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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-5-6 04:46:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



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下载地址(请使用Adobe pdf reader10或以上的版本打开则不需要密码!!!!

http://115.com/file/anhg1h44#   《无忧雅思听力机经》2011年冬季版.pdf

http://115.com/file/be87qg66#  3G雅思机经.pdf


●听力:4月28日听力部分为三新一旧,旧题全部在凉月预测中,其中难度较大的S3S4分别是一级预测特别关注版本中的第一和第二个版本。旧题版本号为:Section1 = V30079 Section 1(三级预测)Section3 = V09135 Section 3(一级预测—特别关注)Section4 = V09134 Section 4(一级预测—特别关注)●阅读:↘Passage 1—The advertisement needs more attention(广告)↘Passage 2—The fascinating worlds of ants(关于蚂蚁的研究)↘Passage 3—The transmit of Venus(金星凌日)●写作:28日小作文分连续考了bar charts,2012年1-4月仅有2月考到了一道类似功能图的小作文,流程图和地图题均没有出现。A类写作Task2是一道老题目,即该不该杀动物吃肉或用于皮革、药物等非食用用途。考试题目:A类task1——bar charts——The First Bar Chart---England(英格兰)和Wales(威尔士)两地人口(population)数量变化;The Second Bar Chart---England(英格兰)和Wales(威尔士)两地人口birth rate(出生率)和death rate(死亡率)的变化。task2——伦理——It is no longer necessary that animals should be slaughtered and made into either human foodstuffs or non-foodstuffs, such as fur and medicine. Do you agree or disagree?●口语:各地题目不同,详细内容请参考回忆。










SECTION 4:V37, V30018, V40101
SECTION 2:V07138, V07139, V09129
SECTION 1:V09126, V09131, V30079


V100327 S1

A questionnaire among the residentsin the communityof Northport City between a man and awoman.
1. Current occupation: salesman
2. The lengthof staying in the city: 9years
3. Address:SpringPark
4. Type of accommodation: he shared apartments with his colleague
5. Public transport: trains and taxi
6. Frequencyof eating out: onceamonth
7. The man would go to theclubs
8. Entertainment in the cinema
9. Sports: go sailing
10. Joinedcourse: Japanese

V100415 S4

History of advertising
31. purpose:commercial
32. knowledge
33. object
35. In the 1880s, industries ranging from soap tofoodto cigarette need ads.
36. The rise of mass circulation magazines,newspaper, radiobroadcasting help to reach consumer.
37. application of Mathematics
38. 19th Century,birth of advertisingagencies

39. package
40. the invention of Photograph bring a huge opportunityfor booming ads

V100515 S1

Rubber industry,the process of making Rubber
1. from coconutshell
2. mould     
3. manual pressed
4. NB is the only machinery in the process
5. the it isdried
6. traders history
7. for producing balls
8. more elastic
9. invented car tires
10. firstly it is applied inGermany




A类小作文以数据类作文为主,重点看pie chartcurve,但流程图和地图题很可能会出现(1-2月到现在为止还未出现,但是预计3月应该会出现至少一次)。流程图地图可参照《向雅思流程图说YES》进行准备,流程图重点看循环类(如YES中的玻璃瓶的回收),地图看新旧城区对比(如YES中小镇发展)。A类大作文还是关注社会类和教育类。具体可参考预测的题目。G类小作文为书信(关注投诉信和感谢信),大作文关注育儿类和生活类。



下面给一些写作的预测,来自 郑仁强
2-4月雅思写作预测   http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/28wSw/1327575418






Part one

What’s your full name?do your name have any special meaning?do you want to change your name in the future?

Do you live in a flat of house?which room do you like the best in your home, how to improve your room?

Where is your hometown? Is there anything you can recommend about your hometown?( Do you think your city is dangerous to the young people?)

What’s your major? Why did you choose it? Do many people study this major?

what indoor activities do you do? What kind of indoor sport do you want to learn in the future?

What kind of clothes do you like to wear? What’s fashion in your opinion?



Among the places you have traveled to, which place you liked best? Which place you want to travel to?

What kind of noises do you often hear?how to solve the noise problem in our daily life?

Do you swim? Do many poeple in your city swim and why?



Which animal do you like?  Do you think there are many people who like animals?

Do you prefer to use email or letters?

