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宇文亭 发表于 2011-4-19 04:44:23 | 只看该作者
1、州长宣布进入紧急状态, E" Y  v! h, E* P/ }" ^9 R0 |
The governor of state announces that the state is in a state of emergency.
7 J& a3 X- q. N# f! H$ r0 d! L6 Q: Q: W" p/ r
1 q4 C7 A3 X9 ~. TThe governor of Alabama visited the disaster areas, and announced  the whole state was in disaster.
, z$ b  H% g" S1 i9 F) ^1 f% [( b1 K6 C3 I$ ~: Z
) S: ]' q! E3 Z3 ]3 t( XPolices are investigating reasons for fire disaster.
% i. A0 n4 ]2 }% \; A  P# R9 _" v0 m
% q6 k8 m# q/ E4 g4、数千人一起参加了破纪录的26.2英里的伦敦马拉松赛
" {$ ~: _: G/ x3 [several thousands people paticipated the record-breaking marathon of 26.2 miles in London. 9 Q! _/ Y" \: o. c* Q

/ Y$ W6 U3 T6 j' b5、东京电力公司(东京电力)Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) 的目标是在三个月内减少辐射泄漏,在九个月内冷却的反应堆。8 r* E9 u  c! q5 p8 r
The purpose of Tokyo Electric Power Co is to decrese leak of radiation  in 3 months, and cool down the reactor in 9 months./ {+ l2 j% _8 Q* w# G. q/ G


参与人数 1金币 +26 收起 理由
IELTS哥 + 26


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Yeh-Trista 发表于 2011-4-19 08:06:18 | 只看该作者
1. The governor of state annouced that we entered the emergence situation.
. H3 r! e8 |8 }- u7 C2 d) `
! A2 S; l) X# n# H$ f2. the governor of Alabama visited a few disaster-affected area, and annouced the whole state were disaster area.7 R. a0 Y2 s; l" A# [9 u8 N
0 v- r, }0 h% g1 c7 J. O
3. The police are investigating the reason of fire  c4 \# s/ C$ C, _! Z

- k0 Y% S6 f- a4 {0 N4. thousands people attend london marathon race which breaking 26.2 miles track record.
  j9 l# ^/ t2 m. G- l* c
6 M" f& h* ?- {, U( d. A; a5. the purpose of Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is decreasing the radiation leakage in 3 months.
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mayx0522 发表于 2011-4-19 08:23:46 | 只看该作者
回复 JohNNy_Chau 的帖子
; o7 r# H7 a6 w" F; B/ b1 X/ Z* D! y9 A7 `, e
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JohNNy_Chau 发表于 2011-4-19 10:33:05 | 只看该作者
回复 mayx0522 的帖子; E, i. v# b) D" L" w

. R, Z6 j7 I# Z# E1 }呵呵`我是尝试下做再对的呢
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Arche 发表于 2011-4-19 12:59:55 | 只看该作者
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悠小漓 发表于 2011-4-19 15:42:14 | 只看该作者
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鑢_cosmos 发表于 2011-4-19 16:32:11 | 只看该作者
1.The head of the state declare an emergency.8 Y2 N7 e0 p5 C6 ~7 Z; r
2. The head of Alabama has visited some diseaster-affected area, and demonstrate them as disaster area.
8 K+ Z' ?; \# h7 f4 z3. The police is looking into the cause of the fire.
- _) D. |+ P0 N& R  l: V: T: P0 y$ z4.Serveral thousands of people taking part in a 26.2 miles marathon in London is record-breaking.. R& X. q- ]; O5 T5 d
5.The aim of Tepco is to reduce the radiation leakage in 3 months and cool the reactor down in 9 months.
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Feuany 发表于 2011-4-19 21:16:50 | 只看该作者
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verleen 发表于 2011-4-19 23:00:23 | 只看该作者
1.        The minister noted that it has go to agency state。2 z( F  R0 O3 U7 ?
3.The policemen are 调查 the cause of the 火灾。
8 b0 {% K2 _8 @8 j0 T4.好难!!!5 u! Y  s8 e% Y8 ]5 N4 Y5 y2 a3 J
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ninamanman 发表于 2011-4-20 11:59:23 | 只看该作者
1、州长宣布进入紧急状态2 ]$ E( S4 A/ _/ t
The governer announced to be in urgent state.
& L) D& ?2 [+ ^1 T' f% ^! e2 Z  c8 _9 P* A  w) L$ o- {' V
6 J5 @6 p8 R% N' Q( a: Y9 t3 [The governer of Alabama visited several disaster hit area and announced) r  `2 K% ^2 f. t
the whole state as a disaster area.5 y' z( b  V& K8 l8 U

2 s( w  x- L9 V/ W3 a+ a3、警察正在调查火灾的原因。, |/ Z. y3 _* v; O7 }
The police are ivestigating the reason of fire disaster.: q4 V; D$ ~) l% q8 U
$ \. S, H6 y+ \2 }. l" z4 K
4、数千人一起参加了破纪录的26.2英里的伦敦马拉松赛6 e4 |+ ]- S+ p  e) G" l$ v
Thousands of people took part in a London marathon record for 26.2 miles.
, b6 y/ y9 r1 B1 t6 y( v( @* r: T& j6 i
' H3 P5 D% [) Y
  l$ h7 ]! H0 g) D6 B5 B5、东京电力公司(东京电力)Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) 的目标是在三个月内减少辐射泄漏,在九个月内冷却的反应堆。
, u' n$ W* y$ VThe goal of Tokyo Electric Power Co is to reduce the leak of radiation whithin 3 months and to cool off the nuclear reactor within 9 months.
  m! p: p3 }, G4 Z* ^* {
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