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IELTS哥 发表于 2011-7-12 08:29:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
7 l7 A7 z+ k- }1 J6 W2 g; K9 f1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。: H9 h% n/ E" H3 m3 _% _

' l9 r5 G! }! O: k! m2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。5 [  N( E4 z. c% g

% s/ I4 n8 C! h% w- E3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.+ Q, g5 ?* K$ p- j' m
8 E* l1 ?: W% S; N9 {7 C9 A
' Y2 I- F" u' T& P& P4 |
; w' x- f+ f4 x5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
+ J% c: a/ O" i. T
4 ~$ a) i, B6 l1 _+ ?8 N; u6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)6 x" g9 V7 \" q8 W, n' X* M

* n6 r/ r$ Y! D3 F3 g
每日英语的金币奖励规则:* b$ W7 u; ?* ]: l! {
5 c" y. Z9 d9 p5 b( U
8 x) `+ O; S% f3 j
# }. |3 c) d7 q2 v5 |
+ {" E7 M9 l0 z0 f# n" nc、第二天发布新的一期之后,以后的回帖,由版主抽查奖励

  G# I& ~5 o6 K+ ^. @, ]
$ b& t" E% G: d& E; l" @9 M/ m" C+ L: M% g9 p# C3 _' {5 Q* b
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~5 W+ j0 k8 b  w8 A3 r
% p- K" }$ l3 D4 N. O. E6 _3 F
+ s* Y- y# q8 R& g
) X* Y& y% ]* J  X& j0 C7 F
: H( G- F6 A% o' s2 e9 y) H1 G' U3 e

+ h* E2 o4 J4 h9 @: T
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kphjc 发表于 2011-7-12 08:38:01 | 只看该作者
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企天达盛Hill 发表于 2011-7-12 09:09:03 | 只看该作者
1.问题虽多,但归纳起来主要有两点。% m8 a5 f8 _5 \, b5 P
although many a number of problems are concerned here,  it can be concluded as the following two.# ^) O/ [* y1 a; d; T# d
2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。  r( A' S9 X& e- z. y# a
i want out tonight and drunk myself.
/ N9 C7 e7 o* p
* V( `- L' C# Z 3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.9 T( K% W/ P1 ]8 C7 d. N. L' V
Jiuzhaigou senery district is situated in the mountains of Namping xian, northern Sichuan province. - k( n: Z% e8 T3 v2 ^, Z
4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。0 w: s3 I- i! ~$ J: l. B7 f7 \6 W
After the xinhai revolution, puyi the last emperor resigned from his throne, signifying the decease of the last feudal  dynasty and all those before it.1 H" ^- E: d: V' D- s- |0 J  p
! J, w$ y- J; k5 x- [& G- V: e
5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。* T; k  F. g8 w, l9 w
How to diminish the current Sino-Japan trade unbalance  is a major concern of each communities of the two nations.
& `. F& r6 y8 N% c
3 J* V$ B7 r+ n# f( M 6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
3 c) y+ q7 r" x' T, Z' H强将手下无弱兵
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ry31 发表于 2011-7-12 09:19:18 | 只看该作者
1. All the problems can be summarized into two major points.
! a' M2 b9 Q; N+ x   Although the questions are so much,it can be conclude into two points.
3 I: j5 R4 a, A2. I would like go out and have a drunk.
0 u7 W" v$ Q$ D$ k0 i/ H: @3. Jiuzhaigou scenic located in the mountains of Nanping county,in the north of Sichuan province.
  K  ~! r+ t7 m( ~) k  e; O4. After Xinhai revolution, the last emperor Puyi decided to give up the throne, marked the end of thousands of years feudal dynasty of China.
- R- y$ \1 m" K1 i; R/ c5 M5. How to remove the unbalance in nowdays Chinese-Japanese trade, is the question what China-Japan the from all walks of life to care for.
' c. P; c2 M; Z6 G. @, d5 W. Y  P6. 强将手下无弱兵.
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CatholiVee 发表于 2011-7-12 09:38:42 | 只看该作者
: S8 o& V- K/ ]2 c. I! nThough there are so many problems,in a word it's sum of two points.
# \5 B' |, v) Y+ ~5 Y. J& S+ [+ X2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。
9 I$ q+ u& [& A+ P2 d+ ~I want to go out tonight for drunk .( d1 G8 P9 H6 ^! Y
/ `7 m  R5 Z2 t/ s) c3 S$ o6 DJiuZhaigou scenery area located in north of SiChuang,among mountains in NanPing county.7 C! z( H2 t7 }! }
4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。1 o! f, f7 c0 ~+ s$ P. r, P# L% S
After XinHai revolution,the last emperor FuYi decided abdication that sighed the over of Chinese thousand feudalism dynasty.
: s: O0 d" z  P! M( y5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。. [& t9 F( k6 w$ s0 t0 ~
How to eliminate the trade unfair between China and Japan is a big affair that everyone concerns on.1 B, X' Z9 s9 z% L, ]5 r
6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
% X' ?# k* D3 K6 H1 _  C好的將軍手下沒有弱得士兵。
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关Gigi 发表于 2011-7-12 09:44:47 | 只看该作者
回复 雅思哥 的帖子. ^! r; r- E% X3 c% v8 f

