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绿光蓝缘 发表于 2012-2-29 23:11:35 | 只看该作者
1.I'm seem to met him some place before.% R9 y- O& |/ `0 `
2.he spend lavishly his property inherit his father.: z0 K$ e. `% b3 e( k0 T
3.show to me what it is in your hand?# m% l5 r) ^4 f  ^
4.take a warm clothes,because the temperature at night will drop suddently5 ?' _% I; j, R5 J! w! f7 a
5.i'm not ready well yet,you can go first and i follow you soon.


参与人数 1金币 +5 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 5


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小米粗线条 发表于 2012-2-29 23:51:44 | 只看该作者
5 Y2 c2 H6 v  Q3 @3 II have met him somewhere before.
( S+ @: o" \, h' F: p) t5 J5 ~
) \) x. q# q) ~  k/ S/ w( ]2.他挥霍了他父亲给他的全部钱财。: C" j& ~% {9 q/ H/ V9 h4 n4 X
He ran out all the wealth his father gave to him.( h7 z. n: p' a1 p) h
/ t( w( B; L! R
3.给我看看你手里拿的是什么东西?:! U/ b: F# {' W) w+ z
Show me what's in your hand?
; F8 z% D. V. _0 _0 S+ }$ M# H8 w: f5 g7 f9 d4 n5 {! n2 j. S8 x+ a
7 Q* u$ O; v$ x3 C( DTake a warm sweater with you, since the tempreture will sharply decline at night.  @2 F' J' u( _; {" d' Z
/ j( Q6 @$ g" r6 m7 h# ], z
5.你先走一步,我随后就来;我还没有完全准备好+ I6 T3 `8 R: \, G7 V1 ^, l
You go first, I'll follow. I've not prepared well yet.% ~) U1 `! U7 @# L( U5 r
; h, A( Z  O  k( w/ M% X
, f# n5 ^* I+ [2 J9 t
2 C; w. ?9 l9 N) A3 }

1 ^( s" Q1 b/ n" f
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cora0507 发表于 2012-3-1 07:34:59 | 只看该作者
1. I saw him somewhere before.
; b2 I* D0 o* y7 |5 _: C! \
, P+ B* J/ e0 Z( h) Q2. He squandered all the fortune left by his father.
; v! v; M; }* D( E+ s$ Q0 a3 J' {! C" \$ x
3. Show me what is in your hand.
) E5 J  L0 Z) J0 {# F
; X7 h& Y% o4 w7 A- X  \- o4.Take a warm sweater with you since night temperature would fall sharply.
; A% f$ l3 p8 o3 k3 D5 w
9 ~5 z5 `  T9 K8 ?: V5. You go first, I will come after you; I am not ready yet.
! N' o# `5 t. i2 W, ~4 T- B
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crane 发表于 2012-3-1 09:07:33 | 只看该作者
crane 发表于 2012-2-29 12:57 7 M' i  p, n. a
1、I have met him somewhere before, y: |. N0 L7 Q
2、He spent all the money and property his father gived him casu ...

$ W1 y2 i- `7 s. U: ?% M请问评分标准是什么?是按照雅思的评分标准吗?能不能点评一下我的翻译 想更有针对性的练习,还需要注意哪些?
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清晓-77 发表于 2012-3-1 10:37:37 | 只看该作者
1.我以前在什么地方见到过他。) J. y8 l& @* N% u
I have seen him somewhere before.. r6 r2 t# h% {5 l% q& p
2.他挥霍了他父亲给他的全部钱财。8 K$ R6 f" M" @8 i7 a
He squanderer all the money his father had given him.
+ Y/ P+ B2 Q% w  |3.给我看看你手里拿的是什么东西?
2 v6 f) c5 a2 UShow me what you hold in your hand
2 V, ^- W, Y- V+ N# q% b/ ]4.带上一件暖和的毛衣,因为夜间气温会急骤下降
- T  A9 I' V! L. f: G9 BTake a warm sweater for the temperature at night will drop suddenly.
) Z5 @8 g, r5 D: x: n7 i5.你先走一步,我随后就来;我还没有完全准备好
5 F, h4 v) u, e2 uYou go first and I will follow. I am not already yet.
) y  L: g  v  w, U/ R! e* W& a+ e. b: c" E) ~" {; D
, ~5 s" K: P% A' ^5 r3 Q( E
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Ruby&Best 发表于 2012-3-1 22:17:03 | 只看该作者
1.我以前在什么地方见到过他7 T! r2 O; }, S* i- f6 _& J
I have seen him at the place
) M! N7 f0 {" g7 s/ V2.他挥霍了他父亲给他的全部钱财。
$ ^9 @/ i. e1 i/ [: E: f; f% CHe spends the whole mony from his father.0 q  ]% N7 p# A  ]* F0 U7 P6 @
3.给我看看你手里拿的是什么东西?- [. z+ o' ]' N+ {2 ?" B' J: g
let's me see your things at which your hand+ n' R7 P( Y6 ^2 q, `
4.带上一件暖和的毛衣,因为夜间气温会急骤下降。2 M2 f" I9 a/ U, R  z4 H
taking a warm sweat, beacause the weather tempriture is down.; f5 Z6 N: R+ K' j
3 ~$ {/ f/ S" V3 h' ?" Oyou go firsr ,i follow you ,i  don't have any ready,
% Q6 d  i# |+ H1 p! ^# C* P! D, m3 E. ~5 p1 {5 v& V: J% ?% @1 o7 X: Y3 R
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woshishai 发表于 2012-3-2 20:14:38 | 只看该作者
谢谢版主的帮助# |; X) j) Q/ X
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撒比西黑眼圈 发表于 2012-3-5 23:24:27 | 只看该作者
I have met him somewhere before.
; d! _% Y8 _6 d! `/ X- mHe devoured all the estate that his father gave him.3 s) H0 s3 q" a* `/ @  Z
Let me have a look what is in your hand.
4 k" V; r8 |2 W4 M- iTake a warm sweater because the temperature would descend steeply.: H2 q0 O& p$ t, X9 G( q
You need not to wait for me because i am not completely ready.
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Joanne小小茵 发表于 2012-3-20 11:08:19 | 只看该作者
have done these before:o
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左珥失聪 发表于 2012-3-23 19:53:44 | 只看该作者
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