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zxy1367 发表于 2011-2-24 04:36:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雅思哥 于 2011-2-23 23:01 编辑
1 \$ [, Q, ~  P- \: {, g' r$ h7 W' k$ R" O" ~( W/ p7 Q
& ]2 `" R+ s" U7 i- a% g7 [% P# V/ ]
0 p/ i' s: h# Z. c7 w* ?0 b4 P% z: O# z& K6 g4 G7 {
0 {, S6 U9 w- J9 T  ~2 |0 [# C6 a0 o/ |$ y0 b8 o7 j
5 K$ o' B: _2 e7 }9 k$ X, e: w" P; Q1 h* c& f6 }
一定能够学好英语!$ @7 A9 T( U3 a8 K' N: K7 m6 ^
/ ]+ y# t; r! l9 a# h
" |' x4 J: t' N5 w; A, P5 p7 N
, W5 W' u7 \1 S+ A, S  }
8 _7 Q7 r. O. J: D# c
  y9 Z* t2 M% X8 |2 Q7 Y) D: D8 J- W, j' o6 s
; `1 h. f  O7 T" K( ^7 Q8 d5 o' P* k% s3 f# d
; `" c5 I7 q% }* h& D( T: q4 N- ^  u  {* e( j& q/ B, ]
c、10页以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励!; A/ {# [" _0 r4 ~& Y$ ~  z
3 C9 q) Q) c0 v7 Z1 [
今日学习内容:( D. a2 s9 w# [5 P+ f( I8 \
* P5 x) q  |! S% C$ U
1.一心不能二用。( M4 u5 |' l9 `8 q  w
2.我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。8 M/ G0 F- E( s# a* V  D  T
3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。. Z/ J: @, P* Y3 R
4 p) s* l/ p- t9 T, N4 s0 @5.鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。" d: H' O$ H; |6 n5 G
6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)

6 I' |' {6 R  L3 B# Q/ F1 i7 D  R5 x  ?0 L3 w

: d" w6 e0 r4 e: M+ L: {, B6 r/ K参考答案就不搞啥回复可见了,考虑到很多同学手机不方面
$ f' C7 B/ [" G
6 d4 R) }* \- u  D  m& l但是为了防止同学们“偷看”答案,下面的答案会做白色字体处理
! ?) C2 j( Q0 ~) z; P3 P1 v3 L
, [9 c' Q* \$ O4 }% \只要Ctrl+A 全选之后就能看到答案咯~~~3 i3 A2 L; ]% o0 z1 a; `2 x; g( {0 m
9 }, `8 k4 v5 n5 V
$ X: A2 v* e8 y0 k  a( [5 ~
答案开始:. s& v2 @- U' @8 q0 t

" r/ v/ v2 X3 E4 j4 D5 o: J. A1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.
  F7 W  e) {- R1 E# Q3 C  t2.We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.
9 H  j$ b- M3 U" }: s3.This table is hand carved, Carlos had it imported from Italy. It cost him $23000.) a  J/ i0 \. v7 \' ?5 z- u
have something done让某人做某事,使某物出现某种状态,例如I had my hair done我做了头发(但不是我自己做的,而是让理发师做的)/ A9 F: c# d# {# |: o2 r; J' d" H
4.No, thanks. I have to drive.
# j  I2 p- C9 P. y8 n5.Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
8 s/ Z7 d# p8 B3 C+ c; p6.爱难以说出口

" \9 m; t6 F3 v, q9 z7 G% c
5 [5 h3 N) f3 y. H' q答案结束
" P1 N8 k4 t% e7 x! i+ j  l( w% \7 Z/ Y1 |
怎么样?翻译对了几个呢? ! {* n- J' ~( O+ B- ]
9 s& S# v7 ^% ^& }) N0 @
: C% W7 u9 Q* l! O
1 v, ]- [4 i+ U  w& ?2 |7 G
) I2 H$ h/ q% @: c( l1 {0 T
' T4 V5 h& N$ K

" P) O* f% j0 G2 h1 Y+ _6 T( c) H3 }- [0 r
  I- S; _2 s8 j+ a& k; S3 G9 P
+ R0 K, ^& G# w) c* ]4 x; J


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杨以木 该用户已被删除
杨以木 发表于 2011-2-24 09:45:49 | 只看该作者
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阿娇童鞋 发表于 2011-2-24 10:47:10 | 只看该作者
1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.
: K7 _+ V: C9 h7 _, C9 d2.We though that love is profound. As time goes by, we found it is skin-deep. The deepest and most precious love should go with time.- ^6 d, k& A; I  \' k& o5 W9 B& s% T! m
3.The table bought in Italy, on which carlos spent 23000, is hand carving.( M" H2 d, L3 f  Z. o% f
4. Thank you, but it's enough. I have to drive .' J! [, X9 }+ b7 c+ q% t) j& j
5. Rubby's brother bought her a  four wheel rubber bumper baby carriage - X7 {" |2 e/ q
6. 爱在心里口难开。6 N( L9 S. G3 n


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
zxy1367 + 20 还不错,但是第6句翻得有点变扭