What’s happiness,in your opinion?

how do you usually celebrate your birthday?what kind of people like to celebrate birthday?

do you often use your computer? what do you use it for?


中国流行的食物 家里做的食物有什么好处?

the benefits to manage time?what are you doing during your leisure time?

Do you like painting? Do you think it is important for children to learn painting?

What kinds of films do you like to watch? 电影是在家看还是在电影院看,为什么?prefer watch movie alone or with friends?
What kind of music do you like to listen to?

What is your favorite color and why? Do you have many clothes in that color?

children should do sports? differences of boys and girls doing sports?  
What’s your favourite number?which number do chinese people like? Do you like to remember no. or people’s name?how do you remember a number?

Have you ever been to a music concert?what’s the differences between Concert and CD ?


What kind of handicradt you like? Did you make anything by yourself before?

newspaper & TV news which one do you prefer and why?do you use internet to know the news and compare it with tv,what is the difference?

What kind of books do you like to read in your childhood? Why you think children should learn reading in their childhood?
Part 2 +3  经历/社会类

1 a wedding you attended
S3:现在的年轻人对于结婚是否有一样的想法偏向于什么时候结婚过去结婚的年龄和现在结婚的年龄是否有改变 什么样的方式结婚 一系列由WEDDING延伸出来关于结婚和婚礼的问题,如何看待裸婚?

2 a small business you would like to do in the future
part3  what qualities are essential for someone to start a business? do you think it's better to start one's own business or to work for others? do you think collaboration is important in starting a business? do you think it's easier to start a business now or before?what are the qualities for a successful company? What types of company are there in your country?中国还有哪些成功的企业,为什么可以获得成功,举个例子?

3 describe a job you would like to do in your childhood

part three: 主题是 safety of society,问了一些为什么重要,那些职业能维持社会安全,从事这些职业得人是否应该得到high salary?is it difficult to find a job? what ways do people to find job? what kind of people employers need, why? what skills do people need to find a job? which is better, go to society before university or go to university directly? do schools help students to find jobs? what do they do? do you think school do enough for students to find jobs, why? compared to the past, what's the differences of the condition of  workplace currently? What can a good employer provide to his employees in addition to salary?

4 describe an angry situation (一件让你生气的事)

5 a positive change in your life
part3  change对人们有益吗?现在人怎样change,在他们的工作和生活中?新科技怎样change人们?

6  SPORTS or COMPETITION that you took part in or watched、an outdoor activity


7  a bad weather experience

8 describe a musical concert you attended


9 a foreign culture you want to learn

10 a special meal you had

11 a change in your hometown

12 a subject you like

13 describe a situation when others congradulate to you

Part3,讨论各种Competition,motivation,天赋和动力哪个在成功中更重要?动力重要还是机会重要?why some people are more motivated than others?

14  a special family event
Part 3 is there any other similar family event recently? the importness of living in a big family? the benefit of living with old people.the importness of family?do you think family is important in your culture? do you have many friends? / the benefits of walking.

15 an outdoor activity
part3你的国家人们喜欢还有不喜欢什么活动你认为户外运动如何你认为和以前相比我们现在的食物是否更健康你是否觉得以后的食品会更健康?/ 一般会做什么户外运动,老年人和年轻人运动的区别,会花多长时间,有什么好处,人们任何时候都愿意在户外运动吗?孩子是否有充足的free time ,是否认为把时间花在个人爱好和习惯上是浪费时间的事情?

16 describe an animal of your country or your hometown


17  a leader /a person in the news/ a person you admire

P3你有没有领导能力,how to be a good leader,the quality of good leader /你觉得中国家庭里谁做decision-making的工作,还有中国的传统就是男的掌权?你觉得这个情况会改变吗??/为什么有人愿意成名,成名后会带来什么缺点? /新闻一系列问题,我们应不应该过多的关注新闻啊,应不应该什么都知道,国内外新闻差异。你经常看新闻吗?过去的新闻和现在有什么不同?你认为国际事件对你生活影响大吗?报纸的内容比广告更正式吗?

18      a student who is good at study/ a friend

p3 男孩女孩谁学习更好?做一个好学生是否有用?/关于如何遇到新的朋友 ?朋友的特质 ?人们成为朋友的原因

19 a person who taught you doing something /一个老人/  a child you know
Part3 what do you think of children playing electronic games?问了一下关于小孩爱好、运动的问题?what benefit can children get from doing sports?do you like big family or small family? what are the diffrence between grandparnts and parents on children rising? 老人的退休年龄是否应该延长?老人退休后对他们有何影响?老人退休后是否容易再就业?the situation of old people in your country? Why some people like living alone? advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

20 describe a neighbour

Part 3过去的邻居和现在的有什么不同?

