@孔静幽默_LA:首师大CNU口语room6,很nice的亚洲面孔,很亲切。问了点周末娱乐活动什么的,然后要描述一个公园,最后问了不少关于城市里公园的问题。攒RP啊~~~GOOD LUCK!!!
1、 人物类卡片话题 (8)
1) 一个小孩: a teenager
2) 一个有趣的老人:An interesting oldperson....
3) 一个想交谈的人:An person you would talk to
4)一个你感兴趣的名人: famous person in yourcountry that you are interested in
5)一对幸福的夫妻:a happy couple of happymarriage
6) 一个最快乐的人:a happiest person
7)一个邻居:a neighbor
8) 一个音乐人或乐队: a singer or a musical group popular in yourcountry
2、 地点类卡片话题(7)
1) 一个你可以放松的自然美景:a natural beauty you want to visit in the future
2) 一个中国的重要城市: an important city in your country
3)一个你去过的靠水的地方: a place nearwater(river, lake, sea) you have travelled to
4)一个你去过的城市: a city or town you travelled to
5) 一个花园:a garden
6) 一个漂亮的房子:a beautiful house or apartmentyou 've visited
7) 一条你喜欢的街道:favorite street or road in your city or town
3、 事件类卡片话题 (9)
1) 一件困难但你做好的事:a difficult thing you did well
2) 一个你需要礼貌的场合:a situation you should bepolite.
3) 一次儿童时的旅行:A journey you had whenyou were a child
4) 一个童年趣事:a happy event in yourchildhood
5) 一个开心的团队活动:an enjoyable activityyou did with a group
6) 一次你遇见野生动物的经历:an occasion when you metwild animals
7) 一次不满意的购物:a product you bought butdissatisfied
8) 一个历史事件:a historical event inyour culture
9) 一次你喜欢的培训:a training session youenjoyed
4、 实物类卡片话题 (12)
1) 一件你特殊场合穿的衣服或饰品:A clothe or jewelry you wear on aspecial occasion
2)一张老照片:an old photo
3)一个电子产品:an electronic product
4)一个你要买的交通工具: a vehicle youwould buy
5) 一个你最喜欢的沟通方式:your favorite way ofcommunication(mobile phone, email, letter )
6) 一个你有钱想买的东西:something you want to buy if you haveenough money
7) 一本你读过的书: a book you read
8)一种你最喜欢的颜色:your favorite color
9) 一餐最喜欢的饭:a meal (lunch or supper)
10) 一天中最好的时光:best period of the day
11) 一个最近送出的礼物:a gift you sent to others recently
12) 一个你网上买的东西:a product you bought online
5、 虚物类卡片话题(16)
1)一种你们国家流行的健身方式: a psychical exercise that is popular in your country/city
2) 一个与人合作的项目 a project youcooperated with others
3) 一个有教育意义的电视节目: an educational tv program
4)一个理想的工作:ideal job// a job you would like to have
5) 一种你最喜欢的天气:your favorite weather
6) 一件你见过的艺术品:describe a work of art (painting orsculpture),
7)一个让你笑的事情:something that made you laugh
8)一个错误的决定: a wrongdecision you made
9)一个你喜欢的体育赛事:Sportsevent you enjoy watching//sports event you want to but haven’t watched
10) 一首对你有意义的歌:a songmeaningful to you
11) 一部有关真人真事的电影:a film about realpeople or events
12) 一堂你喜欢的科学课:a science lessonyou liked in your high school
13) 一种放松的方式: a way to relax
14)一个将来的计划(非学习工作) a plan inthe future(not for study or work)
15) 一个在河边经常做的活动:an activitynear the river or lake
16) 一个最喜欢的课程:your favoritesubject