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楼主: IELTS哥
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gracepallas 发表于 2016-8-23 21:30:29 | 只看该作者
7 b1 z/ o4 f& |2 W9 fin order to relieve the traffic jam, the government ask more tax to the private cars or develop the common traffic.
: Q+ D0 Y# \3 J6 {2 ]( \, V2.互联网是巴双刃剑3 V" M# C0 U* w+ u# N3 x
the internet is a two side sword.
) T/ C, y, y( m8 C5 z3.当说道物种多样性,澳大利亚(Australia) 是一个典型的例子
" C% s+ V9 @+ p/ ]/ o( Kwhen talking about the diversity of plant, australia is a typical example.+ C) h  ^/ b( Z0 f8 f; j" o
9 ~, D/ p* f! c, h& ^3 H' P21st century need us equip ourselves by advancing knowledge.
0 j7 S! X) D' A5 f2 k5.一些尖锐的问题出现了
! k3 Y4 e& z2 T$ n7 o2 nthere appears some sharp problems.
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