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微博评论 发表于 2012-3-28 19:30:06 | 只看该作者
配图很有爱。。。  Q, E2 w& r# e
1 [0 |3 X) x* V& Q0 W
来自 甄菲菲V 的新浪微博
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优游女生 发表于 2012-3-28 19:30:55 | 只看该作者
1.if the product would be sold in the market,it would solve  big problems for governments from all over the world.# g- j- i# A1 M3 m5 Q
2.i believe the change of climate is the most  severe challenge since human being exsists.- m1 V- N0 v2 h" ^) C
3.the species of the fish have became less and less,while the consumption of the seafood is increasing all of the world.+ X" A9 G+ U$ a' K
4.according to the survey,about 60% of the people believe that the wealthy who have these characters are worthy respceted.
: e/ r8 U) ~$ Z5.当他们为了完成学业而削减了大量看电视和上网的时间得时候,家长们提出了另一个帮助他们在学校里获得成功的理由:充足的睡眠。
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TED 发表于 2012-3-28 19:47:47 | 只看该作者
if this products come out what can be solution  of a huge difficult problem in the world.7 I5 q9 {. [  l( ?5 V
i think that the changing of clime is seorious challenge what is faced by the people throughout history.  ^/ A0 B4 N" s" q  [! z
many kinds of fish are decreasing day by day,whilst the consuming of seafood is increasing.
; ~; Q# e" B: d9 D3 x" D$ r9 w  [there are 60% people think that the rich man who have the quality are respected.
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rriittaa 发表于 2012-3-28 21:30:23 | 只看该作者
1.如果这种产品上市,能为世界各地的政府解决一个大难题。: V8 o. Q" F; |/ v1 e- |* _6 }# ~
if this kind of product can be on the market, the big problem of every governments all over the world can be solved.
7 s! @& L+ t% e! X2 C2. 我认为气候变化是人类有史以来所面临的最严峻的挑战。
6 {5 A" |+ E/ }% O, B; H7 R# din my own prospective, the climate changes is the most serious challenge which human being is facing to since the beginning of history.
5 V8 v: O, B8 E( H/ c; S+ a/ Z% u3. 很多鱼类品种日益稀少,全球海鲜消费量增加。
; q9 I/ Z8 T; n* ~$ ua mount of fish species is declining gradually while the global consumption of the seafood is increasing.+ F2 K" s) Z2 t4 |0 {. E
4. 调查显示,约60%的人认为具备这些品质的富人值得尊敬。
. f5 }8 e& o! V# o& O" xaccording to the survey, there are about 60% people think that the rich who have these qualities are deserved to respect.
4 s1 \2 V- F) t; `; \5. As they shave off time for TV and the Internet to make way for schoolwork, parents may want to add extra for that other big contributor to success at school: sleep
! S; P, f+ ~6 _- A2 F当他们把看电视 上网 的时间花在做作业上时,家长们也许会希望他们在学校花额外的时间去做一个对成功更有益的事情上:睡觉。
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NELLEN 发表于 2012-3-28 21:36:09 | 只看该作者
1.If this product can be sold in market,a big problem of every gobernment in the world coule be sloved.3 n) s3 b+ Y: Z3 |( e6 R* b# {
2.I think the change of the weather is the most hard challanege people've ever met (with) in history.
7 s4 s2 k$ U7 _; {3.Many of the kinds of fishes get rare,and the global purchase of seafood get more.
' O+ p2 i( f' U; @4.According to the survery,about 60% of people think the rich who own this characters are worthy of respection.
0 ^/ I/ u. [7 |7 l( _* G# k5.他们为了作业减少了花在电视和网络上的时间,家长们想要增加额外的一项让他们能在学校里成功的因素:睡眠。
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ht吾st 发表于 2012-3-28 22:07:41 | 只看该作者
1.If the produce get into the market, it would solve a difficult problem for every government in the world.6 Z# T! ?& b1 m* \- }! P1 V
2.I think climate changing will be most serious challenge which human being haven't met.
; F; O( s$ K. F  G0 e# v7 S; d( A: I6 b3.Many kinds of fish is decreasing increasingly, due to the consumption of fish is increasing./ H0 U4 d8 h7 Z/ k+ s# k% [3 A
4.By the survey ,about 60 percent of people suggest that the rich people with these characters are worth respecting.
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ccvszoe 发表于 2012-3-28 22:40:48 | 只看该作者
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袁伟豪 发表于 2012-3-28 23:22:24 | 只看该作者
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Amelie_JL.Loo 发表于 2012-3-28 23:41:05 | 只看该作者
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xa-attention 发表于 2012-3-29 14:36:08 | 只看该作者
1. 该报告旨在确定是否将北极熊列为濒危物种。
* j- X" p8 B4 z    The report show whether polar bear be identified as  endangered specises.' F" ?; Z5 W( a/ w! R: l
2. 此外,历史古迹的保护、森林覆盖率、空气质量、市政交通、城市生活、公共空间、及GDP等因素也被考虑在内。& z8 e( {/ |) W0 i
   Furthermore, it is considered that protecting historic site,air quality, urben traffic, city life,public place,GDP and other elements.5 M% l; e4 R6 N  V' k8 @
; e  a7 f( H7 E" H6 b6 I9 L6 _1 R: x
3. 对最安全城市的评选主要基于社会、经济和生态的发展。
& J4 Q2 k$ U( S6 W" _    The selection tothe safest city  mainly depend on development of sociaty,economy and ecology.# C. q3 y3 I4 R% D* X- S( y
7 v4 i7 }2 r1 @3 D
4. 青少年的好奇心很强,自控能力较差。; L" k( o6 z* Y' q
The youth have strong curiosity and weaker self-control.
& Y+ [, ]$ F! ~, q9 b( l! ~% A0 F: ?- Z- k5 n, j
5. Parents should provide not only material security for their children, they also need to care them and be more enlightened when it comes to the proper transmission of sex knowledge. * A' o; O" F( H- }
   父母不应该只为孩子提供物质上的关怀,当孩子需要适当传输生理知识时,也要关心引导他们。9 Y$ [' j5 n7 `' e8 W
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