8点半北语,rm301,nice大婶,part1住在哪个城市,是house还是apartment,favorite sports,most popular sports in china,do u like and how often u draw,drawing influence on ppl,whether it is easy for ppl to learn drawing?part 2 old family photo,part 3 photographer related。。。\n\n 来自 La_Boheme_murderer 的新浪微博
gz仲愷604,major,name,future job,what do you do in evening , with whom p2 describe a child. P3 what do child need, who is important for child, father or mother(differences?) advantage and disadvantage to have bro and sis.\n\n 来自 beeZ 的新浪微博
华师大 和蔼的老奶奶 专门放慢语速问 态度超好! Room509 name, major, future job,P2 a friend you have not seen a long time and want to see again, P3 nowadays searching old friend is more easy, why? how? important to have friends of different ages…最后这个问题我只说了一句话她就说tha\n\n 来自 Ctrl徐七少 的新浪微博
攒人品咯!湖北大学,rm24,part1 where are u come from,what was the city like when u are a child. Part 2,electronic thing,it\'s use,why it is useful. Part3,technology used in teaching,and in your family.\n\n 来自 connie_要看书 的新浪微博
厦门rm501,part1 来自哪,晚上都干嘛;part2 meaningful buildings or memorial;part3 related to part2,young and old 对meaningful building or memorial的不同态度,喜欢old building还是modern building,why。。。考官人很nice,但是我考的很烂。。。\n\n 来自 囧小D 的新浪微博