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IELTS哥 发表于 2012-3-5 09:40:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
% ]# b# Q/ p9 [8 G0 R5 s/ L
! J3 }% R- f1 @- c1.电视节目通常要迎合各种品味
' Y+ g6 p) M- _& y0 B7 W5 I/ j! u8 d  M
2.经过多次谈判,那个俘虏(captive)终于释放了$ n: m) i# q# O: d7 b1 F
! W5 y& |3 k5 W- E9 M& i5 E
& t: z6 Q) }4 y! J* U5 L
9 N' g4 o7 \9 ?, \" T9 j. i4.新建工厂会给当地环境带来负面影响
- y, y* G% s- z/ {1 g, B  W% X5 J" }; H  ^) M; f
5.你的表演是整个演出中最精彩(highlight)的部分8 }4 a/ X& S  Q, O& @+ b

# K0 t$ c5 b5 \' R
/ T$ b, x" G( {  K每日英语的金币奖励规则:
* J+ e0 ~8 C4 F$ h
, J$ ]4 Y- O: g+ T8 h0 U' X1 j6 D# k6 @
b、普通的回复评分奖励在50个以内,发表情、数字或者hello,你好等打招呼的回复,不奖励金币!- ?8 j; I* p& Z4 t
+ V% h* o4 b3 z1 i) k3 x3 \( b
; u! f, U) b6 F3 j6 @" P, R
d、金币可以做什么?可以下载本站一些优质的资源 and so on.., K0 [# Y, d. A9 X5 j: G& R
" r, J; r( M- t  q+ N2 O( }# j- G" E

3 K( Q/ K2 g; B$ F! `
( a: a" O1 N2 P1 o" H& Q" F( k0 p/ G: D0 H4 V
- o, W6 n/ B9 H/ {# S( @! q: g- n5 [5 Q) u$ r
听哥的,雅思写作水平会提高0.5到1分的!!!只要坚持做每日翻译哦~~~* F  w$ g! i+ G, V
: K  K. i$ `0 s9 a+ N
. r' o+ w8 x  s" j- b, j$ z
1 s# b% {* T7 k5 j, l
) X. y) m: z4 I# Q

. n+ N7 {* g7 y9 J4 ^- b+ R$ K
8 f: \$ ~, H/ o5 m/ V" H/ t# U9 q( R5 |0 g1 [; e4 t
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wyym 发表于 2012-3-5 09:44:46 | 只看该作者
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べ铃销メ花 发表于 2012-3-5 09:47:35 | 只看该作者
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lkaya 发表于 2012-3-5 09:48:40 | 只看该作者
1.TV shows usually need to cater to any kinds of taste.
( I0 |8 o' z! {% x9 L" p  c4 v; b3 c0 R- [4 M/ j
2.The captive finally released after thousand times negotiations.* J$ x; q: l2 q9 f, c
6 \# Y3 M3 \: c6 E2 N7 w$ F* f
3.He has the ability to solve practical problems.
6 g9 P( A' p4 V# f- o2 u9 c* q: I3 Y- U7 y/ s* w7 A
4.Negative effects would be taken to local environment from the new factory
4 m3 U3 E# T  V; U( ^  \
; v' f# R& M* b; L; N$ l2 P* H5.Your performance is the highlight of the whole show.  


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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怡___川 发表于 2012-3-5 09:51:11 | 只看该作者
1.电视节目通常要迎合各种品味1 s% U/ W" H  h. ]/ B
The Tv programme often have to cater different demands.
* s2 D" }3 M9 }) @) X2.经过多次谈判,那个俘虏(captive)终于释放了: d& t' H0 q9 F  T" Q
With negotiating many times,the captive was setted free finally.
  v4 s7 v2 ?* o% e' V2 k3.他具有解决实际问题的能力+ M3 s( O- R) h8 h" Q- ~2 p1 R$ ^' @
He does have the capacibility to solve practical problems.  L0 e* D# c) k/ R7 l5 a# a% Q8 ?
; n  c! l3 i( a$ B. M& OThe new industry would bring negative influcence to local environment.
$ }% N; n& w2 U+ V; J- C; \5.你的表演是整个演出中最精彩(highlight)的部分
9 _; l2 w( Z4 f; G: I" YYour show is the highlight part of all performance.