21 一个家庭的两个人


22  a person you helped

p3喜欢帮助别人吗? 帮助别人有什么好处?外国人来中国,应该帮助吗? 应该从什么方面进行帮助?基金组织重要吗?是不是应该多多发展基金组织的规模?

23        describe a person who lead a healthy lifestyle?

p 3:一些关于healthy lifestyle的问题?应该吃什么food?及现在的人是否过着一种healthy lifestyle?应不应该smoking及危害?

24  describe one of your good  personalities
Part 3 成功要什么性格?中国人的典型性格?你生活中谁拥有和你一样的个性?什么是成功一些人认为成功就是strong,你同意吗?团队中大家是否应该拥有同样的特点?


25 a kind of foreign music you like / a song you know in your childhood

part3 how do you think of people who download the music from internet?音乐行业发展如何?年轻人和老年人的音乐品味一致吗?人的音乐品味会随年龄变化吗?对音乐产业影响的因素有什么?年轻人会想成为音乐家吗?

26 an enjoyable conversation by phone/a good(exciting)  news(message) by phone
part3 what do you think to be a good communicator?电话,手机,email之间的比较,哪个方便,平时怎么沟通的?什么样的场合适合用email来交流,

27  a musical program(音乐节目) /an educational tv program / (A TV program you don’t like /A TV program you like)

第三部分商家做广告有好处吗?人们会更容易受广告影响吗?小孩子容易受广告影响吗?看电视时间太长会怎么样?  国外的电视节目的引入对年轻人的影响?你认为中国最受欢迎的什么节目?你认为是年后会有变化吗?你认为明星是否挣钱过多?What are the qualities should a good actress should have?你觉得你们国家的教育类节目够不够?advantages of this kind of job? What kind of person like that kind of job, any disadvantage?

28 a magazine (or newspaper)you like  / a website you like

P3 杂志的种类?男人和女人读杂志有什么区别?人们会去定期买杂志吗?为什么人们很关心名人的生活?广告重要吗?

29 something you learned in your childhood/  the thing you enjoyed learning

P3: how does children learn?do you think childen learn faster than adults?do you think old people should be educated?do you think studying in a group is beneficial? do you think the school should add more group study?

30 a (foreign ) movie you watched
p3: foreign film impact on the culture in your country中外电影的区别?外国电影在中国流行么? 一个好演员要具备的素质? 成为一个电影明星的好处和坏处?喜欢在家看还是去电影院?大多数年轻人喜欢什么类型的电影? What do you think of the future development of movie industry?

31 a book you want to read again / a type of book you prefer
p3 will you recommend this book to your friends?why people read books?do you think the internet is a good way to get infomation? do you think books or newspaper/magazine will be replaced by e-book in the future?

32 an advertisement you like



33 a foreign country you want to travel to/ a long journey you spent more time than you planned/a place you enjoy visiting/ a trip you took in your childhood

PART3 advantages and disadvantages about international tourism?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,不同的人会用什么交通工具。What is the difference between business trip and tour trip? Why do you think of the effect modern media have on tourism?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么? /中国人都喜欢visit什么历史建筑呀?为什么很多国家都喜欢repair building?有人认为钱应该花在people上而不是building上,你觉得呢?visit 历史建筑有什么好处呀?visit historic building 和 reading history book有什么不一样?学习历史对孩子们重要吗?我们为什么要学习历史?

34 a leisure center(open-air) / an interseting place that open to the public.
第三部分:should people do some leisure activities? should company organize some activities for the workers? Why? With their colleague or friend?/中学和小学的建筑有什么不同? 城市和乡村的building有什么不同?

35 describe a work place (an office,a shop and so on...)/a shopping center
Part3:    people live far from city (or work place)  Why?/ thansportation classification/the traffic poblem's  future/ what do foreigners do when they want building a company in your city ?

36 place you sometimes go for lunch  (where who what)
part3:饭店怎样吸引顾客? 广告对饮食的影响?中国最流行的食物是什么?中国人喜欢去什么地方吃饭?你喜欢吃中餐还是西餐?现在人们选择餐厅最看重什么?快餐流行还是传统食物流行?