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 楼主| zxy1367 发表于 2011-2-24 11:20:10 | 只看该作者
回复 杨以木 的帖子% d0 f; Y, D+ b* Q- g+ n5 d
1 {% J8 n1 x7 g6 z/ e! g- q( [4 h
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草鱼小花 发表于 2011-2-25 10:41:53 | 只看该作者
1.一心不能二用。5 a% A, f; q. W/ _
You can't concentrate on 2 different things at the same time.: d+ v* Y8 Y- N- J
7 Q+ n- R3 T  H" M6 H
2.我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。7 W. n9 V4 k+ S9 M% h  ^
The deepest love must grow up with time.
# w- w( M9 H: C! s# w  A
' @# c, E0 i( a$ [! T+ |# h$ R1 t3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。, u) P6 v' d" }
This table was carved by hand,  Carlos had it shipped from Italy, it took him $23000.) v3 {+ d2 ]4 Z+ y' u

* N/ e+ P! F9 Q. r$ A) T4.不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢.
3 t- t  K) h! G3 t, {/ {- ONo more, thanks. I have to drive after a while.5 k* L& E' m* M- y9 Z  J* M( _
" d% P1 x) p2 d  Y6 ]
; f' x9 U& h# t8 q: t' W% ZXXXX's brother bought her some XXXX of XXXX.
8 ^" v3 J5 C/ @6 D
( ^0 F9 l" K) ^' W6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)5 i" m8 u- u. O" W9 I' t


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
zxy1367 + 10 good job


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錒明 发表于 2011-3-26 20:23:23 | 只看该作者
1.A man can not spin and reel at the same time.
. R  ?3 Z. j* `4 H2 p2.We though that love is profound. As time goes by, we found it is skin-deep. The deepest and most precious love should go with time.
  d; `+ O7 z9 _+ J3.The table bought in Italy, on which carlos spent 23000, is hand carving.0 A7 T( [0 Y6 l9 S3 V
4. Thank you, but it's enough. I have to drive .
) W; A& \! E9 ?! B! u! N5. Rubby's brother bought her a  four wheel rubber bumper baby carriage 2 g8 Z/ c  F& c$ ?8 C$ S/ @6 P
6. 爱在心里口难开。
' [! ]7 ?/ ~* }; J2 F" e


参与人数 1金币 +20 收起 理由
zxy1367 + 20


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Yeh-Trista 发表于 2011-4-22 11:36:08 | 只看该作者
) ?$ P/ l0 W* D, G2 byou cannot do two different things at one time
/ \. B1 M% L; O6 \) Z2.我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。
8 q, B! f  K! G  gwe thought we love each other deeply, one day you will know that it was just shallow, the deepest and heaviest love must grow up with time
7 @) b2 a- B. a$ T3.这张桌子是手工雕刻的,Carlos让人从意大利带回来的,花了他$23000。
& s( N' Y! x$ M9 M' \* ^5 ]# Dthis table is hand made, carlos asked peole to bring here from italy, it spends him $23000# _. q5 M8 Z+ m* |( d+ S
4.不喝了,谢谢。一会儿我还得开车呢' U. t8 Q0 i: A$ k8 y9 W  \6 X
I  don't want to drink any more, thank you. I need to drive later# D/ k8 l# Q) Y* }9 O
5.鲁比勒比的哥哥买了一些四轮婴儿手推车的胶保险杠回来给她。/ d9 a. Q3 C* L% f# `
his brother bought some bumpers of . U' R% ?- Z/ q  [2 }
6.I love you more than I can say. (英译中)! N& G: Y, P( q
我爱你无法用言语表达2 ^6 `: X9 q  ^7 M

1 M0 o: h; D9 ~" \. P2 ^
) I1 B. i3 W7 ]+ f  N
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悦_and_悦 发表于 2011-9-14 11:14:40 | 只看该作者
No one can do different things at the same time.
$ j( Q3 l& ~& g1 G7 L% QWe thought we were in deep love, but in the future you will know the love was just shallow. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with years.
6 N' I; x) P4 t+ w- q4 r! z( QThis table is sculptured by hands, which is sent back from Italy and cost Carlos $23000.
; J+ B2 ~8 s1 b) k- G1 h9 jNo drinks, thanks. I have to drive soon.
% J+ |8 X$ c: _2 MLubby Lurby's elder brother has brought some plastic bumpers of baby carts for her.# G/ x; r0 \" M* E


参与人数 1金币 +18 收起 理由
zxy1367 + 18 呵呵


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于点 发表于 2012-4-12 09:30:58 | 只看该作者
1. One can not run after two horses at the same time.
6 G* G. G1 k4 u$ C( R5 D2. We think we love deeply, time will let you know that it is only very light. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.$ f7 c$ w+ o* ?% b4 D
3. The table uses hand carving. Carlos let people brought back it from Italy, which cost his 23000.
" O5 x, F- h* h' F8 \4. I cannot drink, thanks. I will drive later.
$ L! G, \) \3 J- H$ d5. Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
, N9 e% c+ c9 q' d% b, A- N    千言万语也无法表达我对你的爱。
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DDDDDDing 发表于 2016-8-27 09:28:41 | 只看该作者
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