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IELTS哥 发表于 2023-4-1 15:05:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Despite better access to education, many adults today still cannot read or write. In what ways are they disadvantaged? What can governments do to help them?
  • 就业方面:未受教育成年人往往不能拥有高技能的工作,这将导致他们只能从事低收入或劳动密集型工作,收入较低。
  • 社交方面:未受教育成年人往往面临着沟通障碍,无法与其他人进行有效的沟通,限制了他们的社交活动和人际关系的发展。
  • 健康方面:未受教育的人可能无法理解健康知识,无法获得正确的医疗保健和疾病预防信息,可能导致健康问题。

  • 投资成人识字计划:政府可以提供资金和资源,支持成人教育和培训,提高未受教育成年人的读写水平。
  • 打破文盲的社会污名:政府可以加强公众意识宣传,让人们了解文盲的危害和对社会的影响,促进社会对未受教育成年人的接纳和支持。
  • 制定相关法律和政策:政府可以制定相关法律和政策,要求公司雇佣一定比例的未受教育成年人,提供培训和发展机会,鼓励雇主投资于成人教育计划。

  • 引言:简单介绍题目并提出自己的观点。
  • 主体部分:

  • 结论:总结文章中的观点,并提出一些建议,呼吁政府和社会各方面加强对未受教育成年人的支持和关注。
  • 下面是一份可能的范文,仅供参考:


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 楼主| IELTS哥 发表于 2023-4-1 15:06:26 | 显示全部楼层
Although access to education has improved in recent years, there are still many adults who cannot read or write. This essay will explore the disadvantages faced by these individuals and the measures that governments can take to help them.

Firstly, adults who are unable to read or write face significant barriers in the job market. They are often limited to low-skilled and labor-intensive work, resulting in lower incomes. In addition, they may struggle to communicate effectively, making it difficult for them to express their opinions and ideas and limiting their social activities and relationships. Finally, they may not be able to understand health information, leading to poor healthcare outcomes.

To help these adults, governments can take the following measures. Firstly, they can invest in adult literacy programs, providing funding and resources to support adult education and training and improve literacy levels. Secondly, governments can raise public awareness of the harms of illiteracy and the impact on society, promoting greater acceptance and support for adults who are unable to read or write. Finally, governments can introduce laws and policies that require companies to employ a certain percentage of illiterate adults, provide training and development opportunities, and encourage investment in adult education programs.

In conclusion, adults who are unable to read or write face significant disadvantages, but governments can take a range of measures to help them. It is important to call on governments and society at large to strengthen their support and attention to these individuals, enabling them to realize their full potential and make greater contributions to society's development.
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