37 an old building

38 an perfect house or apartment(描述理想的居住环境)/ a room you have spent a lot of time (in your childhood )
part3你认为现在人们至少需要多少间room 为什么?有些人认为要很多很多room 你怎样认为?有些人认为share room 可以帮助他们培养some social skills,what do you think?人们是不是越来越倾向住城里?你觉得城市化会造成问题吗?房子,装修以后会怎么发展?/why it is so crowded in your country? 小孩各放一个房间睡好, 还是二个孩子在一个房间睡好?怎么让房间个性化? 房子的过去和现在?

39 a garden/ or park


40 talk about a street in your hometown.

PART3 How do you think about the green areas in the city? try to talk about city lives.?以及一些绿化? 城市环保? 在未来会有怎么趋势的问题。


41 a thing that you lost
P3: what do people usually lose? why? How to prevent from losing our things?Do you think crime rate is increasing? why?what will you do if you found something other peole lost?

42 something made in a foreign country (expensive) you (want to buy) or bought before

P3 Why people bought some expensive products that they do not need to use?Do you think that caused by advertisements? Which kinds of products could young people buy?  Why?do young people like your age like shopping on the Internet?How to  choose good websites to shop?你觉得高科技的产物为什么会卖这么贵?你会愿意话很多钱去买那些很贵但你实际上不需要的东西么?你还有没有买过其他华而不实的东西?

43 a furniture in your family
part3 what should be considered while buying a furniture; in china who make dicision about buying furniture in a family; what factors should a designer have; how the climate affect designs.

44 describe an occasion when someone gave you some money as a gift/ a gift for another person
P3 大人和孩子花钱的观念有什么不同?孩子会用这些钱干什么?怎么帮助孩子省钱。大人用钱做什么?/do you often give gift? Money or gift which is better? Do you change gift with others? Do Chinese often change gifts? Is it difficult to choose right gift?

45 你喜欢的衣服类型/ the clothing you bought

part3 女士和男士买衣服的不同?你怎样看待中国的“杀价”/ bargaining?你喜欢大商场还是小商店?你怎样看待那些注重名牌的人? How do you think about shopping online?

46 A photo (birthday or family)

part3 照相是不是艺术,好照片要有什么标准,你喜不喜欢照相,为什么有的人不喜欢他们的照片?photo 的意义? 为什么有人喜欢拍照? 你觉得现代人通过什么途径照相?你觉得人们是爱互相照还是去照风景?  

47 an electronic equipment (except your computer)
part3问的是为什么学校会用这些科技的东西?为什么很多人要上网?上网有什么好处?不上网有什么坏处?科技发展对人的好处?在未来你觉得科技会怎么发展?那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage? 对老人来说使用这些equipment easy or difficult?他们用什么比较容易?什么比较难?

58 something made by yourself( in your childhood)



1. 预测只是辅助,考试成败关乎自己的未来,请把提高英语水平放在首位,同时用预测来起到画龙点睛锦上添花的作用。不要依赖预测,忽略提高英语水平的根本

2. 预测谁都能做,你也可以。但是出于对自己的未来负责,不是所有的预测都可以随便相信的。对于现在令人眼花缭乱的预测,有非常准确的,也有滥竽充数的,就像股评家一样多如牛毛,考生要加以区别。看这个预测的准确率,偶尔预测到题目的运气好都能做到,连续几十场都能保持准确预测的,整个雅思界绝不会超过十人。最后看老师的名声,名声好的自然有其道理,名声不好的或者没听说过的,暂且不要相信吧。

3. 关于选择考试日期的问题,最好的日期是自己时间允许且复习的充分的情况下的那一场,而不是盲目选择“简单”的那一场。雅思考试各场的难度其实都差不多,某一场听力简单了,阅读就会难一点,听力阅读都简单的写作可能难一点,况且简单不简单都是考完才知道。即使预测,也只能提前一周左右对下周的考试范围作出判断,已经过了报名时限了。所以选择自己时间最合适的考试就是最好的考试日期

4. 关于复议,目前雅思考试的写作和口语分数存在偏低显现。如果你的单项分差达到了2分或者以上,比如听力8分,写作5.5分,单项的分差达到2.5分,就申请复议吧,在这种情况下复议的成功率是比较高的。



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