% Z8 W# N: f0 C7 X4 g! k# l今日翻译:! l0 ?! j7 y/ i0 S: w" ~# r
7 h; k3 ?% l% m5 R+ P6 m- }Though there are many questions, we can summarize them into two main points
6 u8 _* p' X; Z, }2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。" G; X- o. K+ ?3 _1 \4 x
I wanna hang out tonight to get a deep drunk+ w  n4 j% l6 t: x. y. I
5 V2 l& ]3 e3 x( U# c* TJiuzhaigou Park is located in the forest of Nanping town,which is in the north part of Sichuan province
) n8 {9 @' |4 R; y4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。5 r& W' r3 {' x  F
The last king Puyi decided to give up his empire after the Xinhai revolution, which was a sign of the end of China‘s thousands-year Fengjian Times
$ [  t$ K) o8 `( z6 p( x5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
# Z4 A. G+ }4 ^4 D0 E, d2 QIt ’s an mutual issue for China and Japan,to find out how to shortly eliminate the imbalance of current trade
0 e4 ]% p# s: [, D3 i0 u7 |8 {& a6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)% `. h8 C) R2 z# k  B3 H
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ihziuhoay 该用户已被删除
ihziuhoay 发表于 2011-7-12 09:50:15 | 只看该作者
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他叫本杰明 发表于 2011-7-12 09:57:30 | 只看该作者
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Qi菓菓 发表于 2011-7-12 10:06:11 | 只看该作者
) P' r7 J; r  S& S, h* Y: Ualthough problems are too many, they can be concluded into two points
' ]/ N) R1 }9 W- i+ C4 e2.今天晚上我想出去,来个一醉方休。
( y  Z  Z8 {5 |. o8 B+ zi want to go out tonight and get drunk9 d$ ]7 ]- q8 j. [2 y+ T
3.九寨沟风景区位于四川省北部南坪县的万山丛中.( f6 u: x. y% j& g
Jiuzhaigou scenery site is located in the mountains in Nanping on north part of Sichuan province
8 C  j8 e6 n5 R) ~4.辛亥革命后,末代皇帝溥仪决定退位,标志着中国几千年封建王朝的结束。9 x# N+ s3 ~1 O7 `; I) m2 [. i

4 E, W: Q4 a' k* q5.如何尽快消除日中之间现存的贸易不平衡状态,是日中各界共同关心的大事。
3 q3 t# d, Z# @  }! N$ q! Khow to address the imbalance in trade between China and Japanese is the common concern of each side
, h% `2 m9 V. b& z. P' l6.There are no poor soldiers under a good general. (英译汉)
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WiNkYMo 发表于 2011-7-12 10:15:58 | 只看该作者
雅思哥终于回来了~ 热烈欢迎!! C. |' W, B( D, y
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