仲恺rm609,白人青年经常笑p1 name, mayjor,why this major,flowers p2 talk about a happy wedding,who they are,why they are happy p3 why people spend a lot of money in wedding,what age is suitable for marridge in ur culture\n\n 来自 雅思中国网 的新浪微博
上海财经,Rm305金发温和青年,part 1your major .your toy .what. toy you will buy for baby or kids .part 2your faverate famous person.part 3 celebrities and media .名人要有什么因素,talent and work hard 哪个更重要.media 是否过度关注名人隐私。。来福利大众求,,RP !!!!\n\n 来自 神之月晓 的新浪微博
仲凱rm208 年輕外國帥鍋 經常微笑part1 which city you live in. dance in your country.when where they will dance?which sport are most popular in your country part2 talk about a sport program.what is it when you will see. part3 運\動員應該有高的工資?基本全部圍繞運\動\n\n 来自 雅思中国网 的新浪微博