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moosse 发表于 2012-2-22 19:57:37 | 只看该作者
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wwjacy 发表于 2012-2-24 15:21:57 | 只看该作者
: q8 s* H# t9 M: m
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思语 发表于 2012-2-25 10:01:27 | 只看该作者
1.我以前在什么地方见到过他。2 @4 F8 D) Z  V! o  U( B/ P! d( q3 d
i have seen him in some place before.
4 f  f! K3 J& _2.他挥霍了他父亲给他的全部钱财。
9 b7 b& ~5 I/ Ahe wasted all the property got from his father.
& {) n3 d" \% \# Y. ~+ q7 T3.给我看看你手里拿的是什么东西?7 T& z  ^" q, d& U) D# }
what is in your hand? let me have a look.) `+ d. D+ j! o2 }8 {( v) ~
4.带上一件暖和的毛衣,因为夜间气温会骤下降。) b) T4 a4 Z9 V6 r0 I
bring a warm sweater with you, since the weather will drop down quickly.
) V$ {' V2 g7 f$ I6 v4 ?5.你先走一步,我随后就来;我还没有完全准备好。, x9 i- C- V* w8 Y  ]8 ~: h1 S5 c
you shall leave first.  , i will come as soon as i prepare well.
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宋爱波 发表于 2012-2-26 14:52:22 | 只看该作者
1.I have seen him somewhere.
# F% G* c7 W# f! N2.He made away with all the fortune his father left to him.
$ v2 b0 w0 m6 H: y* N3.What is in your hand?Let me have a look.; r# u8 Y6 `( `; R) k  L. _
4.Take a heavy sweater with you because the temperature will go down sharply at night.1 o7 k3 Y$ q4 ?+ [/ w) W
5.You go ahead and I'll follow,I am not quite ready.7 t3 D0 \$ g7 @/ b

2 Z' l( L  |! Y( g2 N% ]" V& J* [
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胖辉123 发表于 2012-2-26 19:38:08 | 只看该作者
" d, T3 O: X' r3 l$ G
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★twilight☆ 发表于 2012-2-27 19:45:39 | 只看该作者
I've seen him before.- d. O$ S' j, q  F) t! k. {! m! J+ K& p+ i; i
He wasted all the money that his father gave him.9 O2 |; p& f! |3 H+ O# ?8 e
! [4 q& z2 F* MShow me what is in your hand.' x7 |/ E0 r" O6 N3 T. V: F5 L  \
% x4 o: |$ n  K& a+ |3 b; x, ]Take a warm sweater with you, because the temperature will go dramatically down in the night.
  X# o3 r: t( O- _2 a+ [, R! O8 L7 AI wasn't ready yet, so you go first I'll after you.9 F7 Y$ D3 ]3 J( m1 F  H; ?
3 [, @/ h" M7 E
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★twilight☆ 发表于 2012-2-27 19:46:18 | 只看该作者
I've seen him before.- d. O$ S' j, q  F) t! k
! F8 E, C( Y. }  I8 H: Z1 H1 FHe wasted all the money that his father gave him.
  Q" _& E/ }; u" S! [4 q& z2 F* MShow me what is in your hand.' x7 |/ E0 r" O6 N3 T. V: F5 L  \
6 f) O& l- b' i! [Take a warm sweater with you, because the temperature will go dramatically down in the night.2 F2 _, g+ d8 h0 V8 L1 @
2 a+ [, R! O8 L7 AI wasn't ready yet, so you go first I'll after you.
. ]2 q; P8 S1 e3 [, @/ h" M7 E
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★twilight☆ 发表于 2012-2-27 19:47:22 | 只看该作者
I've seen him before.- d. O$ S' j, q  F) t! k
1 g9 F5 @8 k# b# R. _He wasted all the money that his father gave him.% r% L0 S# K# b. I5 H9 ~, W! R
! [4 q& z2 F* MShow me what is in your hand.' x7 |/ E0 r" O6 N3 T. V: F5 L  \1 ]& K' j8 X2 q  F- Z) k$ m
Take a warm sweater with you, because the temperature will go dramatically down in the night.
- a* X% y$ m% k! T6 ^9 _; G) ^2 a+ [, R! O8 L7 AI wasn't ready yet, so you go first I'll after you.
$ L" I3 g: f- K3 ]- e3 a3 [, @/ h" M7 E
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★twilight☆ 发表于 2012-2-27 19:47:56 | 只看该作者
I've seen him before.- d. O$ S' j, q  F) t! k
7 C: f) Q" C3 [/ QHe wasted all the money that his father gave him.* }: `4 T# Y. G3 t
! [4 q& z2 F* MShow me what is in your hand.' x7 |/ E0 r" O6 N3 T. V: F5 L  \4 \, |! d! a. ]- K' l/ R& ?! l
Take a warm sweater with you, because the temperature will go dramatically down in the night.
1 M# @1 P5 Q1 u7 X$ W+ `( c3 r6 U2 a+ [, R! O8 L7 AI wasn't ready yet, so you go first I'll after you.2 }& d7 w: v4 {# t: I
3 [, @/ h" M7 E
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★twilight☆ 发表于 2012-2-27 19:50:34 | 只看该作者
I've seen him before.- d. O$ S' j, q  F) t! k5 M/ f1 c- ]# ?4 c  y$ h
He wasted all the money that his father gave him.7 q+ B; ]' i" U
! [4 q& z2 F* MShow me what is in your hand.' x7 |/ E0 r" O6 N3 T. V: F5 L  \
8 f) s. `3 Q% x8 |* gTake a warm sweater with you, because the temperature will go dramatically down in the night.
! l* N, G# |3 u: V1 K2 a+ [, R! O8 L7 AI wasn't ready yet, so you go first I'll after you.' D7 o$ v) L- M
3 [, @/ h" M7 E
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