善工作划入了未来职业前景规划的一部分。
5 Y% |1 d. w* h+ K
, _5 Y% Z/ H! ei special hope to contribute to charity in china, and i want to work the NPO special charity works, these is  my plan as part of future career prospects.


参与人数 1金币 +23 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 23 继续努力!


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弥漫行歌 发表于 2011-10-21 22:58:06 | 只看该作者
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王若其名 发表于 2011-10-22 18:08:42 | 只看该作者
# m0 j' }* e: ~* S. |
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jellyjessie 发表于 2011-10-22 19:07:11 | 只看该作者
( @; D2 t$ X" b& z" Z7 V2 p* X3 k6 e! }
I think that accounting is not only recording and analyzing the historical datas and draw the financial report,but more importantly accountants need to show  some related reliable data and imformation  to the  users.
2 i7 Y) ?% J; f$ u/ x2 A, ]% L4 ]- F
2.当其他同龄的孩子过着饭来张口衣来伸手的日子时,我已经开始靠劳动赚取自己的零用钱了。/ D: M, t2 Y1 @1 t  \7 D: B
I have started to earn  the  pockey money with my own hands while other even-aged kids  were stiil  eating a ready cooked meal ., J/ ?& B' ^# J. d
0 s1 q" z4 {  S; V; C/ L: D, u
+ V5 f  ^7 {* E, R; o/ Y- l5 U8 E1 a* ?, h. a$ O2 y! U
I'm a good mixer and thought  to have the sake for  those who get on with me .
* {0 U! ^1 e0 [9 _: `+ U/ {! k$ c4 ^, K1 R$ m2 X
7 R9 L$ n, M6 H# U( ^* [0 Q- u' q! K/ q& e$ X
As a member of the youth voluntee union, I actively took part in the school show  for charity and appeal our students to donate the clothes and supplies  for Indonesian survivors
( Z+ u. P# d4 b. N: B
0 I* v. r4 U  g  r5.经过这次比赛我对企业的创立和经营有了直观的了解;对“企业模拟经营”有浓厚的兴趣,在该领域也取得了一定的研究成绩。
  f8 A% G, b9 Z2 P! w+ ]: |# e. s+ R* Q
I have got a direct knowledge about the founding and manegement of an enterprize iin this competition.As I have great interest in the module of the enterprize mangement ,it ought to acquire some  certain  resesrch achievement.: ^1 W) Y( q0 B$ E: }; t: c
! T/ [2 M3 J% X5 B; }! }  T% v
6.我特别希望能为中国的慈善事业做出贡献,并把将来能够去NPO特别是charity工作划入了未来职业前景规划的一部分。$ @& i1 w5 ]! |  O
I particularlly hope to  make a contribution to China charity career and  working in the NPO especially for the charity has been a part of my future career prospect.


参与人数 1金币 +30 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 30 比较另类!


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zytf0131 该用户已被删除
zytf0131 发表于 2011-10-22 21:43:50 | 只看该作者
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zytf0131 该用户已被删除
zytf0131 发表于 2011-10-22 21:44:54 | 只看该作者
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tsepinghan 发表于 2011-10-23 09:35:45 | 只看该作者
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