本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-2-23 23:04 编辑
Gemini 双子座 5/21~6/21
在遥远的希腊古国,有一个美丽动人的传说。温柔贤惠的丽达王妃有一对非常可爱的儿子,他们不是双生,却长得一模一样,而且两兄弟的感情特别深厚,丽达王妃觉得十分幸福。 In the distant ancient Greece, there was a beautiful legend. Princess Rita had a pair of very cute sons. They are not twins, but they looked exactly the same, and had a particularly strong friendliness with each other. Princess Rita felt very happy.
但是有一天,希腊遭遇了一头巨大的野猪的攻击,王子们召集了许多勇士去捕杀这头野猪。其间,勇敢的哥哥杀死了野猪,但是也受了伤。凯旋归来,举国欢庆的时候,丽达王妃为了安慰受伤的哥哥,偷偷向他吐露了实情。原来,哥哥并不是国王与王妃所生,而是王妃与天神宙斯的儿子。所以,他是神,拥有永恒的生命,任何人都伤害不了他。哥哥知道以后再三保证不会告诉任何人这个秘密,哪怕是他最亲爱的弟弟。 But one day, Greece suffered a huge attack from a wild boar. Princes gathered many warriors to kill the wild boar, during which, brave brother killed wild boar, but also was injured. To comfort the injured brother, Princess Rita secretly confided to him the truth. It turned out that the brother was not the son ofthe king and queen, but the son of princess and Zeus. Therefore, he had special ability of being eternal. that is to say, no one could hurt him. Later the brother promised to keep the secret, even from his beloved brother.
然而,不幸的是,勇士们因为争功而起了内乱,竟形成了两派,彼此看对方不顺眼。后来他们开始打了起来,场面一发不可收拾。两位王子立即赶去阻止,但是没有人肯先停手。就在混战之中,有人拿长矛刺向哥哥,弟弟为了保护哥哥,奋勇扑上,挡在哥哥的身前。结果,弟弟被杀死,哥哥痛不欲生。其实哥哥有永恒的生命又怎么会被杀死呢?只怪不知情的弟弟太爱他的哥哥了。 Unfortunately, the warriors divided into two groups and hated each other. Then they started to fight with each other, and the scene out of control. The brothers rushed to stop it; however, no one was willing to stop first. In the melee, someone took a spear stabbing his brother, his brother bravely rushed in, stood in front of his brother and was killed. the brother could not stop crying confronted with the death of his brother.
哥哥为此回到天上请求宙斯让弟弟起死回生。宙斯皱了皱眉头,说到:“唯一的办法是把你的生命力分一半给他,这样,他会活过来,而你也将成为一个凡人,随时都会死。”但是哥哥毫不忧郁的答应了。他说,弟弟可以为了哥哥死,哥哥为什么不能为了弟弟死呢?宙斯听了非常感动,以兄弟俩的名义创造了一个星座,命名为双子座。 The brother pleaded Zeus to rescue his younger brother, even willing to share his life with him and lose the gift of being a god. Zeus was so impressed with the brothers and created a constellation which was called Gemini in the name of the brothers.