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ninamanman 发表于 2011-4-11 15:08:37 | 只看该作者
1/ Please stay, don't send.0 m2 v2 o# y  s& k
2/ By the way, what is the weather like at present in Beijing?
: p4 E2 {8 K3 g: e3/ Please convey my condolence and the close greeting to your family.$ w! k  d  f" j8 A" K
4/ My grandpa always tells us about his hard childhood to encourage us.3 A! \% }  g/ D. @! D0 {
5/ He dresses odinarily and drives a poor car, who can imagine he is the richest person in the town?  P, k# \. U3 ]) T6 [5 g# {
6/ 三岁看小,七岁看老。8 O7 K  T2 D; f% {5 i
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ninamanman 发表于 2011-4-11 15:14:25 | 只看该作者
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宇文亭 发表于 2011-4-11 15:54:16 | 只看该作者
" |" c- \' A% a. G/ Q1 n; n5 S( t9 F# ~8 w" W* E$ f8 K* I8 b
+ e( R- f7 F0 s" M* Z) f: C% }
2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?& x+ O" V3 {/ ~- `0 f6 z6 o
By the way, what is the weather like now?
# o6 U, z* k$ e- q; Y, ]8 G* a; C5 W4 ~" X# `
& `' ~6 s# F, N3 pPlease give my regards to your family.
' x8 D, S; S/ K. x8 ]
; @4 w& d/ x- P% ?: y; {4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。0 H6 K. y8 K% A- X3 e( {! q, s9 H
My grandfather often tells us his hard childhood to enourage us.  t. l" e% P  `2 Y
0 l2 h: i, S9 I2 D$ F  }
: u: y! v5 K0 s& q3 g5 U   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。
6 |) x4 V0 H( ^He dresses normally, and drives an old car, who gonna trust that he is the richest man in the town?
' B4 l6 G; \( s+ r* _+ DDo not judge a person by his appearance./ y9 X1 q! W$ F% `8 h, \
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)/ u0 P: D3 t7 p5 a
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Nicole-Day 发表于 2011-4-11 21:04:26 | 只看该作者
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red 发表于 2011-4-11 23:05:51 | 只看该作者
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浔城叶孤城 发表于 2011-4-12 10:28:43 | 只看该作者
1. I will see my way out, please!
$ B3 p* U% s8 s" H/ J% {* {2. By the way, what is the weather like in Beijng?
4 Z3 S$ a9 `# k4 D3. Please take my condole and sincere greeting to your family.
& {! s2 S+ L& {- n; }4. My grandpa usually talks to us about his hard life in his childhood, which is in order to inspire us.
5 ]$ E- Y9 r5 A. _# w: z5. A: He wears commonly with a old car, who would have thought that he is the richest man in town?/ w2 y4 v. K1 m6 h2 i" d" h
   B: You can't judge people with their appearance.( |& V+ L, ~# I6 c+ U
6. 三岁看小,七岁看老
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李四家 发表于 2011-4-12 15:00:31 | 只看该作者
1.请留步,不用送了!8 o, s( b. N1 y! Q
Please stay, and I will see myself out!0 a3 c  G1 i0 c1 s! D

# A$ ]8 ~5 i! z  Y9 B( Q2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
2 d0 f1 F! |+ d: e/ g+ cBy the way, what the weather like in Beijing?- {! h( k- V* L. \% e

# `' m  \  ~% X7 E& o' i0 J3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。
4 H. R4 l0 r1 K- y/ X" I" T3 BPlease give my regards to your family.
5 j; W' G0 C& _( E5 B4 R6 j6 }8 }, P( x! B
- _+ b9 @) l% {2 S7 V" {My grandpa often tells us story about his miserable childhood to encourage us. 0 Y) P7 F0 f# w% I& n6 ?; ], U4 q
- i& T2 C" f8 Y+ q# k: I$ d0 l" [
5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?: n# m, ]5 s/ J/ P7 w
   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。- q) \$ _' ?+ X& h1 [9 D
2 p* P9 h) ~: T3 m
A: He wears painly and drives a broken car. Who would consider that he is the richest man in the town.
( I5 r* X) S. g2 I- G- qB: You can’t judge a person by apperance.* k4 }9 ^" L4 ?+ h
, R+ d) h& t. i; b6 s
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
9 Q7 ^7 C% Y" I  k
) f/ x: ^8 x! @1 j% s三岁看老,正如看看清晨就知道这一天是什么天气了。
, C( c: w, |+ @0 i% P" Y
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ilovebeagle 发表于 2011-4-12 21:54:44 | 只看该作者
) B! V$ A" ?$ `7 u7 bI will see myself out, please.
* F4 e, u( m, p' \( \/ @2.顺便问一下,现在北京的天气如何?
4 x' L! y$ g5 @  \1 Y" p0 u' vBy the way, what's the weather like in Beijing?! V( e, u' ], Z( r
3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。0 g) _5 d4 G) ?, W& [, x1 C: X
Please convey my sympathy and warm regards to your family.( q5 p8 y5 m& @9 X1 d
, x  F# [! F0 U: L, OMy grandpa always tells us his childhood hard life to inspire us.8 s, Y! N4 f7 }$ k
! e) k; h7 L  b   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。9 H! O! _" A% m/ ]) Z& I
A:He wears common and drives an old car, who will know he is the richest person in the town?0 r! _3 O$ `9 ^) @/ ?4 e" @9 y$ [7 k
B: You can't judge people by their apperance.
% p0 S; Q2 L& Z- z$ e6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)
, n! G" O. n+ d9 M# H童年就预示着你将来会成为什么样的人就像早晨预示着一天一样。
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一朵废柴会幸福 发表于 2011-4-14 13:37:57 | 只看该作者
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Yeh-Trista 发表于 2011-4-19 10:22:56 | 只看该作者
: H9 T# g( F( lplease keep your steps!# ]3 L, x  C, W( u% @) }# \
  \: Z  O5 t% M9 e+ o' N; n
2 h( ^; ]- r: R# Tby the way, How is the whether in Beijing?
7 E/ z0 S6 N! U: D5 R! n3 S$ l
% i( t" Y3 {# L& I3 u3.请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。3 R9 s$ H. y2 ^" r; ^  S! B
please show my sympathy and kind greeting to your family.2 y" g6 f3 P% M) U5 [# U0 G

- ~4 l5 K, [+ c, Q* x% w6 u4.我爷爷经常给我们讲他童年时的艰苦生活激励我们。8 i$ b2 q) c  w! J
My grandfather always motivate us with his tough story in childhood.) [, L  w- ]. _9 ^3 Z

  m% G5 `% }1 i: M" K+ H5、A、他衣着普通,开一辆破车,谁会想到他是镇上最有钱的人啊?' M7 R/ g5 \, T
   B、你不能以貌取人嘛。9 v1 M  x" K0 P# E# H' k& o
A: he wears normally, drives a broken car, who can image he is the richest one in the village?. N: v5 t; K4 C) R4 Y( _- ]
B: that's why you can not judge a person by appearance.
9 U' J, D  j7 W( D  }. K- G; T: W8 o! @
6.Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. (英译汉)" |6 _% N5 w3 E& B. [
童年决定人的一生,就像清晨决定一整天 (三岁看老)
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