参与人数 1金币 +9 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 9


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樗里子嬴疾 发表于 2012-3-5 09:54:44 | 只看该作者
1.TV programs always have to appeal all kinds of audience.5 S; _7 E6 |; D2 U
2.The captive was eventually  released after mutiple negotiation.9 C. u+ l& N1 n0 l9 c7 s
3.He has the ability of solving real problems.
: h* q8 L% z7 ~9 b- i4.The new -found factory would bring negative effects on local environment.
1 w7 }# @2 H( {) y( t: _# k5.Your performance was the most highlight part of the whole show.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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seaknight 发表于 2012-3-5 10:05:11 | 只看该作者
1.电视节目通常要迎合各种品味0 N% u) a' j* f2 D
TV programs always have to cater for various tastes.
8 n$ m3 Q  ~, Y: G2 I2 l; w
. v, d: ?) M, S: o# K) L4 T2.经过多次谈判,那个俘虏(captive)终于释放了
. W6 K* y! B) U: c* W2 a9 nThe captive ultimately get released after several negotiations.! s- y; @2 g: C' a+ P0 `- X

" V" m( g/ I8 s3 c9 K0 K3.他具有解决实际问题的能力
0 u( `+ H6 H) ?- Y  A7 V0 lHe possesses the problem-solving ability.5 @9 e: E, m8 L6 p
4 X3 j. b% E. a, G4 R& q
4.新建工厂会给当地环境带来负面影响* X) e( y% O; G0 W" n  R
Setting up a new factory will exert negative influence upon the environment.1 H' f$ s' X. W  b6 i! K4 r% Y8 h& b
# A. o- F, o% }2 r
8 \8 Y+ ~3 ]2 M' N( K" KYour acting is the highlight in the entire performance.2 A1 S1 N5 T- m


参与人数 1金币 +9 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 9


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麦爱牛伽 发表于 2012-3-5 10:09:53 | 只看该作者
1.The TV programs usually have to fit all kinds of audience+ P0 L4 I) b0 T$ f
2.The captive was finally set free after many times negotiations.( J8 K/ g. M' t& S
3.He has the capability to solve practical problems.
9 _- W4 C) S+ k, l  t4.The new factory will bring negative effects on local environment.! E+ [  l6 W! V7 b! m' ?
5.Your show was the highlight part of all performance.


参与人数 1金币 +8 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 8


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范范儿快乐 发表于 2012-3-5 10:11:38 | 只看该作者
1.电视节目通常要迎合各种品味6 \; ^. |8 [* U; A
programmars in TV should meet all kinds of tastes.
/ M% x# R- e7 L+ p- e% q7 b2.经过多次谈判,那个俘虏(captive)终于释放了6 H/ ^6 U. a2 y# ]3 b2 m
  through many negotiations, the captive was released.
. n- X1 X! n& v' [; Q7 M3.他具有解决实际问题的能力
0 c8 I. g  I! o4 W he has the capability of solving the practical issues.
; o: m( g9 ]/ R$ `4.新建工厂会给当地环境带来负面影响
- i. j# ^7 j, Qthe newly built factories have negative influence on local environment.9 O& T/ A, H) \- q
5.你的表演是整个演出中最精彩(highlight)的部分  K1 S! [5 A$ x) C, Q4 k
your performance highlighted  the show.


参与人数 1金币 +7 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 7


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debbiede 发表于 2012-3-5 10:11:40 | 只看该作者
1.TV programs tend to play up to different tastes.
' j' R9 D+ j# e- U2.After repeated negotiations,that captive was finally set free.
' w: `4 w4 l. k3 ~& V/ j7 x/ [3.He is able to solve the practical problems.
! `# n; E! m, b% w9 O- n4.The new factory will give rsie to negative impacts on the local environment.
7 E9 j4 r+ K: [5.The highlight of the whole show was your performace.


参与人数 1金币 +10 收起 理由
葱的913玉米 + 10


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